Then we can have new mems over and we can talk about thinss and people that they have never heard of. It will be great.
Wow, your stuff is pretty good man. And the way your guitar sounds gives me a freaking Silent Hill 1 feel, and it´s awesome! Pretty good...
Ima check it out, brawww But laters cause I cant lsiten to music atm promise
There is already a place for that called the Premium Section tho. Thats where its gotta stay. I need my drama damn it.
Defnitely It has lasted me all these years....and it doesn´t even feel like it has been 3 years lol. Also, the nibs lasted for a long time, and I just received like 4 nibs with my Wacom. I am now on my last nib and need to buy a new one soon lol ;-;. Send them sketches damn et pls.
Wait, you´re 23 years old. You are not old, liar.
What in the ****, dude. I ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU WERE OLDER. LIKE...18. But whoa you teach martial arts. It better be good martial arts. But us crowding around for popularity points is what ran this site. Now look at it. No popularity = no activity We need popularity fights again. We need to create our own groups. We are Diamond Dogs. You won´t become an adult until you have finally felt that "hey....I think Im an adult." Like, you may be about to start living alone and you may be in college or w/e, but that doesn´t technically mean you are in the "adult" stage. But what the hell am I talking about, don´t listen to me bb. Wait, you actually lived in Germany for 3 ducking years? Did you learn German? Was the gurl not worth it?
I drew these with a Wacom Bamboo I got like 3 years ago, and the program is Manga Studio. Sketches or no, as long as they are drawings, you should show them to meeeeee
>not remembering the rice king
I too miss the olden days when this site had more traffic. And I also miss the drama. The drama fueled this site smh....KHV We know drama. But you know who is still twelve? ... Me neither. I know that feel tbh. Im 22 atm, but man. The teachers back in highschool weren't kidding when they said life goes by fast. Good luck, bro. Im still not living alone, sadly... How's that workin for ya? You'll always be popular to me, bb. Especially now that you finally got your driver's license It sounds like things are going good over there, yo. As for me, I have a good job, I guess... Office stuff. But **** THAT ****, I WANNA WORK AT NICKELODEON OR SOMETHING.
Aw **** fam, thx. I would not have thought of putting on the Gurren Lagann shades. thx bro Wait holy shiz you draw? Well send me some of them works, yo. Im a ****ing art nerd man, pls show. And you are right about the girl that looks dead. But tbh my imagination sux, so I just draw what the image gives me. And it's a thorn crown, sorry for not putting a lot of detail on it lol. That was the last thing I painted and I wing'd it.
Man why is Shake-ira such a cutie?
mfw I had that as my Steam username years ago and my mum got on my laptop while my Steam account profile was open and she looked at me and said Emosexual
Spoiler I hate how her eyes turned out I need to delete them or hide them with sunglasses. Spoiler She looks dead idk. Spoiler Boobies I guess. Though not really. It was sorta quick and done at night. Spoiler Was working on this, but Im never gonna finish it cause I´d rather work on other stuff.
too old
hey whats going on in this threa-