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  1. ukali_rules
    OOC: It's Namine.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ukali_rules
    Rufus's eyes narrowed. Bad sign.
    "I will leave the cat alone, as long as he spies for OUR side," he said, and helped himself to a glass of wine.

    Reno smirked.
    "Well, we wanna take all you guys prisoner and take this place for our own!" he said cockily. This was the spot where usually the other side broke down hysterically. He had been on thousands of missions like this. "Leaving is ain't an option Mr. Prez wants ta do."

    "I agree," Tseng said, walking out of the shadows to stop behind Reno. Sephiroth strolled out after him, looking entirely at ease. He towered above the two other turks, smirking menancingly. "So, if you comply to our wishes, then we will stop the bomb.

    "42... 41.... 40..." Reno said. He turned a dial on his watch. "Not much time left. Just say 'Yes' and we'll turn it off, take you guys prisoner, and take this place as our own to drain the power from that moon and—" Tseng's hand clamped over Reno's mouth, cutting off the rest.

    "Don't comply, and your moon is gone," he said, slipping the watch of Reno's wrist and onto his own.

    "38... 37... 36..."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. ukali_rules
    OOC: Can we also post age? I'm confused on how old other characters are. Cyn is 17.
    Cyn sighed as she watched the boy walk off.
    "Stupid kid," she growled, and stomped inside. She had never been here before. Sure, her not-so-well-known-anymore family line had been here THOUSANDS of times, but she was lost.

    "That's what you get for never listening in lessons," she scolded herself, mentally reminding herself of her annoying tutor. After asking directions from this dog-like thing with a shield, she soon found some sort of library, and a large door that lead to some sort of throne room. She chose to go and hang out in the library, reading books and trying to catch up on Keyblade History.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ukali_rules
    Cyn landed wherever the meeting place was. Well, it was a large castle with FRIGGIN HAPPY GARDENS!

    "Why the heck is this place so happy?" Cyn growled. She summoned her Keyblade —Silence— and did a quick Firaga to burn away a TOO happy bush. "Scares the living daylights outta a person to see something so happy..." She torched another bush before glancing around and seeing.... a kid. Yeah, well, not a kid. More of a boy.

    "Hey! YOU!" she shouted. "Where are Keyblade Wielders supposed to meet?!"
    OOC: Is Jecht on the ground yet?
    Pink-dress. Nada, can't think of anything.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ukali_rules
    Requiem Silence, more well known as Silence, carefully balanced herself on the armest of one of the seats in the pilot ship.

    It was NOT a windy day, so her hair was NOT flapping in the wind, her eyes were NOT glancing around looking for danger or crap, and her clothing was NOT flapping or waving or doing whatever clothing does in a regular, every day, Mary-Sue-ish intro. (Sorry, had to put that. I see too many intros with the same thing over and over again. Mainly those three points.)

    "Auto-pilot on. The King sent me to... to meet the other Keyblade Wielders," Silence said to herself, kneeling on the armrest in a cat-like way. She frowned. "Now where is that?"

    OOC: Short intro. Don't have much to work with. Sorry!
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ukali_rules
    The heart is power!!!!!!! LAWL! XD
    Oh, is it too late to join?

    Name: Requiem Silence (She prefers to be called Silence)

    Gender: Female

    Age: 17

    Race: Human. (What else is there out there?)

    Allegiance: Twilight

    Keyblade: Silence

    (Since I have no picture of it, I must explain what it looks like. So... picture yourself looking at the Keyblade from the top.)

    The handle is pure white. There is only one side of it, which is jagged with plently of sharp pointy edges pointing out. The other side (the left side) goes only halfway down the handle, and is a complex weave of metal with a sapphire on the end.

    The actual Keyblade part (the rod with the key end on it) is black. A sapphire is set into the Key-part, which is a sheet of metal with some kind of runes engrave into it. One side is longer, and sharper, which gives the key a scythe like look, but it's a key none-the-less.

    The rod has more pointy rods protruding out of the side. A total of four rods on each side. Yeah, I know Keyblade rods don't have sides, but think of four rods, and line them our symmetrically in four rows on the Keyblade's rod.

    The Keychain is a blue chain, with a sapphire on the end.

    Appearance: (Again, no picture, so picture the character from the front.)

    A white jacket with a lot of buttons running down the front. Only the top button is buttoned, allowing the jacket to just hang. It's tailored to match her slim form.

