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  1. Majik
    pyriel's still active, i talked to him earlier today
    he might not hack as much as he use to but he's still kickin
    Post by: Majik, Jun 30, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Majik
    re hacking what you just did is gonna give you the same result as you have now. you need to add more to the code if you want that character everywhere in the game
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Majik
    Funbari no Uta is a manga chapter of the series. it won't make any sense unless you read all of the other chapters first.
    the series is called "shaman king"
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. Majik
    no offense but can you "pls nt spel liek ths"
    its difficult to read

    and yes all the RAW versions of the code will work on gameshark (madcatz versions)
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Majik
    they started it off wrong, if you read the first couple of chapters then i don't blame ya for not liking it. it gets intresting when yoh meets his rival and the main enemy of the series.
    both, though some of the special episodes which are very good were never dubbed into english. and some of the manga wasn't officially translated but you can find some special versions where someone on the internet translated it

    btw, the manga beats the anime in every aspect >_>
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Majik
    i perfer adven't version of that saying
    "100% of the internet population doesn't care whether or not you have a MySpace account, so stop putting these in your sigs."

    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Majik
    you all need to get back on topic, last time i checked this topic was centered around shaman king.
    if you wanna talk about "Hikaru no Go" make a topic for it
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  8. Majik
    look on the cover of your game's box art. it should say it somewhere
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Majik
    what region is your game?
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Majik
    i got away with that when i wasn't coder or premium lulz
    but the way i did it was i changed my usertitle back when normal members where allowed to have them changed to whatever they wanted. whenever the required usertitle thing started it never effected my account :P
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. Majik
    the code that represents him to be on the battle feild isn't hacked probably. or if that address is hacked it probably was on a temporary address and moved to another
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Majik
    that is correct
    Post by: Majik, Jun 29, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Majik
    im not surprised, they did the same thing with dynasty warriors gundam (gundam mosou)
    Post by: Majik, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  14. Majik
    premium is as useless as having a gun with no bullets
    theres nothing really to amazing about it. i don't see why everyone strives to get there ;P
    Post by: Majik, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Majik
    motorcycle o_0?
    is that what caught your attention

    the new joker is gonna be epic
    his laugh is amazing and all of the clips i've seen with him in it are awesome
    Post by: Majik, Jun 27, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Majik
    anyone read the manga of it?
    it tells way more then the game did. like the origins of majora's mask and where it came from.
    and why link was in the lost woods to begin with
    then ending is also great

    the happy mask guy in the manga is actually different. the ending with him is good (won't spoil it). but it makes you wonder "what will he do next?"

    you all should definately check it out if your a zelda fan
    Thread by: Majik, Jun 20, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. Majik
    thats skillers HP mod so yes, that will work
    Post by: Majik, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Majik


    ahh sara keeps trying to get me into the manga, but im to lazy xD
    i've read a few chapters of the taking back the pendelum arc. good stuff, sucks the anime missed it

    they need to bring back hollow ichigo
    worst mistake they made making him go hiatus because of the whole vizard thing
    Post by: Majik, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Majik
    the ELF has no labels about time so i need a dump. but i need be inside mission mode. someone use there ARMAX to post up there save
    Post by: Majik, Jun 20, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  20. Majik

    To Carey

    i got what you said at the last second xd
    i fixed what i said above :P
    Post by: Majik, Jun 19, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone