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  1. daxma
    "Lets just hope you'll of the power necessary to defeat them by the next time you confront them" he smiled as he body flickers behind him and touches the hilt of his blade just to take his hand off it straight away. "When you can stop me from doing that, then you might stand a chance" He said to Hatsu. He breathed in one big gulp of the air feeling lightly more energetic."So i can feel some of the teams Reiatsu in the air...since the wind is blowing from the South i suggest we start there" He told him...

    Sasuke had gotten his usual lift and put himself on what he called "Hollow Canyon". It was about 1KM long, the site of many a hollow on hollow battle. It was a canyon in which he intentionally released Reiatsu so that Hollows would swarm to it and try and eat the source. He didn't release enough to kill hollows just enough to get them to swarm. He Was at the highest point at which you could look down on the canyon to what could be mistaken for a swarm of insects as they walk and crawl over each other. The sronger hollows were at the bottom eating what came down..."Poor Souls" he muttered without a semblance of sympathy. Suddenly Sasuke let out what seemed like a sort of Hollow like roar directly into the air and a Cero comes from his chest and destroy's the chunk of cliff below his feet, taking out a clump of hollows directly under him.His Expression hadn't changed "None of you are right" he said as the Zanputou on his back changed to his Shikai and his body became engulfed in flames...
    Post by: daxma, Oct 21, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. daxma
    Yamata Felt himself fall through the air but was prepared and landed on his feet. "Hueco Mundo...Always lovely this time of year, you can feel the energy in the air, quiet literally" he said as he looked to Hatsu. He finsihed his noodles and spoke "Next time, I don't care what someone says, that you lose it i will take you out of there. You mightn't have noticed it but at any moment during that conversation that Sasuke could've killed you and in some scenario's i wouldn't have been able to save you. I understand your a Vizard and are capable of great things even considering your power level but that guy was born a Vizard. He could've beaten you when he wasn't even a shinigami let alone what he can do now after many years of his powers growing" he slaps Hatsu at the left side of the head. It was an annoying gesture but one he'd understand."Be more careful next time...".
    Post by: daxma, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. daxma
    Sasuke Swiftly glanced back as he threw the empty bowl onto the ground of the Dangai. "He probably has something "interesting" in store for you if he called out a favour from me besides getting one of the lessers to give you the message" he said as he made what could be distinuished as a smile. He just stood in his position waiting for Negación to Pull him back to Hueco Mundo.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. daxma


    OMG the anime is catching up to the Manga so fast.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 20, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  5. daxma
  6. daxma
    "It's not my place to tell and even if it was, do you honestly think i'd make it so obvious as to confront you directly" he told him as he kept eating and walking into what seemed like an endless road that was the Dangai.

    Yamata looked on and analysed the situation as it unfolded, still not changing expression while he ate.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. daxma
    "I think the question is...What do you think it means?" He said as he turned away eating to himself. He didn't care what it meant, he was just doing a favour for a friend, he didn't care what it meant. Whatever Kyo had planned was his business it had nothing to do with him and if it did, he would deal with it, it was that simple.

    Yamata was slightly confused but whatever it was that was hidden in that message seemed to cause a spike in Hatsu's Reiatsu...Yamata's expression didn't change but he was worried not for Sasuke... but for Hatsu's sake in case he would do something that could get himself killed.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 19, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. daxma
    Profile Post