    Underneath is a long greyish-blue coat with a high collar that goes up to her cheek bones. The coat goes down to her knees. This one uses zippers, and it is only zipped down to a little below her waist.

    Beneath her jacket and coat is durable black pants, knee high dark brown leather boots, and a white formal shirt. A gold chain with the word (SILENCE) engraved into the chain hangs around her neck. She also wears elbow high, black, falconer gloves.

    Her hair is dark black with dark blue highlights. (Weird, ne?) Her eyes are ice blue, almond shaped, and slanted. She wears a thin layer of eyeliner around her eyes, just to accent them. Anyway.

    Her skin is slightly tanned, and she wears black feathers in her hair. Two are threaded into the side of her hair, and several more on the bottom. She is roughly 5'4, and weighs 102 lbs.

    Personality: Sarcastic, slightly sadistic, and pessimistic. She is short tempered, and is easily angered. Her tempers are explosive.

    Bio: Her family name, Silence, is an old Keyblade-Family. (Coincidence or not?) They came from Radiant Gardens, and remained somewhat hidden. Children were disowned and thrown out of the family if they couldn't wield the Keyblade. They are rather rich (no duh! If you used the Keyblade and killed THOUSANDS of Heartless, you would get 999,999,999 munny too!) and are use to respect.

    The Silence family has been crumbling though. Blood has becomed tainted, and there are barely any pure Silence blood. Requiem (*coughcough* Silence) was born with pure Silence blood, and inherited the Keychain that was passed down through the pure family ranks. Her family still lives, but they prefer to be anonymous, while Silence wants more fame. When her family received the order, it was Requiem who stepped forward, and stepped out to stop the new Nobodies.

    Theme Song: None.

    Any Other Weapon Perhaps You Would Like To Add: A lot of guns, explosives, and a naginata. She has trained with it, and can cover up to 380 square feet. (The naginata can do that.)
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. ukali_rules
    Rufus glanced at Reeve.
    "Reeve, disable your little cat robot," he commanded. "He has turned traitor, so hurry up and do it." He glanced to Tseng.
    "You, and Sephiroth, go and find Reno," he commanded.
    "Tseng, that's an order."
    The Wutairian man nodded and swept off, followed closely by Sephiroth. The two of them were sent off to find and help Reno if needed.

    Reno chuckled uneasily, clearing his throat and scratching his head.
    "Yo, I mean no harm. I come from another place," —he made the alien greeting and chuckled at his own joke— "Um... Rufus wants to take this place under ShinRa's control. So, he told me to tell you that if you don't surrender, we'll blow up your Kingdom Hearts, if THAT'S what you call that dumb moon." He glanced at his watch.
    "It'll blow up in one minute. 60... 59... 58..."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ukali_rules
    OOC: I think most of us have black-hair is because either the world is more Asian (not to be racist or anything). Black is also the sign of evil, which is why it appears so commonly on villains. Well, it use to.
    Nycx sat down on her bed, rubbing her forehead. She had the worst head-ache she EVER felt. Well, head-aches, pain, hunger, thirst, and lack of sleep were probably the only things that followed into a Nobody life.

    Just be silent and go to sleep!

    The presense in her head became oddly quiet, like the person had gone to sleep. Nycx snorted and crawled into bed.

    Good night to you! she thought bitterly before falling asleep.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. ukali_rules
    Nycx turned around, whatever anger a Nobody could feel in her eyes.
    "I am in high need of sleep, and these 'private talks' don't sound like the thing you should bring up when a Nobody needs sleep!" she screeched angrily. "So good night!" She slammed the door of the room shut.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ukali_rules
    "You look pleased today, Sephiroth."
    "Only because the enemies blood is on my Masamune."
    "Hmmm. A good reason."
    The lazy conversation between Rufus and Sephiroth was not a new one. They had talked like this before. Reno was leaning against the helicopter, and Tseng was standing to attention, glancing around the area as if something would come and attack them.
    "The bomb will explode in a couple more minutes," Reno mused, checking his watch. Rufus smirked.
    "Tell the Organization the message. We shall control them through fear," he ordered. "Reno, go and tell them."
    "Why me," Reno said sadly, but quickly ran down the stairs, shouting things.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. ukali_rules
    "Because he trains me," Nycx said, and that was all. Standing up, she walked out of the room, intent on catching some sleep.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ukali_rules
    Nycx snorted. "I control my subordinates by fear, not respect."

