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  1. NeoCloudstrife
    you'd be surprised ;)
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 7, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  2. NeoCloudstrife
    ahh, you guys. ruined the spam zone for me :(
    If it werent for the code vault, kh-vids would now be pointless for me...

    *doesnt want this post to count towards 300*

    ahh well. it was fun while it lasted...
    *takes out buster sword and flys off*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. NeoCloudstrife
    ...they're the same person :P
    hang on lemme edit the first post to reduce confusion.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 7, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  4. NeoCloudstrife
    That'll Be explained in future spin-off episodes :D
    For now, we're in the future of that event, and the tournament is almost underway :D

    Oh, and the line-up couldn't have been better if we'd have picked it ourselves, i think. you guys did a great job of voting for us, thanks a lot KH-Vids!
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 7, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  5. NeoCloudstrife
    If you Have yet to hear of this Great event, i suggest that you take a look over here

    The Tournament is about to begin!
    The Time has come to reveal to you the Fight order, so here's the tournament board for you all to lay your eyes on!
    ~Click The Picture.

    The Final Ten Contenders are:

    Ok, Rules for contenders are as follows:

    Each Contender Gets a place at the bottom row. A red "X" symbolises a battle which will take place,and greyed out characters have been eliminated. Characters will work their way up the tournament board, Fighting whoever meets them at a red "X". whoever loses is eliminated, and the winner ascends the board, following the arrows. The two chacters chosen at random on the right hand side are "special". Whoever wins the first battle on the rightmost two slots will enter "Vengeance mode". This means that they will fight Characters who have already been eliminated, and voted back in by the public, which is you. :D If the character in "Vengeance mode" is defeated by one of these returning characters, they are eliminated, replaced by whoever they lost to, and cannot be voted back in. If they win, they ascend the board just as a character normally would. When the last battle, symbolised by a green "X" is fought, the winner is crowned "King of Hearts" and wins the tournament. They will then go on to face the terrifying "Title Match"!

    Initial Battle Information:

    Battle 1: Marluxia vs. Cloud

    Room: Betwix and Between
    Release: Saturday, 07 February.

    Battle 2: Xemnas vs. Riku

    Room: The World of Nothing [Xemnas Final Battle]
    Release: Saturday, 14 February.

    Battle 3: Roxas vs. Sora

    Room: Station of Serenity
    Release: Saturday, 21 February.

    Battle 4: Larxene vs. Sephiroth

    Room: The Great Maw
    Release: Saturday, 28 February.

    Battle 5: Saix vs. Axel
    Room: The Dark Depths
    Release: Saturday, 7 March.

    Those will Be the initial Five battles, and Stage Two starts When all five of them are Completed!

    Fight Number one will be uploaded to youtube and up for download, and posted here sometime in the future. Sorry for any delays.
    Thanks for your patience and Support!

    Thread by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 7, 2009, 86 replies, in forum: New Releases
  6. NeoCloudstrife
    yeah, it doesn't :D

    We're very nearly done with preparation now. the wait's not long!
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 7, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  7. NeoCloudstrife
    uhhh, i'm staff BTW :p
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. NeoCloudstrife
    z0mg spamz0rz
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. NeoCloudstrife
    no pie for any of you.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. NeoCloudstrife
  11. NeoCloudstrife
    Ok everyone, thank you for all your support in voting!
    It's been a week since voting opened, so, from now, voting is OFFICIALLY CLOSED
    Any votes after this post won't count, so dont bother yourself :D

    OK, votes are in, have been counted and re-counted, and everything is ready.
    The Tournament will begin shortly, so please hold tight, and in the next couple of days, the battle for ultimate glory will begin!

    Information regarding the Final Competitors will come your way within the next 24 hours at least.

    I'm sure Riku'll be able to use whatever attack we want him to ;)
    same goes for everyone. We can give/take moves at will to make it COMPLETELY fair, so that way everyone has an equal chance.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 6, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  12. NeoCloudstrife
    Thank you, guys, for your many posts and votes!
    Keep it up, just one day left before voting is closed!

    we'll soon we able to reveal who's fighting!

    Also, check the first post! An update has appeared!

    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 5, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  13. NeoCloudstrife
  14. NeoCloudstrife
    Votes for Terra cannot be counted, and multiple votes cant be counted either. sorry, please vote again if you wish to :D
    check the First post.
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  15. NeoCloudstrife
    Just a reminder, Vote counting ends in just two days time!

    So keep voting while you still have a chance!
    It's Very close between a few characters, one or two votes could make a difference!
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 4, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  16. NeoCloudstrife
    We've discussed the zexion issue. we should be able to get him working :D
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 1, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  17. NeoCloudstrife
    Please, i must stress that Terra is NO LONGER available to vote for.
    You will still see him in the tournament, but please do not vote for him. your vote will not count :D
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Feb 1, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  18. NeoCloudstrife
    *comes in through dark portal with bustersword out*


    *slashes you all*

    *sprints back into dark portal*
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. NeoCloudstrife
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. NeoCloudstrife
    Regarding "Sora-Only" Bosses

    More than one of you at this point has said something about Characters that can't be defeated unless sora does something. Believe me when i say, Hacks are VERY powerful things. 9/10 of these, we can fix easily, such as Data Axel's "invincibility" and Xaldin's Wind aura. The ones that are going to be quite difficult to fix are as follows:

    ::Vexen (although i have an idea of how to get them to break his shield)
    ::Final Xemnas (This guy is VERY sora/riku dependant, and almost impervious to hacks -.-)
    ::Large/Unreachable characters (This includes armoured xemnas, groundshaker and stormrider, possibly more)
    ::Luxord (has no HP, but i also have an idea)

    We will be working very hard all this week to Try and fix these small flaws, but if for any reason we can't, then any vote for them will have to be disregarded, or we'll think of a way round it.


    Please note the first post, Terra is now NOT available to be voted for. This isn't due to any errors, and you Will see him in the tournament. He's just too damn good to be a real contender. so do not vote for him, 'kay? I'd advise you if you're reading this and have already voted for him, to go back and change your vote tosomeone else :D
    Post by: NeoCloudstrife, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: New Releases