Mmm. Yep... ...Still got nothin'.
I don't know you... And that's saying something. [dramatic irony]
The lil' bugger's good. She's still raiding my pantry trying to find the Pocky I bought this afternoon. (I hid it in the secret compartment behind my bed XP) Is that why the room is dark?
That is a very interesting statement... ... Nope. Can't say anything. Only been back for about an hour.
Posts... Because... JUST BECAUSE...! ...I dunno...
I'm signature number 7664. Now where's my cookies?! >|
Bath with LOTS OF BUBBLE BATH! ^ω^ Tehhehehe~! Bubble go -pop-!
What's up? =P Haven't seen me around. Sorry. Been busy... Gonna lurk on the forums after I post these piccies up. Yes. I actually made an avvie... Tis simple but heck. It works. Kyuu... Okieeesss... Back to the world of not existing on this forum! [poof]
Yukai thinks this will be interesting. But she'll have to start when she comes back on Thursday from camp if it's OK... --- Name: Yukai Makino - 牧野 愉快 (Makino Yukai) Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: About 4'11" with black hair that goes down almost to her lower back and tied in pigtails and large red eyes. She wears an orange top with a white jacket and a white skirt with a loose brown belt that has a small pouch on the right side to hold things. It's mainly for show. She also has a reddish-brown messenger bag which would typically contain some supplies for sketching. Personality: Yukai, although she is a teenager, acts like a little kid. When ever she talks her voice becomes extremely high-pitched to the point where she's extremely annoying. Yukai also won't do things unless she's told or if she likes the idea, most of the time she does things of her own free will. She has hard times trying to tell people what she's really thinking because she's afraid she would get scolded and tries her best to avoid becoming discouraged. Because of this, she is unable to communicate her problems to the people around her and eventually isolated herself at home. Yukai wants to meet people she can trust just to talk to them. Yukai is mistaken to have a mental disease because of her behavior and her speech pattern but isn't exactly what everyone expects. Most people don't understand why her personality was warped to the point where she was a little kid. When calm, Yukai will have times when she's normal and will talk normally. Typically, that would be the best time to have a rational conversation with her. Yukai doesn't like it when people are negative or sad and would try to make any negative situation into a positive one. On another note, Yukai likes fresh air (has a habit of opening windows), and her favorite animals are monkeys (because they always seem so cheerful). Her favorite fruit are bananas and her favorite food is cake. She hates foods that are bitter or spicy to the extreme such as wasabi or pure cocoa powder. Yukai likes to cook once in awhile but her favorite hobby is to draw and will often go through great lengths to draw something as simple as a circle. She also likes to make things like paper birds, paper airplanes because she used to help her father build computers and laptops. Yukai's favorite board games are Pictionary and Scrabble and her favorite colors are yellow and orange. Teh supplies include food, clothing, building material, furniture, etc.
Yukai's name came out of a Japanese Dictionary on her desk uki. Yukai's name means "happy", "pleasant" or "cheerful". =] Her full alias, Yukai Makino, the Makino was from a famous singer with the name Yui Makino. Yukai's friend, Akari, called Yukai, Yui-chan a lot so it stuck that Yukai was Yukai Makino.
This actually happens often with the mouse of Yukai's parents. Have you been using the same batteries? If you have, the non-moving cursor is a sign you need to change the batteries as it takes a lot of juice to maintain that laser all the time.
Yukai liked the manga and the game. However, Yukai does say the detail of the game wins all =]
Wow! That's funny...uki... >_> That's some weird coincidence...
Yukai's tummy hurts too... =/ Maybe pizza before crackers not good... Ukkkiiiii...
Uki! 10 saltine crackers! Yukai win something now, right? Yukai ate 10 saltine crackers in 49 seconds!
!! We gots a code red! Choco milky hater! Yukai repeats! Code red!
Yukai LOVE chocolate milk. Yukai wants some now... [goes and buys some from market]
wwwww! Pink! XD I'll see what I can do. o_O; I"m giving this to that site that's in there in the picture. The whole swirly thing was someone elses idea. No one I knew offered to draw it I drew it myself using lots of references. =P Go pen tool magic! The swirlies were hard to draw like that using the pen tool since they always ended up looking more squarish then swirly... ><
Aww... My computer with my mic has no power cable so I can't use it. =[ I wanna talk wit j00z allz XD
I have no idea what color to color this... >< And I DID draw half of it from scratch (with reference =]) then did pen tool magic XD I thought I made the Nobody logo look pretty... Uhm. Yeah... Comments? But don't say I ripped it off... Tell someone else I ripped it off >_>