Now for my final HP character in this rp. Name: Remus Lupin Description: Sirius and James' best friend with a dark secret about himself. He often balanced out Sirius and James' crazy behavior with his calm and caring personality while the three attended school together. Because of his secret, his body is fragile but he is strong and agile, Remus often makes funny of Sirius' relationship to Fang. Remus is known as Moony by James and Sirius, because of his secret and his love of stars. Occupation: Astronomer Series Character is from: Harry Potter Other: Spoiler: Remus
-Gullwings Apartment- Yuna woke up and ran into the room, smiling at Tidus. "Tidus, I was so worried about you!!! I got your phone call but I was still worried." Rikku smiled, "Wow, Bartz was right. Tidus really did appear from a big blue box!" "Yes, I guess he was right. Well, thank you for the compliment on the apartment and bringing Tidus here, Doctor." Aerith said, coming into the room after hearing the noise. chaos smiled and nodded, standing in his room. -Sirius's House- "Yes, it's going to be one of those days." Sirius said, taking his tea cup and sipping it, Fang smiled and said, "Yup, sounds like bird brain is doing okay." Sirius smiled and nodded, Eiji's voice was heard, "No way, Ankh! You have plenty more. If you behave during the service tomorrow, I will make sure that you will get some ice cream. Promise." "I'm surprised that the kid is able sleep through that noise." Fang said, sipping her soda. "How did you meet Eiji and bird brain?" "It's been so long, I can't remember how I met Eiji." Sirius said -Tokyo Airport- Stepping off the plane from London, there was one boy with pulled back blond hair and ice blue eyes. Smiling, he said, "Ah, Tokyo, Japan. I hope those simple fools at Nintendo High is ready for the king, me. Now, I must find my escort." While he went to look around, James and the Wilys came off the plane, the Wilys wore cloaks to hide their tails, James smiled at their eagerness and led them to the terminal.
Name: Kon Description: A Mod Soul created during a project in the Soul Society before it was cancelled. Somehow managing to escape to the human world, Kon came to know Ichiog and Rukia to help them fight Hollows. Kon is a bit of a pervert and loves big chested women. Occupation: Mod Soul/Pervert Series Character is from: Bleach Other: Spoiler: Kon Name: Shelke Rui Description: A young student who is smart enough to attend Nintendo High. She is a bit of a shy student who hides her emotions behind a emotionless face, but she does show her emotion while around her older sister, Shalua. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Other: Spoiler: Shelke Name: Shalua Rui Description: Shelke's older sister and a devoted scientist of the JIA, Shalua was in a accident which most of her organs as well as her eye were replaced, a incident which Shelke blames herself for. Shalua looks after and cares for her younger sister Occupation: JIA Scientist Series Character is from: Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Other: Spoiler: Shalua Name: Deneb Description: A Imagin that is currently looking for a contract holder. He knows the other Imagin as well as Ryotaro, who he can possess as well. When he possesses Ryotaro, his hair grows a little past his shoulder with a green streak in his hair and green eyes. Deneb is loyal to his contract holder and always offers candy to people. In media, when he possesses Ryotaro, he is known as D-Ryotaro. Occupation: Imagin Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Den-O Other: Spoiler: Deneb Name: Byakuya Kuchiki Description: The head of the Kuchiki Family, Rukia's older brother-in-law through her sister/his wife, Hisana, and the CEO of the Kuchiki Jewelry. Byakuya is calm, no matter what the situation, but also very strict and sticks to the rules of society. Occupation: CEO Executive Series Character is from: Bleach Other: Spoiler: Byakuya
-Gullwings Apartment- "I'll see if Aerith has made anything that suits me. I'm sure she'll have something in her room that will fit me." Rikku said, thinking about all the costumes that Aerith had designed and made her and Yuna in her spare time "Still, so sorry to surprise you like that. I just came to check on Yuna. But it is nice to see that you're looking well. Would you like it if Yuna stayed here?" She smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear. -Hongo House- Sakura stood at her window, thinking back to the time she was Kamen Rider Ichigo and friends with the Owner and Naomi. She smiled as she thought back to the times she shared with them. With a sigh, she closed her window and laid on her bed, thinking to herself, 'I hope I will find another Rider Pass and will get to see Naomi and Owner again.' Seki sat on her bed, thinking about the same as was Hinako in her room. -Detective Agency- Philip smiled and nodded, "Yes, we must focus on the present to keep the city from shedding any more tears, for Mione-chan's sake." 'And with the help from the Rangers and Gokaigers. Especially from Kimberly, Ahim, and Luka,' He thought to himself, looking at Hermione's sleeping form. He smiled and wiped his eyes from his remaining tears, closing his book. -Fang's House- "Sugar, please." Sirius told her, finding a place to sit down. Fang took a can of pop from the fridge and sat down, she asked, "How's bird brain?" "Ankh? He's fine." Sirius said, Fang kept quiet and sipped her soda, before belching. Sirius facepalmed, "Nice to see some things never change."
