´´I like this blood. Warm and fresh. Not like blood from hospital´´Vincent said ´´Lets go´´
´´As far as i know, you can feel power´´Vincent said ´´Where is some?´´
twins met Vincent ´´Exactly´´Vincent said ´´You will get power and i blood. And everybody will be happy´´he added and aimed his hand on them, waiting for shake
´´Well, at least we share something. You need power and i need blood. lets find somebody who has both´´Vincent said and smiled evily
ooc - it will take me longer to remember them ´´So you can see me´´Vincent said ´´You really are demons. Human eye can´t see me in night. What are you up to?´´he asked with whisper
Vincent saw girls from before (sorry, forgot names :( ) °°Well, i can see what they are up to and maybe catch something fresh°°he thought and jumped on tree branch
Victor was following them, half in shadow and half in night, only his red eyes were shown in night °°Where are they, there is blood°°he thought sorry for jumping, but i couldn´t post earlier, so i am trying to catch on
Vincent smiled ´´You don´t know me? Almost everybody knows me. Vincent ´The Vampire´. Only blood is after me´´he said and blood was on his teeth, so he licked it
´´Who are you and what do you want here´´Vincent asked CJ and Rikka ´´If you love blood, you can stay. If not, you are prey´´
Vincent was in abandomed house, looking on clocks ´´It will be soon. I can feel it´´he said and smiled evily
Hey, i don´t know what to post, and i am quite bored of RPs. If here is similar thread then you can lock it The question is: You have one wish. What would it be? There is a catch. There can only be one of a kind. My wish: I would love to live in Greece. and if you want, you can post little....explanation why do you want it I want this becouse one of my best friends (cough gf cough) lives there So go on, feel free
i am online
´´Why am i here with these people?´´Vincent said to himself and stretched his body ´´Who is making breakfast?´´he asked
here is my work
Victor looked on Megan ´´Here we go again´´he said and sat on chair nearby ´´As every morning, this is my alarm clock´´he said to himself
Name- Vincent Age- 18 Gender- Male Power(s)- Darkness Weapon?- Black scythe with silver lining Species- Demon History- he lives to feed on humans, it is his purpose Appearance- Other- he loves to see his victims scream for help
Victor took some pills for better regeneration and felt on bed asleep. He had no-dream night
´´Well, if you have nothing to say, i will be going´´Victor said and walked into shadow ´´Damn, this works only in our hour´´he cursed and walked normally to his house
´´I told you twice what you should do. Go on date like normal people in daytime´´Victor said ´´And i have my plan. Studying for tommorows test´´Victor said and saluted to her
´´So it means you two had a date. Only you two, on top of building, watching stars. Nothing else comes from that. Well, time to go. And we have to wait 24 hours for another hour for us´´Victor said