thank you. X3
it's on my other account on youtube. =D here's the link
Hi!!! and okay. =3 oh, would you like me to send you a video of me singing? O.o
Not the whole book...I think...O.o I stopped her though. I was all like "you put any more down, I spoil Vampire Knight for you. T.T" *iming each other* she was reading off this page on a forum...I think... thank you. =3
yeah, my friend told me a bunch of weird stuff. O.o
*get glomped* x_x and no, I haven't finished Eclipse yet. D= I heard Breaking Dawn was bad though. D=
Hi guys! 8D
okay. =3 it's only 10 pm here. XD
lolz XD there was? O.O That's interesting. XD
my family and I don't think that Two Face is dead. XD
I've never bought from blockbuster before. DX I just rent from there. =3
I'm gonna say Heath Ledger =3
I know, and that sucks. DX I think I know a place where I can get one for free though. =3
I'm stuck with WMM when I do anime music videos cuz Adobe doesn't take the codecs the animes have. >.> ...I really should download a converter. XD
Thank you. ^-^ and I used Adobe Premiere Elements 4 =3 then I imported it into windows movie maker to do the credits
I know it's not that good, but please tell me what you think of it. =3 Sora Doesn't Want to Miss a Thing
yay! lolz XD oh, wanna see my new Amv?
I think I remember her. XD my friend got me hooked on it. XD She was saying how awesome it is and talking about her favorite character on it and saying how I should read it, so one night I was all like "I'm going to read it!" and I've been hooked ever since. XD I'm now on chapter 111 and there's like 169 so far (and an anime)...I think... *looks* nope, 167. XD I think you will like it though. =3
doing a few things on gaia and trying to decide on which D.Grayman image I should put as my youtube's hard. DX (and about to read D.Grayman lolz XD)
Sometimes I get little curls in my hair, but that's probably cuz I play with my hair a lot. XD So, I like curly hair. =3 it was the most recent one I've seen. XD so, what are you doing right now? O.o