Welcome back! -hugs him tightly-
One more reserve: Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach)
Reserving: Kon (Bleach) Shelke Rui (Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) Shaula Rui (Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII) Deneb (Kamen Rider Den-O)
-Gullwings Apartment- chaos went to his room while Bartz yawned and went to his room, falling on his bed to sleep. chaos looked out his window and wondered what was going to happen tomorrow, and sighed, closing his curtain. Paine sat in her room, thinking about her past and sighed. In Yuri's room, Rikku looked at her outfit, and said, "Oh, this is just the one I chose to wear. Is it too revealing?" "Uh.... just a little." Yuri said, trying not to look at her. Rikku smiled and nodded, "I guess I'll ask Aerith to make me something a little comforting." Aerith waited in the shop. -Hongo House- Hearing a knock on his door, Tsukasa saw Sakura standing in the doorway, wearing a nightgown. "Tsukasa, is everything alright? Everything okay?" "Oh, yes, Miss Hongo, everything is okay. Just couldn't sleep, What happened today is still on my mind." 'I need to hide the fact that I know Miss Hongo, Miss Kamazi,, and Miss Ichimonji are Riders.' Sakura nodded and closed his door, heading to her room. Tsukasa kept sitting on his bed, thinking about how to tell the others. -Gokaiger House- When everyone was done, Basco went to his room and laid on his bed, thinking about what happened today. Luka went to her room and looked at her cell phone, still wondering if Ashe was okay, Ahim went to join her and comfort her about her worry. Joe went back to his brench pressing while Don and Gai cleaned up the table and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes. Marvelous sat in his chair and relaxed. -Detective Agency- Shotaro gently stroked Hermione's cheek and smiled as he watched her sleep. He thought to himself, 'Maybe it won't be so bad with her as the chief, but I never thought someone like her to be the chief.' He went to the investigation room and noticed Philip crying. Immediately running to his partner, he asked, "Philip, are you alright?! Everything okay?!" "Shotaro, I'm fine. Just thinking about everyone we met and how we tried to protect the city with them while looking up some subjects in the Gaia Library. And was thinking about my family." Philip said, wiping his eyes and smiling at Shotaro. Shotaro smiled and sat with his partner. -Fang's House- "Hey, Vanille. I'm the one making the jokes here." Fang said, hands in her pockets. Sirius looked at her and said, "And I appreciate it, Fang. But with what happened, sometimes joking doesn't help a lot." Sirius said, sighing. Vanille smiled and said, "Would you like to come in for a cup of tea?" "I would love it, thank you, Vanille." Sirius said, coming in as Fang closed the door.
Rosia rode with Harry on a motorcycle that they found with new clothes for Harry. They did this with two reasons, one was that Harry would have felt weird wandering a city in his school uniform, and two was Rosia didn't want ride to Buckbeak to explore the city. They noticed the bridge and Rosia gasped, Harry revved the engine of the motorcycle and rode to the bridge. Upon arriving, they noticed other Masters and Servants, Harry covered Rosia's mouth as he didn't want them to get involved as there appeared to be a fight already going on. Harry whispered to his Master, "Rosia, just keep very quiet and I will get us out of here safely." "You sure, Harry? Shouldn't we get involved in this fight?" Rosia asked. Harry nodded, observing the fight on the bridge, "Yes, there are already Masters and Servants fighting here. I rather not get involved in a fight like this." Rosia nodded, observing the classes of the other Servants and the behavior of the other Masters. Harry began to slowly back up.
Name: Esmeralda Description: A exotic foreign dancer who came to Japan to earn some money to make a new life for herself. Esmeralda is kind and doesn't like when people look down among others and act superior, fighting for equality. Occupation: Dancer Series Character is from: Hunchback of Norte Dame Other: Spoiler: Esmeralda Time for Frollo's hormones to start going crazy.
