Sexy Goofy!!! Serious Pluto.
We were saying, if they EXISTED, I would prefer to get killed by Xemnas, instead of getting beat up by Marluxia..
Yeah, but I would prefer to get killed by Mansex, than getting beat up by Flower Power...
Meh... He's strong, but he would look much more cooler if he dropped the Flower Power style..
The vid is not mine. I just thought that was a cool code and the battle was nice, so I decided to post it here.
Well, good luck!! Hope everything goes ok, and that you return soon and well!!
1- Xaldin 2- Xemnas 3- Marluxia(although, he is a Flower Power, he can easily kick your @$$!!)
Hey, welcome to!! Read the rules, pots lots and have fun!!
Xemnas. He would own Xehanorth's Heartless. ( a.k.a Ansem) He controls the Organization, and he's much stronger and persistent than Ansem.
:poke: Yup it's dead alright... let me try something different..:guns3: Sorry, no answer..
AWSOMENESS!! It looks really cool for a fan manga!! but your right the window and hads are a bit weak, but other than that it looks really nice!!!
If I knew the code, I would post it so that you guys could use it... I'l ask the guy who made it if he can give it to me..
Hmm... His fingers look a little bit like claws, but other than that, is really nice! Good job!!
A building, or a rock, so that I could throw it at Earth and hopefully hit someone in the head...
..........<.<........................>.>........................ Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!
WOW!! Now that's bad, really bad... The only thing that happened to me, was I dated 2 girls, at different times of the year. One in the begining, and the other one the end of the year. the first one broke up with me, and I broke up with the second one. Problem was, they were friends.. So in the begining of this year, for at least a month, I had to watch my back on the streets. They chased me several times..
Your IQ score is 117 Your Intellectual Type is Word Warrior. This means you have exceptional verbal skills. You can easily make sense of complex issues and take an unusually creative approach to solving problems. Your strengths also make you a visionary. Even without trying you're able to come up with lots of new and creative ideas. And that's just a small part of what we know about you from your test results. Hey, Nexit@h got the same result as me!! But still, I think it's a good result for a 14 year old guy.. Maybe in a few years I'll get a higher one!!
Yeah, and you can use backup games with it too. So, it's cheaper and multi-functional.
Hey!! Welcome to!! If you wanna become a grade 'A' member, post lots, read the rules, have fun and make friends!!
Your bird's name is Sephiroth? Forget it.. Even if you catch it, he will break himself out again.. You'll have to get Cloud to do it..