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  1. Princess Rapunzel

    -Wajima Residence-

    Koyomi came into the room and said, "Good morning, Haruto..." She tried not to show how pale and weak she was and went to make herself breakfast. However, her condition caught up to her and Koyomi felt to the floor, gasping for air. Koyomi tried to keep her eyes open as she waited for Haruto to come and check her magical dose with the Please ring.


    -Tokyo Airport-

    Though coming from the same airplane, two different girls left the plane. One was the world renowned singer known as Lenne, she took a look at the engagement ring on her finger, wondering to herself, 'Shuyin.... Will I find you here......?" "It's been too long since I last saw Harry. I wonder if he'll remember." the other girl, Rinoa Heartlily, whispered to herself as she smiled and thought back to the times she spent with her friend.


    -City Street-

    The dancer, Esmeralda, wandered the streets, looking for a place to eat. Having managed to survive during the invasion, Esmeralda looked around and sighed. She found the cathedral and stopped, admiring the building and she smiled, slowly making her way to the cathedral door. Esmeralda felt hesitant to enter and wondered if she should before slowly opening the door.


    -Sirius' Apartment-

    Almost everyone was awake in Sirius' apartment, Eiji was busy making breakfast for Harry and Sirius after making a Pokémon meal for Riolu. Sirius drank some coffee to wake up while Harry and Riolu ate their breakfast. Eiji left out a stick of ice cream for Ankh to have and made some breakfast, still yawning and rubbing his eyes.


    -Detective Agency-

    "What's the plan for today?" Hermoine asked, looking at Shotaro and Philip. Philip kept quiet, looking at his book. Loosening her tie, Hermione sighed and leaned against the wall. Hesitant, she asked, "Are we going to the memorial? To give our respects to the dead?" Philip kept quiet, looking at her uniform, Hermione wondered if they had any spare clothing.


    -Hongo House-

    "Yes, it is. Tsukasa, you didn't happen to see something strange last night. Like me and my friends dressed as Riders and riding motorcycles, did you?"' Sakura asked, heading for the dining room and siting down. Hinako said, looking at him, "We're just curious, that's all." Calmly eating, Seki said, "Please, be honest."


    -Kengo's House-

    "Kisaragi, it's time to get up." Kengo said, knocking on Gentaro's door before heading downstairs to the kitchen. He knew today was the day to experiment with Sailor Jupiter and hoped that nothing went wrong.


    -Fang & Vanille's house-

    Fang sat up on her bed and yawned loudly. Getting out of her bed, Fang stretched until she cracked her back and sighed, heading for the shower. Fang stood in the shower, letting the water run over her body before she began to clean herself. When she stopped, Fang just stood in the bathroom without a towel, looking at herself in the mirror. Fang sighed, touching her right shoulder.


    -Gokaiger House-

    Ahim just drank her tea while Luka looked at her jewels for which to wear at the memorial. Don stretched and calmly ate his breakfast, Basco just ate his breakfast. Both Ahim and Luka kept quiet about attending the memorial, thinking about their families who had passed away before they had become Gokaigers, Ahim had watched her parents murdered while Luka lost her sister to a illness.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Princess Rapunzel

    -Detective Agency-

    Moaning, Hermione opened her eyes and sat up on the bed. She rubbed her eyes as Philip came in with some breakfast, seeing her awake, he smiled and said, "Good morning, Mione-chan. I got some breakfast." "Philip, thank you..." Hermoine said. getting out of the bed. Philip gave her some of the food he got.



    Dante snored, sleeping in the mess that he had made on his bed. Vergil sighed in disappointment and left, leaving Nero to wake him up. Sighing, Nero walked up to Dante's bed, and whispered something. Suddenly, Dante sat up and said, "Huh? Where's the pretty lady and pizza?" "Get up and get dressed, we're going to the memorial." Nero said, heading out to follow Vergil. Dante yawned and got out of the bed.


    -Alice's home-

    Ryotaro got up and yawned, stepping into the kitchen. "Good morning. What would you like for breakfast?" Alice said, looking at him. Blanca looked at him and smiled, Ryotaro said, "Anything is fine, Ms. Elliot. Thank you for letting me stay over." "It's no problem. And it's nice to bring a friend for Blanca." Alice said, Blanca barked in agreement, panting happily.


