why hello there, do you know what happened with the maintanance the other day? all posts in the last 2 months are gone along with all rep and all...
Anyone care to give me some referance humour?
To hinder this confusion, Nomura actually said that Death is a concept that doesn't exist in Kingdom Hearts so the revival or return of Characters is more than possible. In relation to Guardians comment, as far as i know, there has been no indication of time differances in the realm of darkness. There are some merits to that statement but it hasn't really been indicated as of yet.
I completely agree but because of this, they create not just a game, not just a story but an alternative reality. Nomura is creating something which he considers a type of reality to himself and creates it for us to explore, theorise about and feel for. One proof of this is probably in KH 358/2 days when Xion is about to disappear.. If it was just any old game people would just go "it was inevitable" but instead, and i am one person who is apart of this, cries at the fact that she disappears into nothing. its the creation of emotional attachment to the reality, it makes its come alive and makes it real. To many people it has changed them in both good and bad ways i.e. how seeing that light is always visible inspires them or maybe darkness does in some cases. SIDE NOTE: when you post put *Raise your hand* if you too cried when Xion died. I don't cry at many things but that was just too much for me.
I would have to say as a Vanitas fanboy yes it is possible as Nomura said himself Death is not a concept that exits in Kingdom Hearts meaning that anything it possible. While i agree with most people that Ven and Vanitas become one and the same when they fought in the Keyblade Graveyard, i think that this situation is similar to Riku's situation the Ansem taking hold in his darkness. If Ven is re-awakened, Vanitas, being a separate soul now, will be able to fight with Ven for Surpremacy. In relation to Llave was hoping, As far as i have heard, Nomura gave an interview stating that since Xehanorts Heartless and Nobody were destroyed in the wrong order he will come back to life. his heart was released to Kingdom hearts, his body is defeated in Kingdom hearts, In doing this the heart is waiting for him to die in order to be re-awakened, birth by sleep. The same could also be said about some of the Organisation members. I got the info on this interview from a semi-reliable source so i'm looking into it but it could be the case.
Good evening good gentleman, now that BBS has been completed by myself at critical difficulty i can finally talk KH and theorise about KH without worrying about spoilers. I think that it is Sepheroth because he has been shown to enter the games and he has been shown as a canon part of the story. He will train Zack and in KHIII when they continue the Xehanort Chronicals, he will be shown as he is in the FFVII series, an able bodied warrior of great power on par with cloud and sepheroth. Chances are that if Aqua comes back into the realm of light he will ask her on a date again. Even look at this snipet from an interview with Nomura which is kindly supplied by KHI where they have all existing interviews to date; -- Who is the hero "similar to Terra" that Zack aspires to be like? Nomura: As in the original game, it's Sephiroth. In "KHI FM" and "KHII" Sephiroth was portrayed as a being of darkness, but at the time of "KH BbS" we don't know whether or not he was a being of darkness. SIDE NOTE; your Avvy is a bit of a spoiler and if people see it, you will spoil the game for them. Not everyone on the site has finished BBS yet.
WTF happened? I've been sick for 3 days, i come back to find that RvR was doing maintainance and find 100 Rep gone along with the RP.
It's going great ATM.
still nice to talk to you again LOL
Illuminated by Hurt
I win because in my head this thread gets locked after my post XD
Akua facebook is extremely overrated...but if you want to add me, pm me and i'll send you my URL XD
The last movie i watched was sin city. I mightn't have read frank millars works but the movies made are inspirational, unusual and refreshingly open minded and complex at points.
I feel that inception was a great movie but if i do say so myself that i wished it was a little more complicated. I like it when a story becomes complex enough to confuse me because it offers a wonder and a sense of enlightenment as you figure it out. While Inception offers alot of twists and turns it didn't seem to have enough for me personally. Pertaining to the ending Spoiler I think what they are trying to show is that reality, as it denotes within the word itself, is relative. Dream world, Real World, Limbo, it doesn't matter because each and everyone are realities. The one you choose to percieve is your reality but everything else is considered a dream.
what i had actually been meaning to say i sorry and that i'm glad you quoted the rules because to be perfectly honest i scimped the rules 3 times...
I always liked Gin but now he's definitely my fav captain too. He just surfaces above shunsui XD
thats true. It's supposed to make the sleep more comfortable XD
of course its possible. one thing about people is there infinite capacity to love. The only real question is whether its love you feel.
no, i just haven't been able reply simply because i haven't gotten around to it. I'm only after getting some peace and quiet today.
We finally see gins reason behind wanting Aizens Head, because hurt rangiku before she had joined the gotei 13 under toshiro.