That's interesting. ^-^ I like the website's design *is looking around on it* I haven't been to church in awhile though. D=
yep. =3 I'm Baptist Christian. =3
I don't think so. O.o Is it good? =D
I should be able too. =3 I just need to download a bunch of stuff again. D= it's been about a month since I made any video...until today. XD
wow O.o that's a long time. O.o I keep on getting ideas for videos, but I can't do them yet cuz when I did my PC Recovery, everything was erased. DX
lolz, neither have I. XD The last one I completed was Kingdom Hearts to the song Hey Mickey from Bring it On. XD that was 6 months ago...apparently. XD
okay. ^-^ I'll watch them soon. =D I hope you do good in the contest. =3 *searches for song on youtube* It sounds nice. =D
I'm sure you'll do great. ^-^ yep. ^-^ I'm planning on making one with the song I Don't Want To Miss a Thing by Aerosmith. =3
oh wow, that sounds interesting. ^-^ how are you today, Aerith? O.o pretty good. =3 I'm just redownloading a bunch of kingdom hearts clips. =3
Hi PB, how are you? O.o
Hi guys. ^-^ What are you all talking about? O.o
I kinda forced Fruits Basket on my friend. XD I'm talking to her right now on Instant Messenger. XD coincidence, no?
I think that's one of the books my friend keeps recommending me to read. O.O She's also one of the reasons I got into twilight...But it all evens out, I got her into anime. XD
ah, okay lolz XD It was cool. XD My dad was all like "Another werewolf movie" when he saw it. XD I said to him "They're not werewolves, they're vampires!" DX lolz XD
They have it up on youtube, I can send it to you. =3
lolz XD I forgot what we talked about. DX probably just random stuff lolz XD like normal. =3 I saw the trailer for twilight in the trailers today while I was at the movie theater. =3
I talked to lookaheartless a few weeks ago, she's doing good. I've also talked to Rainbow Stoner, Tootsie, and k-glory (just sent him a pm today cuz I read a bulletin he posted on youtube about how he hates quizzes on the bulletins...and me being one of the people that posts those, I apologized) I have yet to contact Dawn and MewIchigo though. D=
oh yeah lolz XD Riku was my squishie. X3
lolz, I sometimes look at the old Kadaj family thread. XD Good times, good times. =3 Hiding from Muskrats, flamethrowers ( 8D ), parties...
I think I have, but I don't remember it that well. D=