    Oh ya sure

    Oh ya sure
    Profile Post by daxma for Korra, Oct 19, 2010
  9. daxma
    Ok i'll post it tomorrow, just continue anyway and then i can update my profile later.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. daxma
    I feel now is an appropriate time for a Gif Overload:
    Post by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. daxma
    I'd look for more people but failing that do everything i wasn't capable of before.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: Discussion
  12. daxma
    I got in contact with him once in the hospital because he'd been in a car crash.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. daxma
    The title explains the nature of this thread. I want to know which Team or Duo in Anime and/or Manga is your favourite and why. Mine, is of Course Itachi and Kisame because for one i can resonate with there philosophies. I seek to create Illusion and also seek out Truth. Another reason why they are me favourite Team is that they work so well together, they are complete opposites and yet they are so similar. Third of all of course is that with their power they choose to stick by philosophy rather than the nature of men with power.
    Thread by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. daxma
    Nah, Vodka is the stuff. Vodka turns you upside down. I've seen it.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. daxma
    The king of spirits be with you.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. daxma
    I am the exact same. Every weekend i have essays to do which means it even ruins my weekends.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 18, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. daxma
    When will we start? i've put up my Character Profiles.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 17, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. daxma
    Let me answer in his place, No, Organisation members don't wear those boots, in fact they wear shoe's not boots.
    Post by: daxma, Oct 17, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. daxma


    Yo Bueno, i've posted up profiles so lets continue!!!!
    Post by: daxma, Oct 16, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  20. daxma
    Username: Daxma
    Name: Yamata Noorochi
    Gender: Male
    Alliance: Soul Society
    Age: He looks to be about 19 to 20
    Appearance: Spiky blonde hair, captains robe and Haori. He holsters his Zanputou on his right side.
    Division: 11th Division
    Rank: Captain
    Bio: He was Born as any other Shinigami is, He is recruited and he shows particular talent with Kidou. A captain by the name of Sasuke Susuno'o takes him under his wing and trains him. They form a great friendship. He trains him how to master shikai and then promotes him to Vice-Captain. Next Sasuke gives him the method of attaining Bankai but leaves him alone to attain it. After He is done his training he finds that his former captain had departed to join Los lobos and hours before his defection promoted him to captain.
    Personality: Warm Hearted and kind. He's highly philosophical much like his former captain.
    Other: Loves eating noodles out of a bowl, his favourite being chicken. One of the most skilled people with Kidou in soul society.

    Zanpakuto Name: Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi,
    Sealed Appearance: Normal Katana
    Spirit Appearance:
    Release Command: Roar
    Shikai Appearance:
    Shikai Power: It change its size, shape and form
    Bankai Name: No change from Shikai name
    Bankai Appearance: No Change in Appearance
    Hollow Mask: N/A

    Username: Daxma
    Name: Sasuke Susano'o
    Gender: Male
    Alliance: Los Lobos
    Age: He looks to be about 19 to 20
    Appearance: Long dead blond hair which is cut off half way down his neck, a stubble like beard, black trench coat, black cargo pants, black boots, black t-shirt. He has haori from his former captaincy with a slash right down the middle of it. He has his Zanputou in a holster on his back
    Division: former 11th Division
    Rank: former Captain
    Bio: Little is known of his past except because he can't remember most of past...Outside of Sereitei before a shinigami scout happened upon him having a dispute with the Gate Guardian Danzōmaru. Danzōmaru wouldn't let him inside Seireitei due to a philosophical despute over the nature of beings. As the Shinigami watched he watched in awe and horror as Danzōmaru tried to smash him with a fist but out of no where, the He produced a cero and blasted Danzōmaru against the wall...Soon after this he was put in front of the Central 46 after the Techies discover he's a Vizard and looking at his structure he was born that way... how they do not know. In the Central 46 chambers they spoke to Him and decide to allow him free passage to become a shinigami...He is a Captain now soon after the 11th Captain becomes deceased. At this point he is a well respected man. He takes a young man by the name of Yamata under his wing...He joins Los Lobos for what he considers Philosophical reasons.
    Personality: He has an air of mystery about him, he is his former pupil, has a strong philosophy and considers yamata to be "naive".
    Other: Loves eating noodles out of a bowl, his favourite being beef.

    Zanpakuto Name: Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami
    Sealed Appearance: Normal Katana
    Spirit Appearance:
    Release Command: Cry
    Shikai Appearance:
    Shikai Power: Has the power to control Black Fire and Lightning
    Bankai Name: ????????????
    Bankai Appearance:
    Hollow Mask:
    Post by: daxma, Oct 15, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home