    -Hongo House-

    Sakura stood on her room balcony, watching the sun rise. She thought to herself, 'Why can't I ignore the feeling of someone knowing me, Seki, and Hinako are Riders?' "Sakura! It's time for breakfast." Hinako said, Sakura turned and nodded, heading downstairs while Hinako went to wake Tsukasa. Seki was cooking when Sakura came in, she simply said, "Morning."


    -Date/Minato House-

    Akira yawned when he walked in the living room, Michal looked at him and said, "Good morning, Akira." Akira sleepily waved at him and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. Michal rubbed his eyes to get the sleep out and yawned, wondering why Akira suddenly felt asleep last night.


    -Kengo's House-

    Kengo woke up and yawned, getting out of bed. "Good morning, Father." He said, going to his father's shrine and lighting the incense. He knelt down on his knees and prayed to his father.


    -Gullwings Apartment-

    Aerith and chaos were up and making breakfast for everyone, Rikku was in the shop, watering the flowers while Paine cleaned the counter and the floor. Yuna woke up and yawned, heading for the restroom to clean up. When Beast came in, chaos asked, "Think you could check on our new guest, Beast?" Nodding, Beast checked in Yuri's room and left back to his room


    -Sakura's Home-

    Waking up to the sound of her alarm clock, Sakura stretched and yawned."Morning, kid! You slept like a log, like usual." Kero said, watching Sakura wake up, she yawned and said, "Good morning, Kero." Getting out of bed, Sakura got herself dressed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for Kero, who she was sure was starving for breakfast.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Rin Tohsaka
    Description: A high school student who was Ruby's original owner and the magus overseeing Illya and Kuro's duties as magical girls. Rin has a obvious crush on Shirou and is a rival to Luvia Edelfelt. She works as a maid in Luvia's mansion.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: fate/kaleid liner Primsa Illya

    Name: Luvia Edelfelt
    Description: Rin's rival in magic and for Shirou's affection, Luvia was Sapphire's original owner and is the magus overseeing Miyu's duties as a magical girl. She owns a rather impressive mansion and is the boss of Rin, who is working there.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: fate/kaleid liner Primsa Illya
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Illyasviel von Einzbern
    Description: A student attending Nintendo Elementary with her cousin and her best friend. Illya is the owner of the magical stick, Ruby, and a magical girl. Due to her parents being away, Illya lives with her two caretakers.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya

    Name: Miyu Edelfelt
    Description: Illya's best friend and another student at Nintendo Elementary. Like Illya, Miyu owns a magical stick, Sapphire, who is Ruby's sister, and a magical girl as well. Unlike Illya, Miyu is more quiet and knowledge about school.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya

    Name: Chloe von Einzbern
    Description: Illya's 'cousin', Chloe, or as she is called by Illya and Miyu, Kuro, is actually part of Illya's original self who had been sealed away when she was eight months old. While she is like Illya and Miyu, being a magical girl, Kuro uses the power of the Archer card that is part of her. To replenish herself with prana, Kuro kisses Illya as part of a contract with her.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: fate/kaield liner Primsa Illya
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Princess Rapunzel
    Rinoa's school schedule

    Period 1 - Gym
    Period 2 - French
    Period 3 - Modern History
    Period 4 -English
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Princess Rapunzel


    Yuna gasped when she saw Chappu and ran to him, "Chappu? Chappu, is that really you?!" "Huh?! Yuna?!" Chappu said in surprise as she hugged him, just ignoring what she was wearing, Chappu smiled and hugged her back. Hermione smiled at them when Fang spoke at her, "You look like you have been through a lot." "Yeah, I have been through quite a lot." Hermione said, not looking at Fang. Vanille smiled, Harry looked at his counterpart and said, "You should know, Harold, to be honest, I never did pay much attention in that history class." "So, what are we suppose to find here?" James asked, looking around.