-Gullwings' Apartment- "We will try and keep in touch with you," chaos said, putting away the song he had practiced and stretched. "Maybe we will meet again when you leave." In Yuri's room, Rikku jumped when Yuri noticed her, she said, "Oh, hey there... You scared me for a moment. I hope you're feeling better, I mean you seemed pretty worn out when we found you outside the flower shop." -Fang's House- "I doubt it, there's that memorial tomorrow and even Maulim said school is cancelled til Friday." Fang said, sitting up and looking at her bed sheets. She looked at Vanille and said, "The question is what to do until than." There was a knock at her door and Fang went to answer, standing at her door was Sirius, smiling, Fang said, "Sirius, hey! How are you doing, dog boy?!""Don't call me that." Sirius said, a little annoyed. Fang laughed, saying, "Oh, don't be so... Sirius." "That's gonna get really old soon...." Sirius said, almost admitting defeat to Fang. -Aqua's House- Aqua smiled and showed Terra to one of the guest rooms he would be using, she told him, "If there is anything you need, just call me. My room is down the hall." She smiled and went to her room, she sighed, laying on her bed and wondering what to do for the rest of the week as if as she would be able to see Ventus sometime during the week. -Wajima Shop- Koyomi went to her room and thought about the boy who she met in her class today. She didn't tell Wajima about him, she smiled as she recalled how nice he was to her and defended her against the bullies who would often tease her. Koyomi wondered who he was and hoped to see him again when school started up again.
Young Rosia received the call to summon her Servant and headed down to her family's basement. Getting out the book that showed her to make a summoning circle, Rosia drew the summoning circle and placed a feather, which her parents believed to be a Hippogriff feather, in the circle and went to edge of it. Taking a breath and holding her hands over the circle, Rosia closed her eyes and softly chanted something. Just then, the circle began to glow a light green and Rosia felt a wind come from nowhere, but continued to chant and the circle glowed brighter and brighter until she couldn't see clearly and felt something on her hand. When the light faded, Rosia saw a Command Seal on her hand and looked at the Servant she summoned. Standing in the center of the circle was a young man, he looked to be ten or eleven years older than her. He had messy raven black hair and bright emerald green eyes, wearing a pair of rimless round glasses and some kind of uniform. He looked at Rosia with gentle and calm eyes and asked, "Are you my master?" "Y-yes, I am!" Rosia said, still surprised. The boy laughed and said, "You're so young, though." "I'm only seven, thank you! And who are you, anyway?!" Rosia asked. Surprised but smiled, the boy said, "Right, introductions. I am Harry Potter, a Servant of the Rider class." Rosia didn't seem to believe that as she didn't see anything in the basement to proof his class, before Harry took her outside where there was a winged creature, it had the head, front legs, and wings of a eagle while the back half had the hind legs and tail of a horse. Seeing how close Harry and the creature, Rosia believed him about his class.
Username: WhiteRose-Aki Name: Rosia Age: 7 Gender: Female Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Curious, kind, friendly, shy, generous, gentle Why do you seek the holy grail?: Cure her brother's disease Servant: Rider Command Spell appearance(optional): Abilities and skills: A skilled archer, Rosia is able to quickly spot things and a fast runner Likes: Music, stories, family, friends, animals, dreams Dislikes: Bullies, arguments, fights, disagreements Background: A bit of a beginner, Rosia comes from a long line of magicians but doesn't want to use her magic often. While practicing one day, she wished for a way to cure her brother of his disease and summoned a Servant of the Rider class. Username: WhiteRose-Aki Class: Rider Identity/Background: Harry Potter, a young orphan who lost his parents at a young age due to a prophecy and was raised by his aunt's family. Harry discovered that he was a wizard, a formerly well-kept secret from his aunt and uncle, and soon made friends with whom he had many adventures with. Source Material: Harry Potter Gender: Male Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Friendly, kind, loyal, caring, naive, funny Strength: C Endurance: B Agility: A+ Magical Power: A Good luck: D Noble phantasm: C What are your Noble Phantasm(s)?: Patronus Stride What do they do?: From astride the griffon Buckbeak, Harry summons his Patronus, a stag which runs alongside him to strike his opponent with its antlers while Harry attacks with the Sword of Gryffindor Skills and abilities: Can ride anything with skill, though usually prefers a horse or his griffon, skilled swordsman, advanced magical skills Why do you seek the holy grail?: To reunite with his parents Likes: Rosia, cooking, baking, friends, music, movies, family Dislikes: Taunting, spoiled people, forced love, overcooked meals, messy rooms, fights
Name: Larse Ferrinas Solidor Description: Son and head of the Solidor Family, who are close friends with the Dalmasca family and sponsors the Tokyo Cathedral. Larsa is wise and mature for his age, he shares his opinions on the archdecon with Ashe. He manages to hide his status while attending Nintendo Elementary. Occupation: Student/Sponsor Series Character is from: Final Fantasy XII Other: Spoiler: Larsa
