Search Results

  1. Xigbar
    It's pretty basic, but the render isn't blended into the sig so it pretty much just pops out too much. I really like the text though. It's 3D-ish. Keep up the good work though. 7/10
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Xigbar
    All the songs on my iTunes list got deleted when I cleaned out my hard drive. =/ So now I only have like 50 songs, but I used to have somewhere along the lines of 450 songs.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Music
  3. Xigbar
    I mainly listen to stuff along the lines of.

    • Punk
    • Classic Rock
    • Alternative
    • J-Pop
    • J-Rock
    • Pop
    • Hip-Hop/Rap

    Basically everything.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Music
  4. Xigbar
    The color is a little bit off. It should be a bit more blue. Oh and guess what? I'm watching it right now.

    By the way, I like chocolate milk.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Xigbar
    Alright, here we go...

    1. Naruto
    2. InuYasha
    3. Bleach
    4. Full Metal Alchemist

    Well, that's it.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Xigbar
    Yea seriously, I want to know too. It's bothering me that I don't know what you're all talking about.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Xigbar
    Omg, I never knew people treated you like this. At least you know I love you. <3
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Xigbar
    Uhhh, let's not say that it sucks. It's very plain thought. Maybe you should make it smaller and add more details. Just keep on trying until you get it right. ^.^;
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Xigbar


    Hey, welcome to KH-Vids.

    All you have to do to fit in is:

    • Post lots.
    • Respect the staff.
    • Obey the rules.
    • And have fun.

    Have a great time.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  10. Xigbar
    I agree completely. That's what the Creativity Corner is for, and if they want they can PM the stories to eachother.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. Xigbar
    My final entry was done on a laptop, and I'm actually get votes, lol.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Competitions
  12. Xigbar
    DarkAndroid - I love the shapes and the text ish smexehh.
    Moodkip - I like how you did the black and white AND color.
    Element-Chan - It's pretty hot, but there's no real effects.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Competitions
  13. Xigbar
    This is really good. Lots of pretty colors, but the flower is like woah. That's the only thing that annoys me about this sig. Great job though. 8/10
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Xigbar
    Holy wow, this is amazing. I don't see anything wrong with it at all. 10/10
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Xigbar
    Wow, I'm surprised I have'nt done this yet.

    Okay, let's see. Xigbar is my fave character in KH2.

    THE END !!
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  16. Xigbar
    Heh heh, long story.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Departure Hall
  17. Xigbar
    I've only played a few.


    I have'nt beaten any of the yet though because I don't play them much anymore.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  18. Xigbar
    1) Would you go out with Maleficent for 100 dollars.
    2) Would you live with the KH character you hate the most (for the rest of your life) for 50 billion dollars.
    3) Would you kill Sora if Riku said that was the only way he'd befriend you (i dunno y but just answer)
    4) Would you challenge Xigbar in a shooting contest, loser has to do 2 million push ups
    5) Would you live in Twilight Town?
    6) Would you live in a Gummi Ship that cannot move for 10 billion dollars
    7) Would you kill Cloud if Sephiroth said that was the only way he'd teach to wield his obnoxiously long sword.
    8) Would you buy the next KH game if it first came out with the price of 100 dollars
    9) Would you hug Riku.
    10) Would you kill yourself if its the only way to save Sora/Riku/Kairi from trouble (Again, dunno how)
    11) Would you turn into a dusk nobody or would you go out with Goofy.
    12) Would you destroy any world if that's the only way to save TWTNW
    13) Would you hug Sora
    14) Would you live in Destiny Island or Hollow Bastion
    15) Would you hug Kairi.
    16) Would you hug Roxas
    17) Would you hug Namine
    18) Would you hug Ansem the Wise


    1) No.
    2) Yes.
    3) Yes.
    4) No way in hell.
    5) Yes.
    6) Yes, I'd get Sora to push it. XD
    7) Hell yes.
    8) Yea, if I had the money.
    9) Yea. <3
    10) No.
    11) Go out with Goofy, can't be that bad. *kills Goofy* XD
    12) Yea.
    13) Sure.
    14) Destiny Island, if Organization XIII was there.
    15) Sure.
    16) Yea. <3
    17) Sure.
    18) At this point I really don't care.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Xigbar
    Oh poop. Eh whatever, I'll get it next time...Hopefully. -.-;
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: The Playground
  20. Xigbar
    Yea it does. The wholes Sims thing is getting old now though. I have like every single PC Sims game and I don't even play them anymore because the game is just getting so dumb.
    Post by: Xigbar, Sep 16, 2007 in forum: Gaming