    -Dimensional Veil-

    Seymour just kept quiet and looked around the veil that separated them from the strange world beyond the veil. He calmly reached out his hand and touched it, seeing a small ripple effect. Seymour wondered what this veil was and turned back to his allies, holding his staff. He just wondered if Narutaki had a plan or something, he asked, "Isn't there someone you're looking for? Why are we just waiting, may I ask?"
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Princess Rapunzel, Jul 5, 2013
  8. Princess Rapunzel
    Basco is taken, by me. StardustXtreme has taken Captain Marvelous. No use getting mad at us, for characters you want but couldn't get.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Princess Rapunzel
    We already have someone playing Gai/GokaiSilver, but he doesn't appear often.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Rinoa Heartlily
    Description: A old childhood friend of Harry, Rinoa left Tokyo with her father when she was five after her mother died. After her and her father grew apart from each other, Rinoa changed her last name to her mother's maiden name and traveled the world, not forgetting her one friend. Rinoa had decided to return to Tokyo to reunite with Harry with a secret and a surprise for him.
    Occupation: Student
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy VIII

    Name: Lenne
    Description: A world renowned singer who served as Yuna's inspiration to become a singer. Lenne also took care of Yuna when she was younger after her father died and left when Cid adopted Yuna. Lenne had a lover who resembled Tidus, who left for unknown reasons and she is currently looking for him, holding onto his engagement ring which he had given her before he disappeared.
    Occupation: Singer
    Series Character is from: Final Fantasy X-2
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Princess Rapunzel

    -Suddenly all cat girls-

    Kyo took notice of his new rather embarrassing appearance and grumbled, saying, "Great, cats ears and a tail. As if that is anything new." "You think I'm happy looking like this, you stupid cat?" Yuki said, pissing off Kyo and the two began their usual bickering and fight, Hatsuharu just kept quiet and felt the now breasts on his chest while Nero was hiding his face in embarrassment at his new body. Aerith laughed, trying not to embarrass Firion with Hina looking at herself in surprise and Paine just keeping quiet. Illya smiled at Kisa and said, "Kisa, we look so adorable!!!!! This is just too cute!!!!" Kisa shyly smiled and nodded at Illya, while wondering how they got off the ship.

    After Kon took a look at his body, he said, "I.... I..... I look so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" As he began to feel his breasts with his tail wagging, Romeo and chaos gave a laugh and thought to themselves, 'So this is what Juliet/Shion feels like now in their bodies?' Wall-E, just being scared, held onto the nearest person to him, tightly as his now tail wrapped itself around the person's legs.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Princess Rapunzel

    -Fang's House-

    Fang laid on her bed, unable to sleep. What had happened earlier in the day was on her mind, she tried not to think about what had happened or what would happen if Vanille was captured. She looked at the ceiling and sighed, her arm over her eyes. Thinking about when Sirius came to visit, Fang smiled and turned on her side, pulling her covers over her and falling asleep to the sound of the falling rain.


    -Gullwings Apartment-

    Aerith smiled at the sleeping Rikku in her room and looked toward Yuna's room where she was sure that Yuna and Tidus were fast asleep in each other's arms. She hoped that nothing would go wrong at the memorial and held Rikku close as they laid together on her bed. In their own rooms, chaos and Beast were hoping the same thing while chaos was still hoping that Bartz would have a safe journey and they would meet again soon after he left. Paine simply slept in her room.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jul 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Princess Rapunzel
    Hope you don't mind me reserving this character, Eleven.

    Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy VIII)

    Also, if she's not taken:

    Lenne (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Princess Rapunzel

    -Detective Agency-

    Hermione turned and woke up, realizing that she might have fallen asleep in the agency. She wondered if Shotaro or Philip called her parents, laying back down. She sighed and turned on her side, feeling guilty if she had stolen Philip's bed. Philip had fallen asleep in the investigation room, laying on the sofa in the room. Slowly, Hermione started to fall back asleep and wondered what would happen the next day.



    At the hotel where the three devil hunters were currently staying, each one was asleep in their own room. Dante was drooling and snoring with his blanket covering one leg and the sheets a mess, Vergil slept with his hands over the blanket and on his chest, however, Nero couldn't sleep. Sitting up, he undid the bandage on his right arm to reveal some kind of demonic clawed hand. He wondered what caused it to glow earlier and why Dante was secretive about that item Vergil had found. He had known Dante as one not to keep secrets and sighed, laying down and tried to get some sleep, thinking about his childhood friend, Kyrie.


