OOC: When I read the message, "Sora and Riku got married" I was like, "AHHHHHH!ZOMG!HOLYBREADOFTHEWITCHOFTHEEAST!STUPIDYAOIFANGIRLS!" Lol. Oh, and I'm in game with the entire "heir" and marriage thing. BIC: "Do you think that Alyssa will be angry at me for just leaving her?" Riku asked. (Don't ask about the name! I just dragged a random name out of a name dictionary.) "It wasn't like I told her and all." -------- GO AND SPY ON THEM YOU CRETIN! Okay! Okay! Nycx teleproted to a small Gummi Ship and mounted it. Flying out, she started to patrol the outer rim of the World That Never Was.
"OMG!" Reno screamed, and did a backflip to avoid the bullets. He crashed into Sephiroth, who fell to the ground. The Masamune flew out of his hands and stabbed into the nearby wall, nearly decapitating Tseng. "How do you know on how it feels like you lose what is most beloved?!" Sephiroth demanded, sitting up. "You haven't felt as near pain as I felt!" He fetched his Masamune and charged at Vincent, shouting incohorent things.
"HOLYBREADOFTHEWITCHOFTHEEAST!HOWTHEHELLDIDYOUGETHERE?!!" Reno screamed, leaping back into Tseng's arms. (No Yaoi intended. If you know Xiaolin Showdown, think of Jack Spicer screaming and leaping into someone's arms.) Tseng sighed and dropped him on the ground. "I surrender," he said, holding up his hands. A cruel glint suddenly appeared in his eyes. "NOT!" He lashed out with his fist, smashing it into the side of Vincent's face. Sephiroth— awakening from his strange half-asleep state— promptly unsheathed his sword and charged forward. Holding it up to Vincent's neck, he said, "Don't tell ANYONE about this escape. If you do, I will personally hunt you down and gut you in front of your most beloved."
Riku shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be?" he asked. ------- "No! We can't murder them, or else we'll never get back our hearts," Nycx hissed. "Or befriend them. The Keyblade has been the enemy of Heartless and Nobodies ever since it first appeared." OOC: Lol. I got a Californian accent. NO. Not one like Xigbar's. Xigbar's is a supposedly a Californian accent. Personally, I say he has a Californian SUFER DUDE accent. Big difference, ne?
OOC: Reno is busting everyone out of the dungeon. BIC: Reno unlocked the door. "C'mon, get outta here," he said, leaping in and tugging Sephiroth and Tseng to their feet. "You guys too. We gotta find a way to beat Rufus and his techno army of DEWM!" He leapt out of the prison, landing beside Zexion. "Get us somewhere safe," he said, walking into the portal. Sephiroth and Tseng shared a look, but followed Reno.
OOC: Uh... it's Reno. BIC: Reno smirked and quickly scampered into the portal. ------ Sephiroth glanced up when a portal opened, and a rather cheerful looking Reno bounded out. The red-head seemed even more smug then usual. "Who would have thought that ShinRa's finest could be knocked out so easily with just a wift of knock-out gas," he said, starting to hack into the security system that spread throughout the entire dungeon. "By me too..." Sephiroth's and Tseng's glares silenced him. "Hey, I made a deal with the Organization guy that we'll help, as long as I bust all you guys out," Reno said, swiftly moving onto the locks on the dungeon door. "You WHAT?!" Tseng thundered. "You made a deal without my consent." "No other way to get your out of here," Reno answered. "Now, shut up before Rufus finds out." ------ Rufus glanced up from his fifth glass. He was not even drunk yet! "Vincent, Cloud, Rude, go and guard the dungeon," he told the three.
Interesting. Hopefully, the book will have better spelling. Anyway. I don't see how the man is evil? I mean, eating fish every day? I have to question on how they drank water. Yeah. Anyway. My advice, get a basic plot down, then start working out the small details. That will make the story good. Good luck to you on your story writing.
Assume that it isn't Sora who wrote it. Most likely just someone trying to trick you. Sora is a game character, made out of pixels and unable to do anything in the real world. Most like a trick.
