yes, it can be saved on any regions memory card
yes, that is possible
i came back to KH2FM for awhile heres some screenshots of codes that i've been making, some of them are very useless but i did it just for fun playing as rooms UCM slot 1 fix (i have made atleast 7 different versions of this code, i have to test some of them on the PS2 still) NOTE: erkz also has made a version of this but was not compatible with the PS2, im attempting to fix this Sora and the gang dancing
they are extremely hard to make for the ps2 since tracing asm on the ps2 is quite difficult =/
it means the code only works till the game loads the character mod is stuck in a DMA, so it only works in 1 room porting a code that only works in 1 room is a waste of my time
noone see's the point in porting DMA codes there rather useless and a waste of time
its saying sega has noticed they have been slacking off with entertaining us since the dreamcast died, they've recongized the problem and hope to fix it with there future games (hopefully)
instructions for what?
if i remember correctly for this game, the boss's have there weapons built in directly to there model. so no, you cannot give terra clouds sword
you can enter them under one cheat
found out a mistake i made in my previous DMA fix attempt. wrong pointer, which gave me a wrong value after i finish messing with yu yu hakusho i'll look at KH1 again and give it another try
its useless in my eyes to port a DMA code
go back to i would sh*t a brick from joy
there is PS2 link, its used for homebrew and what not but if your doing this in hope's of running ISO's from your PC directly to your PS2 then there is no such tool
im alittle confused what code did this vid show? playing as boss's and characters for KH1 always worked for me on the PS2?
thats because "F" type M codes are made for armax, so converting it to ARMAX format is obviously gonna work converting master codes do not work (except the "F" type M codes for ARMAX) because each cheat device uses a specific entry point for RAM changes, trying to make a cheat device use a unknown entry point (example: giving the old action replay's a "9" type M code) will not work because it doesn't know that method
i ported it to all KH1 version besides greatest hits and platnium version
the codes have been posted before the vid was even made
thats not possible through hacking
one winged angel doesn't seem to be in the digits. the game loads that song differently along with other boss music. i'll fix this when i have the time