Hey dudes, I found out that an old code which i thought didnt work actually works fine. Dunno i anyone's said anything yet, or a similar code's been hacked since, but i think I could release it soon if anyone's interested in a magic mod.
Ah, i see what you mean about the link now. Sorry, i don't have any link any more. Perhaps somebody else has it?
xD no need for an upgrade. if i wasn't so lazy, the next vid'd probably be up by now It's Just It glitched up and i'm not sure if it's better now.
its not youtube thats the problem really, its my internets's Uploading ability :p
xD no need to be sorry at all. its a little OCD, i just like these things to be set straight, is all.
if you mean battle 2, then no, not yet. but check back often!
Nice code idea:D i actualy find it great that a lot of people are being so creative nowadays and can actually modify the data in a lot of quite advanced codes :D you seem to be taking the "Byte mod" thing a little too seriously, and it might confuse a few people, so imma go ahead and clear this up too :D "Direct Byte modding", as i like to call it, in itself is the Technique used to hack any code, as opposed to "4 Type" codes (Compressed) and "5 Type" codes (Copy). I believe the actual code shown in yours is a Model mod, Made using the "Direct Byte modding" style, the most common. So, really, all of those codes (Apart from the Jokers) that you used are "byte mods" All characters have different joints, so it's impossible to find a common attatchment joint, unless every model was the same, which they aren't xD
If i can ruin these things again, now wouldnt be a bad time to do so. which is the reason why i posted. ...O.o
"just written" is a gigantic understatement. half the reason the first battle was delayed so much is because i had to put every single number there O.o
In actual Fact, i believe the Adress "21CFBDEC" was ported from the FM+ version which is "21CE267C", both of which modify the attatchment joint of the equipped weapons. It was originally hacked by Erkz, And therefore credit, i'm sure, Rightfully belongs to Erkz. The Code is not new, and Knowing how to modify the digits for a different effect does not entitle you to "Credit". At least i'm pretty sure it doesn't... Sorry to be a jerk but i just thought i'd clear that up :D
cancelled? No way! We haven't forgotten, and we think we've found a way to upload things. so stay tuned!
*tries to join staff pit as honourary member*
yeah, that's the old party mod. Try using the UCM codes, they should be on the front page. EDIT: 11CFA3FC 00000323 That should do the trick. just be sure you haven't equipped oathkeeper before you use it.
you're probably using a really old code. what code are you using, exactly?
In response to the whole "Playing as bosses" thing. We can do it. bosses can be "played as" via the UCM. the only problem is that they were never meant to be "Controlled". KHII is a very advanced PS2 game, instead of a "universal controller" that uses the numbered animations when a button calls for them (like the orginal KH), KHII has a completely different system which, put very simply, means that boss mset's do not understand input from a controller. whether it's possible to trick them into understanding it using codes is an idea i'm going to explore in the future. a primitive, DMA example is the "play as hooded roxas" code from KHIIFM+. it uses sora's mset, and swaps to the bosses individual animations. Some boss animations, however, are also Complicated, and Don't allow any controller input while the animation is playing. So, for now, "play as boss" codes have come as far as they can. EDIT: I just realised that most of you probably have no idea what "mset" means. a ".MSET" file is the file which contains the basic animation data for characters. Locations for the reaction commands and limits for playable characters are still unknown.
DW Mickey (NTSC Version) 11CFA3FC 00000318 21CC346C 01000000 21CC34B4 001C0001 21CC34BC 09000000 1033FEC0 00000029 11CEF78C 00000769 21CF0534 58455F57 21CF0538 5F303130 21CF053C 464C5442 21CF0540 00004C5F 21CFBDEC 005B009B that's what you want.
i'm not quite sure what you mean? you mean the UCM for his left hand weapon? you want it? or you want someone to highlight it in the code that you posted?
Ok, lookie here, its Probably my internet that's keeping it from working, or its the video itself. i had similar issues with the xaldin video and it worked somehow last time. i'm literally going out of my way to ensure this works for you guys. I've now tried to upload on a number of different sites at least fifteen different times now, and i just cant see the problem. the Tournament, reluctantly, will have to be held off for a while until i can sort this all out. i guess worst case scenario is that i'll have to be almost completely removed from doing anything tournament related xD we'll see how it goes though. at any rate, i CAN tell you that this battle is almost three times as epic as the last :D ~Cloud
Sorry. the good news is that as i'm typing, the battle is being uploaded (for the third time), and its at 10%. as soon as its done a new thread will be posted up. that is if it doesnt get stuck at 99% again -.-
done already...