Victor looked on it and created gas ice and gas darkness and fused them together and fastly turned them solid. Result was that darkness was leaking from ice, but small dark ball was inside ´´This is how it should look´´he said, not happy
Victor opened his hands and formed ice between them and tried to get darkness into it, but it was constantly breaking apart ´´I can do it is gas form, then why can´t i do it in solid form?´´
About those personal data, put there anything you want and you are done
Victor noticed his reaction ´´So i am right. You love her´´he said to him and smiled and saluted to him ´´Niiiice´´
´´That is excelent idea´´Legato said ´´But we don´t have enough members´´
´´That isn´t our peoblem, but Xemnas´s. Now, how to resurect those guys?´´Legato asked ´´I have many spells, but i don´t have this one´´ brb, need to go to market
´´That won´t be a problem, becouse Sora looks exactly like Roxas. We just need to get rid of Roxas and replace him. 13th member dead´´Legato said
´´Sorry to ruin this romantic moment, but secret hour starts in 5 minutes. So you kiss each other, for good luck, or whatever´´Victor said and he held dark ice ball in his hand and threw it into air
´´Okay, i want to see that´´Legato said half interested in her and half into what she was going to do
´´Well, midnight is only 3 hours away, so what are you planning?´´Victor asked calmly and a bit bored
´´Well, i said that you went home, becouse you didn´t felt good. And for him, he should but a top of napkins. He is ill´´Victor said ´´So you don´t have to come for next week´´
´´That is true´´Legato said and sat more comfy on ground
´´Do you think she is plotting something now? She souned weird. Maybe i am paranoid´´Legato said to Saya
´´What is wrong with her?´´Legato asked himself ´´Okay, we won´t tell you what we will do´´
´´You are involved by dragging Roxas here´´Legato said ´´Nevermind´´
´´Then we are set´´Legato said ´´And now what will we do with Roxas after we end this?´´
´´Nah, as long as i am here, it won´t melt for next 5 years. That is my maximum power´´Legato said ´´I just hope that flame won´t fade´´
Legato froze Roxas´s mouth ´´Anything for your needs´´he said and looked on fire ring around him ´´You are in nice position´´he said and looked on Saya ´´What will we do next 5 hours?´´
Legato froze Roxas´s legs ´´Well, nothing hits me now´´Legato said and jumped to Roxas and sat several metres away from him ´´You have exactly 5 hours to complete mission´´he shouted to Naminé
´´You have exactly five seconds to shut up´´Legato shouted on him ´´So, go to work, and don´t betray me´´he said to Naminé