-Tokyo Streets- Still wandering the streets was Kazari with Siegfried. He sighed, bored and wondered what his target would be. Passing a group of mourners, Kazari smirked and tossed some silver coins into coin slots that on the heads of the mourners. When they appeared to be in a trance, Kazari said, "When you're fully mature, find the one named Philip. Use any method necessary to get him and bring him to me and Siegfried." He smiled as he turned and left, continuing his own search. -Weasley House- Ron laid on his bed, unable to sleep and sighed. Going over to his window and opening it, Ron looked out over the horizon and picked up the ring he made for Haruto. He heard a soft mew and came face to face with a familiar pink Pokemon, Ron was surprised and said, "Mew? Did you follow me home from school and hiding all this time?" Mew nodded, snuggling up to him. Ron sighed and stretched his head, "Alright, Mew, you can stay." Mew smiled and flew into his room, finding a place -Gullwings Apartment- When chaos finished with his part of the song, he smiled at Bartz and said, "That was great, Bartz. I can't wait to hear what song you write for Yuna to sing at her next concert. We're going to miss you when you want to go find another job." Rikku shyly entered Yuri's room and took the plate of food, smiling at her sleeping cousin. She gently stroked her hair and sighed, wishing that Tidus would appear and make her happy. Aerith was down in the shop and sorting some things. -Dalmasca House- Vaan looked at the sleeping form of Ashe and smiled, gently touching her cheek before quietly getting out of bed and walking to his balcony. Touching his brother's old necklace around his neck, Vaan sighed and asked, "Reks, what do I do now? I'm engaged to the love of my life, but there's so much I don't know about her world. Will I be able to make her happy?" Ashe, who was awake, heard him and sighed, looking at Vaan as he pondered what to do.
Name: Luna Description: Adviser to the Sailor Senshi, Luna had discovered most of the Inner Senshi and informed them of their mission. She is often nice, but brings out her claws if she is mad. Luna is known as Usagi's cat. Occupation: Adviser Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Luna Name: Artemis Description: Luna's companion and the adviser to Sailor Venus. Artemis is mostly lazy and a love nut, but he cares deeply for Luna and would often put himself in the way of danger to protect her, he would also endured her wrath. Artemis is owned by Minako. Occupation: Adviser Series Character is from: Sailor Moon Other: Spoiler: Artemis Name: Koyomi Description: A quiet girl who went through the Sabbath like Haruto but lost her memories and her identity to her Phantom, becoming a Homunculus. She attends the middle school section of Nintendo Elementary and is teased for her personality. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Kamen Rider Wizard Other: Spoiler: Koyomi Name: Draco Malfoy Description: A transfer student from the UK who know absolutely nothing about Japan or Tokyo. Having been brought up in a wealthy family, Draco was taught to believe that he was superior to others and chose to attend Nintendo High to spread that belief. Occupation: Student Series Character is from: Harry Potter Other: Spoiler: Draco
-Gullwings Apartment- Rikku sat in her room, wondering why Tidus was so late to come and visit Yuna. She hoped that nothing bad happened to him and sighed, Aerith passed her room and sighed, entering and smoothing Rikku's hair, "Rikku, you and Yuna are both too young and beautiful to get wrinkles and grey hairs now." "Sorry, Aerith, but Yunie was so worried about Tidus and so was I. What happened that he was so late?" Rikku said, Aerith smiled and sat wit her, saying, "I'm sure he would tell us when we see him. Who know, he may have found a big box like Bartz said, but lets wait and see." -Hongo House- Sakura sat on her bed and tried to ignore the feeling that someone had seen either her, Hinako, and Seki transform or detransform and now knew who they really were, but she didn't know who and sighed. She thought back to that silver haired young man who she fought against during the partol and recalled a cat-like figure when she, Hinako, and Seki went to the the Crystal Order headquarters and helped those two young men, she pondered what happened to them. -Gokaiger House- Luka smiled and said, "We'll take care of it and defeat it by our own hands." "With the occasional help from the Power Rangers and the Kamen Riders." Ahim said, taking a sip of her tea. Don smiled and nodded, Basco kept quiet and ate his food. Ahim did wonder what would happen to the females who were captured and sighed. -Detective Agency- Hermione slept soundly on the bed, audibly breathing as her chest moved up and down in tandem before turning in her sleep with her back to Shotaro. Philip sat in the research room, looking up all the books in the Gaia Library during mourning and death. While he was researching, Philip suddenly found himself crying and wondered why as he began to think of his family and the friends he had made. -Kengo's House- Kengo sat in front of the shrine he had for her father, lighting the incense candles and praying to his descended father. Kengo sent his prayers to his father and went to his bed, laying on it and looking the window. He wiped his eyes of the tears that appeared and hoping that nothing bad would happen during the experiment the next day and pulled his covers over him. -Sirius' Apartment- Eiji smiled, watching over the sleeping Harry and his new Pokemon, Riolu, in his room. Leaning back, Eiji sighed and looked out the window, thinking about the memorial that was going to happen the next day and wish there was more he and the others could have done to prevent all that destruction from happening. Sirius stood outside the apartment, with a stick of ice cream in his mouth, leaning against the railing and thinking about Vanille and Fang, wondering if they were doing alright. -Fang's House- Stepping out of the shower and dressing in her sweat clothes, Fang grabbed a pocky and put it in her mouth. She sighed and looked out the window, before pulling the curtains over the window and went to her room. Laying on her bed, Fang munched on her pocky and wondered what to do for the week with school being cancelled til Friday.