    -Alice's house-

    Blanca, a white wolf that Alice took in as a pet, had woken up and looked out the window in his master's room, watching it rain. He hoped that it would be clear when the moon was full as it had become routine for Alice to let him wander the city on the night of the full moon so Blanca could meet new friends. Yawning, Blanca climbed onto Alice's bed and laid on his spot of the bed, which at the end by her feet. He thought about the guest she had brought with her and saw him as a ally. Blanca laid his head down and yawned one more time before falling asleep.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Princess Rapunzel


    In the crow's nest, Hermione and Luka saw the black smoke and guessed that was another landmass. Luka pulled out her Mobirate and called Marvelous, "Marvelous, I think we found another landmass." In the main room, Don pressed the buttons on the radar and looked up the name of the new landmass as well as a place to anchor, he said, "This is that Lastation place those girls wanted to go. Wonder what we will find here." Everyone just kept quiet.



    "I suppose that is one way to wake a person up." Ashe said, as she, Karin, and Anastasia uncovered their ears from Pit's wake up call. Derpy woke up, screaming while Fluttershy calmly woke up and rubbed her eyes. "What was that? That was so loud and so weird." Anastasia said, watching everyone asleep now waking up from Pit's effective attempt. Karin walked over to Fluttershy and asked, "Are you okay?" "Y-yes." Fluttershy said, looking at her.


    -Hot Springs-

    The four Meisters enjoyed the steam of the water and their company while the Haros stayed outside and tried to act like greeters. When Ian and his family appeared, the Haros jumped happily, "Ian! Ian! Great to see you! Great to see you! Surprise in the man's group! Surprise in the man's group!" They shouted happily at a member of Celestial Being and his family.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Princess Rapunzel
    Name: Blanca
    Description: A white wolf that Alice keeps as her pet. He is extremely loyal to his master and is friendly to those he sees as allies to his master. But Blanca is also fiercely protective of his master against anyone who he sees as a threat to her. Blanca will follow Alice when she goes out to go somewhere other than the church.
    Occupation: Pet
    Series Character is from: Shadow Hearts Covenant
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Princess Rapunzel
    Lockon Stratos (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Oerba Dia Vanille (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Lyle Dylandy (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Oerba Yun Fang (Final Fantasy XIII)
    Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
    Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket)
    Snow Villers (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
    Ankh (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Setsuna F. Seiei (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Ali Al-Sacchez (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/Stay Night)
    Kisa Sohma (Fruits Basket)
    Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
    Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
    chaos (Xenosaga)
    Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI/Dissidia)
    Draco Malfoy (Harry Poter)
    Rei Ayamani )Neon Genesis Evagelion)
    Vivi Orunitia (Final Fantasy IX)
    Hina Izumi (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Yuna (Final Fantasy X/X-2)
    Aqua (Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
    Serah Farron (Final Fantasy XIII-2)
    Kazari (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
    Miroku (Inuyasha)
    Akiza Izinski (Yu-Gi_Oh 5Ds)
    Tommy Oliver (White Ranger) (Power Rangers)
    Asuka Langley Soyru (Neon Geneisi Evangenlion)
    Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
    Hatsuharu Sohma/Black Haru (Fruits Basket)
    Michal Minato/Kamen Rider Poseidon (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Ivan Ooze (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie)
    Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)
    Panthro (Thundercats 2011)
    Pumyra (Thundercats 2011)
    Wilykat & Wilykit (Thundercats 2011)
    Nero (Devil May Cry 4)
    Rydia (Final Fantasy IV)
    Lady (Devil May Cry)
    Juliet Fiamatta Asto Capulet/Odin (Romeo x Juliet)
    Garnet til Alexandros XVII/Dagger (Final Fantasy IX)
    Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
    Luka Millfy (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Ahim de Famille (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    White Mage (8-bit Theater)
    Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
    Edge (Final Fantasy IV)
    Rhyme (The World Ends With You)
    Shiki Misaki (The World Ends With You)
    Vaan (Final Fantasy XII)
    Latias (Pokémon)
    Billy Cranston (Power Rangers)
    Kimberly Ann Hart (Power Rangers)
    Don 'Doctor' Dogoiser (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Basco ta Jolokia (Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger)
    Kon (Bleach)
    Romeo Candore de Montague (Romeo x Juliet)
    Francisco (Romeo x Juliet)
    Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    Fluttershy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    Applejack (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    Dolores Umbridge (Harry Potter)
    Enkidu (Fate/strange fake)
    Edward Chris von Muir (Final Fantasy IV)
    Seymour Guado (Final Fantasy X)
    Lukya Guado (Final Fantasy X OC)
    Calumon (Digimon)
    Zoe Orimoto (Digimon)
    Paine (Final Fantasy X-2)
    Neo Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon)
    Firion (Final Fantasy II/Dissidia)
    Serena Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
    Alisa Bosconovitch (Tekken 6)
    Chappu (Final Fantasy X)
    Riolu (Pokémon)
    Mew (Return of MewTwo)
    Fred & George Weasley (Harry Potter)
    Tieria Erde (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
    James Potter (Harry Potter)
    Sirius Black (Harry Potter)
    Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
    Bartz Klauser (Final Fantasy V/Dissidia)
    Kain Highwind (Final Fantasy IV)
    Yuna (Kingdom Hearts)
    Rikku (Kingdom Hearts)
    Paine (Kingdom Hearts)
    Ramza Beoulve (Final Fantasy Tactics)
    Aisha Campbell (Power Rangers)
    Yugo/Phoenix (Kamen Rider Wizard)
    Misa/Medusa (Kamen Rider Wizard)
    Maria (Harry Potter OC)
    Tommy Himi (Digimon)
    Wall-E (Wall-E)
    Gamel (Kamen Rider OOO)
    Darien Chiba (Sailor Moon)
    Chibiusa Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
    Derpy (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
    Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (Final Fantasy XII)
    Princess Anastasia Romanov (Shadow Hearts: Covenant)
    Karin Koenig (Shadow Hearts: Convenant)

