I would pretty much have sex anything that moves, and some things that don't move. There's also this thing called Louisiana Leftovers that I totally want to try on like 80 different girls. Oh I'd also like to eat giraffe meat out of a girl's bum.
Exia falls before Freedom and Wing.
OMG I totally dream that common and likely occurrences are going to happen, and then when they do it's like OMG I'm ****ing psychic! I totally dreamed that I typed this, and look what's happening!!!
You stopped by. Curious.
These rights aren't necessary. In some twisted alternate world, rape is a perfectly sanctioned way of life. The rights we value only hold value in our current world, they are contingent on our subjective value of them.
Then we can build some. Shame on all of you and your immaturity for making me resort to this.
We need scissors to cut the drama! Some one find an enormous pair of scissors!
I had a dream that you dreamed that! What are the odds?
It's okay when I touch you in the bathing suit area.
Never said anything. I typed.
*Puts on robe and wizard hat*
Force, rape. Semantics, I guess.
Nigeria? That's not super offensive.
Who the **** typed Trombe? I love you now!
How are we being rude by insulting a ****** author that's made millions off of love-sick teens that are easily amused with bits of string? No one is insulting you, just the ****** fiction that you read. If I could get a pm to tell me that I'm partially responsible for their removal, that would be great. I want to frame it.
Just look what you all did. Now I have to force myself on all of you sexually.
There are times when the de-rep buffer makes me sad.
I love balls in my bar!
That's funny.
Except if they're crippled, ******ed and like to write ****** vampire fiction.