OOC: LOL. I always thought british accents were cool. XD. BIC: Riku nodded and ran toward the Gummi Ship. They had left it alone for a little while, and it was kinda rusty... but who cared? As long as it could drive. "You drive," he told Sora. "I never learned how to drive a Gummi Ship. Corridors of Darkness are much easier." ----------- The Keyblade Bearers are going on an adventure. How did you know that? Must be my powerful Berserker skills. Now go and warn the Superior! Nycx leapt up from her place on top of the clocktower. Opening a portal, she quickly ran through it to find Kry. "Kry! The Keyblade Bearers. They're coming to investigate this world!" she said, waving her arms crazily.
"Alright!" Reno said, and let go of Zexion's arm. "You're going to have to teleport me into the dungeon though. Rufus will have guards, but it'll be easy to get by them. Did you know that you can distract them by throwing a bouncy ball down the hallway?" Reno began to chatter as he pulled out his toolbox and chose the tools he would need. "Just open a portal and get me down there. I'll bust out everyone in a minute's time," he chirped happily.
OOC: Yeah, they're still on Destiny Islands. Well, now on the Gummi Ship. BIC: Nycx gave out a loud sigh. Saix, what should I do? Considering the fact that none of your Superiors need you at the second, go and buy a ton of Sea Salt Icecream and eat it. I always wanted to taste Twilight Town Sea Salt Icecream!!! No! I was just kidding! Nycx ignored Saix's indignant protest. Warping to a Gummi Ship, she climbed in it and booted it up. Locking onto Twilight Town, she landed in it and pulled up her hood. No one will be suspicious of a blacked cloaked person who dresses a lot like the Organization that terrorized the town with Nobodies. Right... Nycx strolled off, intent on getting as much icecream as she could.
"Aww, c'mon, you gotta help me!" Reno whined. Latching onto Zexion's arm limpet-like, he gave him the biggest case of bambi eyes in TWTNW history. (The World That Never Was.) "Rufus is gonna suck the power outta your friends if you don't help me. I'm the only person who knows how to hack one of Rufus's programs, how to pick his locks, and how to reverse any effects of ShinRa stuff on them. Also, you'll need me to help, or else Sephiroth will think you're there to harm him and probably cut off your head along with everyone else's."
"ZOMG!UIZPARTOFRUFUS'SGROUP!IWILLKEELU!" Reno pounced on Reeve, screaming all sorts of junk. (Translation: ZOMG! You are part of Rufu's group. I will kill you.) "Yeah, you can trust me," Reno said, sitting on Reeve so that he couldn't escape. "Rufus double-crossed most of us, and I bet Tseng and Seph are ready to help. Right now, I think they are in the dungeon. A fitting place where Rufus would put them. Anyway. This guy, Reeve," —he yanked Reeve's hair— "Is part of Rufus's group, so I say we shouldn't trust him."
Reno suddenly popped up behind Zexion, using his weirdo Reno skills. "Yo, we gotta get outta here," he hissed. "Can't you like... open a portal for us?" He poked Zexion in the back of the head, trying hard not to breathe. "Rufus has betrayed us. He's just after our power, but can't get it himself. I know Seph and the others will help your Organization, as long as you help us."
OOC: This thing is moving too slow for my taste. I'm leaving the chat. Sorry. :(
OOC: Yeah, I just wondering. No plot. :( BIC: Riku glanced at Sora. "Sora, we should go and check on the Nobodies' world," he said. "Just in case they are the ones sending the Heartless. I highly doubt it, since we destroyed them, but there is no harm in checking." ---------- Nycx sighed, sitting on one of the ledges that were at the top of The Altar of Naught. Saix, I've wondered. What is it like to be a Nobody? Does anything bad happen?]/i] ..... Saix? Some Nobodies start losing their memory of their Other, making it harder for them to relate to what feelings are like. Perhaps you will be lucky and keep all of them. Or perhaps you'll be like me, a Nobody who has forgotten everything, unable to relate to its memories on what feelings feel like. Eventually, Xemnas ordered all of us to destroy what belonged to our Other's, so that we throw off the past and just worry about regaining heart. Great. Nycx sighed and hunched over, holding her head. How had her Other's life been? Well... she had friends, and she often asked Leon things about the computers whenever she could sneak into there. What had her parents looked like? Their faces were blurry in her memory, along with her friends and mostly everyone else. What had been her favorite food? A scream of rage —or something— ripped from her throat. Was she too losing her memory on what her Other's life had been like. OOC: Okay, a stupid post, but who cares? I could make her wear a pink tutu for all I want. Anyway. Others are like a Nobodies' Somebody. I just call then Others, since... I think it's what they are referred as in the Ansem Reports. I can't remember. Oh well.
