>| **** YOU ***** MY CORNER IS FOR RENT RIGHT NOW i miss you. a lot.
I hope you dont mind, that I put down in worddddddsssssss. How wonderful life is, now you're in the world. wazzup khv
oh sweet baby jesus. I logged in and was like oh **** what happened to my site. Its good guys. :) way to be.
lawl. i hate high school and its silly drama.
Both of you need to hush it. I dont need anyone getting severly butthurt over this. That being said you cant join a debate without having previous knowladge of what people have already said. If you think the debate is pointless, than leave. But we need to debate respectfully or its just pointless arguing.
It just like added onto it i was in my cheer uniform. It made it TEN TIMES BETTER. It was so funny. They were like oh my god oh my god you know about Kingdom Hearts oh my god. "Did you hear about the new games?" "Im pretty sure I knew about them before you did." "REALLY" "Yes."
I was dressed in my full cheerleading uniform, sparkles and everything. And we are taking a walk around because we do that and Im walking in front of these two freshmen boys and they are total nerds. They dont stop talking about video games, and its really funny to hear them talk because they dont think I know what they are talking about, but I really do. And one of them brings up Kingdom Hearts and they said something about it having a great chance of beating out some other game and I was like "**** yeah it does. Kingdom Hearts is rocking." And their eyes are just like o______________________________o They start like FREAKING out and they think Im making **** up or being sarcastic or something and they are like "NAME THE MAIN CHARACTERS" and hopefully by now I would be able to do that, so I start naming off main characters, minor charactors and their eyes and facial expressions were the best thing I have ever seen in my life. They were in shock. It made my day.
crazy stuff