-Hotel- The three devil hunters had decided to residence in a hotel, a fancy one at that due to Vergil's refined tastes. Dante had decided to take a shower and thought what had happened to him during the day. He still couldn't believe that he had become a Power Ranger as well as the official pilot of the robot he had seen Kengo pilot briefly. He wondered if he should even tell Nero and Vergil about the Power Ranger bit at least. Stepping out of the shower and drying himself off, Dante stepped into the room and gasped at seeing Vergil holding his Power Morpher. "Vergil, what the hell?! You went through my stuff?! That's low, even for you, brother!" Dante shouted, running to his twin. Vergil effortlessly dodged his brother's punches with a emotionless face and stopped one of his fist, saying, "I'll give it back if you tell me what it is, Dante." "Like hell I will!" Dante said, grabbing the morpher and turning his back to his brother. "And I'm not telling you where I got it either. So!" He turned his head and stuck out his tounge at his brother before heading to his room. -Fang's Home- Taking a deep breath, Fang began to practice her Gymnastics skills in a large unused room of her room. She began to gasp for air after a few minutes and took a sip of her bottle of water and wiping her face. Looking out a window, she thought to herself, 'I wonder how dog boy and Vanille are doing right now. Today has been a crazy day.' She thought back to the day she and Vanille met Sirius and smiled, laughing a bit before returning to her training.
Name: Nagsia Furukawa Description: A young girl who is repeating her senior year of school after having missed most of it the first time due a illness she has and is a rather shy but friendly girl. She loves the Big Dango Family and lives with her parents in their family bakery. Occupation: High School Student Series Character is from: Clannad/Clannad After Story Other: Spoiler: Nagsia Name: Fuko Ibuki Description: A strange and shy first student who is often seen making wooden starfish despite her hands constantly hurting. She seems to have a reason for creating the wooden starfish and won't allow her craving knife to be taken away. Occupation: High School Student Series Character is from: Clannad/Clannad After Story Other: Spoiler: Fuko
(invisible Tidus banner) -With the Doctor- "Oh! Uh, it's okay. If it's alright, do you think that you get me to this flower shop? The Guwllings Flower Shop?" Tidus said, rubbing his neck in embarrassment and wondering what he had just been through, he also kept thinking, 'Oh man, Yuna is so going to hurt me for being late. I hope she will at least be merciful.' -Gullwings Apartment- While Yuri ate to fill his stomach, he remembered when Aerith said about Yuna and looked at the girl who was sleeping in the chair next to the bed. 'So she has a boyfriend, huh? Lucky girl. And beautiful.' He thought to himself and sighed, wishing that he would get himself a beautiful girlfriend if it wasn't that weird voice in his head telling him where to go and what to do. Aerith was busy making the costumes that chaos and Yuna would at the memorial the next days while chaos practiced his part of the song with Bartz. -Hongo House- While the three Riders were talking in Sakura's room, Tsukasa sat on the bed of the guest room and thought about what he had seen. He had watched them detransform and was a bit surprised who the three Riders really were. He held his camera and thought to himself, 'I wonder if I should tell the others. No, they probably won't believe me. But still, Miss Hongo is a Kamen Rider. I.... can't believe it.' He decided to keep that information to himself and let Sakura, Hinako, and Seki reveal themselves to the others when they felt ready. -Gokai House- Don and Basco came out of the kitchen with food prepared, Marvelous immediately went to the table and smiled at the delicious meal that had been made. Joe stood up and walked to the table, sitting down at the table. Ahim brought out a tray with a variety of drinks for everyone to have. Luka smiled as she set the table and sat down as Gai and Basco put the food n the table.