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  1. Yukai
    Well... I'm not a very religious person but I am a Christian that doesn't read Harry Potter because of restrictions from my parents.

    It does get on my nerves when they say something is "Satanic" but it's just because of our religion. I try not to get bothered much...

    My mom said that she doesn't let me read it because some of the spells in there were real spells they used in the past that actually called on demons from Satan. I just assumed that the spells were just for accuracy. I don't read the series anymore so I can hardly care less now...

    HP is just targetted because of it's so called "accuracy" and it's theme being centered around witchcraft. It's almost specifically CENTERED around magic.

    If you look around you don't see LOTR or some other famous stories being targetted because they don't center on magic but just have concepts RELATING to magic, not many incantations etc.

    Several years ago, Pocket Monsters was targetted because of the theme song supposedly being satanic as well as the concepts in the show. I frankly don't believe in such exaggerations since I'd mix logic with religion to have it make sense.

    I mean... Look. It's just a kids show that originated in Japan. Of course they don't have racists stereotypes in Japan (Jynx and her black skin) and they can handle alot more things that are deemed inappropriate to children because they learn it at a younger age (-Lost- Episode #018 - Holiday at Aopuruko AKA Beauty and the Beach - Aired in July of 2000 in the US).

    That's just what I believe. I'm not a very religious person but I see what these people see as wrong and still think that you should mix in SOME degree of logic into what you're analyzing and just not get everything from the Bible. Even though the part that Betty said about the whole "witchcraft is against God" is true since I've read it. It still doesn't stir up anything in me that would make me go against the series since I don't read it.
    Post by: Yukai, Jul 25, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  2. Yukai
    That was good. You could have made better use of the layering features though to make it better.

    EDIT: This is a good thing. I'm not critiqueing you harsly like I do with other videos on other forums.
    Post by: Yukai, Jul 10, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  3. Yukai
    Hello... I have no idea who you are... But welcome back... [turns around and has a sign that says "I'm crazy" on it] ...Ignore that...
    Post by: Yukai, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Yukai
    Duck Hunt... XD I literally started gaming when I was like 4 or something...
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  5. Yukai
    wwwww. Same goes for me. What IS going on?

    Random: I just noticed, in 33 minutes, I'm officially 15... XD
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Yukai
    Thank you!

    I saw problems with the timing. Ahh well XD;;; Thanks you~!
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  7. Yukai

    Kingdom Hearts - Return to the Sea

    Here are my two "storyboard/draft" videos...

    Version 1
    Version 2 - Partial

    I suck editing with Sony Vegas but I haven't really had much experience with the program so I'm not going past that.

    X3 Err... Yeah... It's so late...

    Obviously, some of my footage could have been better, I could have picked better scenes, I should have analyzed it more then I should have for mistakes and my timing could have been better.

    The video was originally meant to be edited in WMM so I didn't expect it to be one of my best. The turn out was nice I suppose but not what I originally intended, however, with computer issues, lagg and lack of the footage... I went with what I had. The video is basically the same, I'm not sure if it's any better.

    Rate and Comment? XP
    Thread by: Yukai, Jun 20, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. Yukai
    The entire series KHVR series is based off of BR obviously. I like this version better though...

    Rem is cool! XD


    Yes. The Wild Seven are really just a bunch of kids that beat "The Game"... I feel sorry for THEM. Not the government... The government in this story can burn for all I care. They killed me!

    Lol. I laughed at the whole Double Agent thing.

    Really!? o.o

    Post by: Yukai, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Yukai

    Eh. It's not KH but it's my first AMV.
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  10. Yukai


    Skeith is one of the "Morganna Factors"; 1st Phase - The Terror of Death; which is why I didn't mention him as the one trying to kill Aura at the end of SIGN. The mission of all the 8 Phases of Morganna was to halt the growth of Aura so ultimately, one of them would have tried to kill her.