    Like me.

    Shut up.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ukali_rules
    Sephiroth smirked. So female thought she could best ShinRa's finest by just grabbing his throat? Well, she thought wrong.
    A savage back-hand slap, a kick to her stomach, and a single slash with a Masamune. Sephiroth leapt away, his coat fanning out impressively behind him.
    "Pathetic," he sneered. "Why are you so interested in a bomb? It contains nothing that can hurt any of you, and ShinRa does not wish to hurt you."
    We only take away what they consider equivalent to Shiva, Sephiroth thought silently to himself.
    OOC: Aparently Shiva is an ice goddess. Or, at least, what I heard.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. ukali_rules
    OOC: Oh, I understand now.

    Nycx: She has ice blue eyes and dark black hair that goes down to her waist. Black feathers are braided into her hair. SHe is roughly 5'7, and is age 24. She wears the Organization Trench Coat, and the usual stuff underneath it. Her weapon is a black and white Rapier, and her element is blood. She is mocking, sadistic, and malicious. She is also short-tempered, unfriendly, and likely to pound you into a mound of trash if you tick her off.
    Nycx glanced at Kotone.
    "Yes, Saix is on our side," she said slowly, thinking her words over. "He was just training me. Your non-existent concern is thanked, but not needed."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ukali_rules
    OOC: Uh... FYI, I play Rufus, not Saix. 0.o
    Rufus smirked and held out a hand to help Tseng up.
    "Wonderful performance," he said, and clapped for a couple of seconds. "Now, we watch as this strange Organization's most prized possession explodes." A small, dark form of Sephiroth was coming back, this time without the bomb.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ukali_rules
    A gunshot, and a bullet was suddenly buried in the back of Demyx's hand.
    Tseng stood behind Demyx, holding a gun with practiced ease.
    "Yo, Tseng! Came late didn't you!" Reno said, greeting his boss with a little wave. Rufus smirked before ordering, "Tseng, take down the man that plays horrible 80s music. Reno, take down the girl. Everyone else, spread out and find the other members. If you see Cait Sith, disable him. He is merely a robot."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ukali_rules
    "Oh you little b—" Reno started. Yanking out his baton, he smacked it into the side of Larxene's face, giving Sephiroth enough time to grab the bomb and fly toward Kingdom Hearts. Rufus yanked out his gun and shot rapidly at Larxene, shouting orders.

    "Cloud! Everyone else! Focus your power on capturing the black-coated person!" he ordered. Reno seemed to take these orders to heart. Sweeping his foot out, he tripped Larxene.

    OOC: The Turks need another leader. I'll play Tseng.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. ukali_rules
    Nycx sighed, rubbing her already healing wrist.
    "Nah, my power just needs my blood," she said with a heavy sigh. "I was just training. Nothing much."
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. ukali_rules
    Reno growled when he sat down on the edge of the Alter of Naught, rubbing his head.

    "You could of pulled something else, y'know!" he grumbled, rubbing his head. "That hurt..."

    "Stop your complaining, Reno," Rufus ordered. He was thinking, sitting on oone of the helicopter chairs. "Cait Sith turned traitor. Oh dear. Reeve is going to get demoted for that. This Organization depends on something. We shall control them wiht fear, like we do with everyone else."

    "They seem to be dependent on their moon, sir," Sephiroth said, adding his part to Rufus's thinking.

    "The bomb we have," Rufus said, looking at the bomb in Sephiroth's hand. "Fly up to the moon and destroy it by using the bomb." A stiff nod, and Sephiroth took off.

    OOC: I'm gonna be busy the entire day. Don't RP too much, or else I won't be able to keep up!
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. ukali_rules
    "I knew you would make a good distraction," Sephiroth hissed to the fallen Reno. Picking him up, he quickly used Cure3 on him, before dragging him out of the room.
    "We need to hurry up and get back to Rufus for report," Sephiroth said, dragging Reno by his ponytail. "He needs to know of possible traitorism, and we need a word with Reeve. This Organization seems a lot more powerful then we thought." A flap of a wing, and Sephiroth was flying toward the Altar of Naught, Reno screaming in pain as he was yanked along by his hair.
    Post by: ukali_rules, Aug 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home