*shrugs* life goes on. Haha bordom is okay someee of the time.
It does but you know what.... when you get hurt or injured as much as I do, you get used to being torn away from physical activity....
haha i cant cheer anymore because of everything with my elbows. whateverrr. whats going on with you?
Kind of? But also in a bad way :P Lots of stuff going on I guess, most of it good but someof it just bad.
I am doing okay! Veryyy crazy over here!
haha no he hasnt. I still kind of wish he was gay. But oh my god, he and i were at a forensics tournament today, and he was like Katie did you...
AHHHH. How are you love?
http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/group.php?gid=316499332682&ref=ts I laughed : D
hahaha yeah i liked kevin for a while last year :) But he and I are really good friends. Nick was the ******face I dated, and he and I are just...
<3 No he isnt. He just my best friend, and honestly he is one of the greatest people I have met in my life. Saying things like that is just kind...
He's a great guy :) I knew that he liked me long before I even liked this other guy so it wasn't really that cruel. And he is my best friend, I'm...
Spoiler I like my eyes. i loveeee youuu. you are sooo cute <3 I miss you
Hes a year older than I am. He is in the highest form of accelerated classes we have at our school and he is really smart. He plays soccer, hes...
i can talk for like the next 15-30 minutes on AIM :D
ummmm yeah we need to talk more. K? k. and yesssssss!! UNDER THE SEA!
yay :) and guesss whattt. i have a boyfriend :) I think you would approve of him :))
...yum D: that sounds delicciouuussss.
D: what are colacubes. lol.
They are doing okay. The left one is healing exceptionally well, but the right one hurts when I write too much. though there is something wrong with my wrist because of it :( idk it hurts when i move it in certain directions. so i get them re evaluated tomorrow, hopefully my left one can get out of its sling.