    WhiteRose-AkiAnthony DiNozzo (NCIS)
    Ziva David (NCIS)
    Frederic Francois Chopin (Eternal Sonata)
    Jazz (Eternal Sonata)
    Allegretto (Eternal Sonata)
    Viola (Eternal Sonata)
    Mog (Final Fantasy VI)
    Teddie (Persona 4)
    Kirara (Inuyasha)
    Delita Heiral (Final Fantasy Tactics)
    Westley (Princess Bride)
    Kat (DmC)
    Allelujah Haptism (Celestial Being: The Movie)
    Illyasviel von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya)
    Miyu Edelfelt (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya)
    Kuro von Einzbern (Fate/kaleid liner Primsa Illya)

    Prisma Illya takes place in a alternate world, so I believe FSN Illya and Prisma Illya exist together.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Princess Rapunzel
    Profile Post

    Time Judged All~

    Time Judged All~
    Status Update by Princess Rapunzel, Jun 23, 2013
  19. Princess Rapunzel

    -Gullwings' Apartment-

    "What a strange man and what a unusual machine. But welcome back, Tidus. I will make a meal for you." Aerith said while Yuna kept holding him, happy he was back and safe. Rikku smiled and exclaimed, "It must have looked super cool on the inside of that box! I wish I could met him and join him on whatever adventure he had!" Paine shook her head and went to her room while Rikku was starry-eyed in her fantasy.


    -Sirius' House-

    Eiji nervously laughed, hearing that, Fang said, "Sounds like Eiji has his work cut for him." Sirius nodded and kept quiet, Fang noticed and said, "You're only this quiet when you know a certain someone is back in town. It's James, isn't it?" Sirius was surprised and nodded, holding his tea cup and taking a small sip. Fang smiled, sipping her soda and belching loudly.


    -Remus's House-

    Sitting on the balcony of his home, Remus looked through the telescope while he held his cup of hot tea. He noticed that the moon was halfway full and knew that he had to be prepared for the next few days. He heard a knock on his door and went to answer it. Remus was surprised at the sudden hug of his best friend, James Potter, he said, "James, what are you doing here? And who are the little ones?""I heard the news about what happened today and I felt that I should come and make sure Harry was okay. Moony, meet my newest children, WilyKat and WilyKit." James said."Also, can we stay the night? I want to surprise Harry and Padfoot." With a smile, Remus said, "Of course, Prongs. Lets get the little ones to bed, then." He helped lead his friend and his children into his home.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Princess Rapunzel
    Twilight, please don't think of this being mean or rude. But can you please put a picture in your character sheets? Not everyone here knows what your characters look like.
    Post by: Princess Rapunzel, Jun 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home