´´Yeah, well, i hope you had fun, becouse i wasn´t going to kill you, just to make sure you won´t get into way´´Vincent said ´´Well, time to leave´´he said and summoned many dark needles and sent them to Denithan
´´Well, i lost many powers dirung to massive blood lose, so i can´t do very much. Only thing i can do to you is destroy your life´´Vincent said and beast who was inside (the one he kidnapped from Hybrid) created extra shadow to Denithan ´´Well, now i am empty
´´Stop the drama and look closer. Somehow, your friend lost shape´´Victor said ´´I hate high frequency voices´´he said
Victor threw ball right next to her head and hit some humanoid ´´Well, if i scared you, i am sorry´´he said
´´Somehow, i think that black ring around your neck isn´t your´´Vincent said and tried to get rid of chain
´´It seems you never fought with a vampire´´Vincent said and blocked his attack ´´I can see every attack of your, every single move before you make it´´he said and flash-stepped behind him and attacked him
´´I warned you´´Vincent said and summoned dark sword in his hand and stood in attack position ´´You can´t kill me´´he said
Vincent jumped behind Denithan ´´Hey kid, don´t mess with forces you don´t understand´´
´´Well, there are several reasons. She haven´t showed her power, she has very tasty blood, i think and she is first person i found´´Vincent said and stepped into shadow
´´I heard you like power. I can see some down under us´´Vincent said pointing on Ren ´´Deal is deal´´he added
´´Finally you calmed down´´Vincent said and jumped from one pole to another and noticed Ren ´´I should call rest of team´´he said to himself ´´But how? I don´t have bond with them. Maybe saying their names is good idea for now. Cj, Rikka´´he said, and he was waiting for reply
lol, hi to you too, long time no see ´´My name is Victor´´Victor said and ice ball dissapeared and he aimed on her with his hand, waiting for shake ´´Don´t worry, i won´t hurt you´´
´´No, i won´t free you´´Vincent said and supressed beast inside and he was wiping blood from his mouth ´´That wasn´t tasty´´
´´I never noticed you´´Victor said. He was standing behind Rori with ice and dark balls in his hands ´´Who are you?´´
´´Imb****s never change´´Vincent cursed and dissapeared in shadow ´´I won´t let you go, so don´t even try it´´he ordered creature inside of him
Victor smiled °°Well, it is secret hour, but i don´t think they will notice me now°°he thought, still sitting on tree branch. He created dark ball and threw it from one hand to another
´´I hope i will never again use this spell´´Vincent said and bit his own hand and black blood came out ´´Darkness to darkness, light to light´´he said and after several seconds creature was sucked into his wound ´´I am finished for this night´´he said exhausted ´´Don´t thank me´´
´´Okay, hero, protect her. She will fall unconscious in matter of minutes and after several more she will die, so take care of her´´Vincent said and attacked creature with full power
´´Well, i see this creature for first time. If you apologize me, i can take it down´´Vincent said and created dark blade in his hand °°Why am i doing this?°°he thought
´´If i ask for a reason, would you give me answer?´´Vincent asked and noticed extra shadow ´´I thought i know everything what is dark, but this is something new. I never saw it´´he said with small fear in his voice ´´It looks familiar to me, but i can´t tell what it is´´he said ´´I am not here to fight you, for now´´he added and examined shadow ´´It is evil. I am not scared, but i don´t want to mess with it much´´he said and slowly walked to it to have closer look