    Morganna Factors/Cursed Wave

    1. Skeith - "The Terror of Death"
    2. Innis - "The Mirage of Deceit"
    3. Magus - "The Propagation"
    4. Fidchell - "The Prophet"
    5. Gorre - "The Machinator"
    6. Macha - "The Temptress"
    7. Tarvos - "The Avenger"
    8. Corbenik - "The Rebirth"
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. Yukai
    Oh! That was intentional.
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Yukai


    "1. Who or what are aura, morganna, and herald?
    2. What exactly is the epitaph of twilight?
    3. What is so important about the eight phases of morganna?
    4. What is cubia?"

    1. Harald Hoerwick was the creator of "The World" and developed Morganna to help awaken Aura by collecting data form the players to develop her. Aura was a super AI that Harald Hoerwick created to be like a child that can learn and grow and to be the daughter that he would never had with Emma Wielant (see next question). Morganna was ment to be a mother figure to Aura but once AUra was awakened, Morganna would have had "no purpose" so she deliberatly tried to stall Aura's awakening.

    After a large portion of Morganna's data was lost, she started trying to delete Aura from existance.

    2. The Epitaph of the Twilight was a poem that was written by Emma Wielant, Harold's unrequieted love. "The World" was based off the poem which depicted the battle between the armies of light and dark. It was never finished.

    3. Using the data from the poem, Morganna developed the "Morganna Factors" to delete Aura.

    EDIT: The "Morganna Factors" were also known as the 8 Phases of Morganna and also as the "Cursed Wave" in the Epitaph of the Twilight.

    Morganna Factors/Cursed Wave

    1. Skeith - "The Terror of Death"
    2. Innis - "The Mirage of Deceit"
    3. Magus - "The Propagation"
    4. Fidchell - "The Prophet"
    5. Gorre - "The Machinator"
    6. Macha - "The Temptress"
    7. Tarvos - "The Avenger"
    8. Corbenik - "The Rebirth"

    4. Cubia functioned as the Anti-Existance of the Key to the Twilight. It was the Shadow and equal to Kite's Bracelet which was it's function. Everytime the bracelet did something, Cubia was effected and eventually became stronger.
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  13. Yukai
    Huh... Must be my computer and scanner since IRL the eyes are really lightly shaded...
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Yukai

    I just drew this last night. I kinda tried to pay attention to detail but it didn't really work and it sorta looks like my other drawings that didn't have enough detail, plus it's sketchy.

    I already noticed that it looks like she doesn't have a right hand and that both hands are small. I'm also pretty sure that the eyes are too far apart still... Gosh I have to fix that...

    I might not even redraw this since the "sketchyness" gave it a nice effect. I creeped everyone out at school with the whole "zoned out" eyes so I was satisfied.

    Anyone wanna help me with a name for her? What do you all think? :3

    Art (c) Yukai Makino X3 No stealing or I will hunt you down...
    Thread by: Yukai, Jun 12, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  15. Yukai
    It really all depends. Some people do better in areas then other people.

    I really would have to say Xemnas since he has the ability to beat any one of them. However, in my opinion, it's the situation each person is in. They all have strong points and weak ones that can be pitted against each other equally.
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Yukai
    Both editors are very good. You can make great AMVs with both once you know how they work.

    I'd say Vegas for now since I haven't had much experience with Premiere Pro yet, but I've seen amazing videos for both. So it's a hard decision.
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 12, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  17. Yukai
    Oh wow! I loved this storyline when it was a movie! SQWEE! This is going to be interesting! [gets popcorn] =3
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 11, 2007 in forum: Archives
  18. Yukai
    XP Gee... Those are horrible!! o_o Worse then me going crazy in an airport...
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  19. Yukai
    Holy Crud... Just read the new chapter. Nice job =o

    Let's see how this'll turn out... >3
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 7, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Yukai
    You still lasted longer then I did.. And you had a longer apperance then I did XP

    You lost an arm and got shot 3 times with bolts...

    Yeah. No kidding.
    Post by: Yukai, Jun 2, 2007 in forum: Archives