OOC: WTF. Doesn't he get effected by the knock-out gas like everyone else? BIC: Sephiroth felt only the numbing weirdness of the knock-out gas. It was strong, and he was teetering on the precipice of falling asleep. The other Organization members were coughing, Tseng was on the ground, and he had the funny feeling that Reno was knocked out. With luck, he wasn't. ---------- Reno —unlike everyone else— only got a small wift of the knock-out gas. He was currently lying on a bunch of pipes, for they had broken his fall when he slipped off the core. Ouch, he ached. He was going to KILL Rufus when he got out. Stupid spoiled git. Sitting up, he carefully leapt to a ledge on the wall and slid down it. Landing on some sort of balcony, he took a running leap over the rail to land in some blue-ish black area. (Hall of Empty Melodies.) Kneeling to soften the pain, he watched as the last of the smoke filtered through the air vents. With no one to breath it in, it would settle in the room. Holding his breath, Reno raced forward, intent on finding his comrades and whatever Organization there was there to find. ---------- Rufus was sipping yet anothing cup of wine. Without any Turks there to stop him, he could do whatever he liked. "Rude, Vincent, Reeve, Cloud, everyone," he ordered to the men outside the castle. "Go in and put the Organization and all of the other men inside the castle in the dungeons." (The place where they held Kairi and all in KH2.)
OOC: Yes, you can be those two. Okay, recap. Rufus just had Reno shut everything down in the castle. Then, he pumped sleeping gas into every single room in the castle, so that everyone got knocked out. He also double-crossed Tseng, Reno, Sephiroth, and any other ShinRa employee inside, treating them as prisoners along with the Organization. BIC: Sephiroth breathed in the air, and instantly started coughing. It was sleeping gas, and enough to knocke even HIM out! A solid thunking sound told him that Tseng had been knocked out. Glaring at the girl in his arms, he growled, "Get outta here" and slumped over.
OOC: I don't see anywhere where I can fit it. =(
OOC: Fine. Oh, and its called WARP SNIPE. And Rufus is at the helicopter. BIC: Sephiroth avoided the kunai and leapt up, landing behind Larxene. Yanking one of Larxene's cowlicks (yes, cowlicks! XD), he reeled her close to him. "Surrender, or I'll cut your throat," Sephiroth hissed in Larxene's ear, holding his Masamune dangerously close to her throat. "And everyone else's too." --------- Tseng was about to shoot at Xigbar, before all the power suddenly went out. The lights dimmed, and the room fell into darkness. The doors shut down, and everything running on the Organization's power core was shut down. --------- Rufus saw the lights flicker and go out. A smirk played across his lips. "Reno, send the sleeping gas through the air vents," he said into his cellphone. "Sure boss." --------- Smoke leaked out through the air vents, filling all the rooms in the castle. The helicopter nad the people beside it (Rude, Rufus, Cloud, etc.) were untouched, due to the fact they were outside. Enough sleeping gas was pumped into each room to knock out an elephant for several days. This amount of dosage was need to knock out a regular SOLDIER, and probably more was needed for the Organization and ShiNRa's Elite. "I never told any of you this," Rufus said, speaking into his cellphone, which was still connected to Reno. He heard coughing. "You are all replaceable to me. After I take all of this as mine, I'll simply use you all as experiiments with Jenova, Mako, Materia, and this fabled Heart's Power." More coughing was heard as Reno replied drowsily. "You ba—" The sound of slumping, and Reno was knocked out along with everyone else. Rufus smirked in victory.