...Oh dear... I can't recall... ...Someone wanna try to jog my memory?
After listening to him laugh a bazillion times (that happens when you're translating), it's more amusing then creepy...
I shall agree with you on that... But hey. You're talking to an insane (slightly delusional person).
Head looks small? [measures] o_O I thought head was like... a tad misshapen because of the insanely large eyes I drew, which I wasn't intending but the pen made me think other wise XD I love snow and ice... It's frozen water. I like water... And because it's cold, it gives me an excuse to buy TONS OF HOT COCOA.
I mean a real winter with snow. No one cared if you had really long sleeves... I really miss... looking like that when I biked to school o_o... So much fun to slap people with my insanely long sleeves >D One of the only pictures I actually used a pen with... This is like the first one. I Used my black pencil for the insanely large outline to cover up my pen boo-boos. ^^;;;; I like it since usually my doodles from class (such as this one) usually turn out bad and I don't like them.
[activates Lurker Disappearing Cloak before she gets hit so MadiYasha passes through her harmlessly; throws bowl of extra fire hot curry made with fire from Axel's chakrams @ NP]
Yes it did... o.o Da avvie DID go with that comment.
XALDIN!!! ZOMG UR HERE! Wait... I didn't even know you left... YOU LEFT?! !O______O [mind capacity reached]
I know that. Don't think I dunno anything 'cause I left for months >=|
Hyuu... Looks like one of the staff meetings from dnjMS that I had in text form... =P And yes. How is that a meeting with only two peeps? I didn't even know you guys HAD meetings.
Wao... ...I actually liked that trend even though I was only here for like... what... 6 days?
I would agree with the first theory as well. It seems like the most reasonable explination. It would also explain Twilight Thorn. As mentioned before, it could be the parallel to Sora's shadow becoming Darkside. I do agree with it.
Granted, but you find that no store in the world ever accepts 2 dollar bills and it sits in your pocket. I wish I had less homework... So I can actually play KH.
Look through the forum for interesting things to read... ^-^
Should I chop the heads of the McDonald's staff off and mount them to put on my wall? Or should I boil them in the oil they use to fry french fries?
McDonalds ain't scary, they just plain fail. D< They burned my cheeseburger yesturday! >| :roar: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! [grabs axe]
Lulz worthy things pwn all :D
Thanks. Lulz. "The Dreaded Block... OF DOOM!" Drawing X3 Eh... Maybe I'll do an actual fanfic next time. I dunno o_o
Bwahaha... I couldn't resist after I wrote that story of mine XD Story: The Dreaded Block
I do agree with that... And, watching that cutscene when Riku fights Roxas (before he goes all "Ansem" on Roxas) he already looks like he got his KH2 clothes (you'll notice that his hair is the same as in KH2, which means he must have grown by then). So, he probably got them sometime before then as well. Lulz... No. Just no X|