I based my vote with people I knew and knew roleplayed.. I'd like to get into an interesting roleplay, and then maybe I'd play with the others. And by interesting I mean active
I'm a little unhip with the times and didn't know you could do that.
HEY! That's a Spoiler! I didn't know that! Nor do I care. Keep it up ;)
Wait, I could be doing something?
OOC: Woah didn't expect this to go full-force by today. Less than 24 hours. What's been happening other than the fact that everyone is a Dark Angel? lol NO, I know what's going on... a little. What's the geography around the city? Cause I saw snow in posts... though I'm assuming it's kind of abandonned? Uh.. I can try to get a pic. I'm working on it. Also, I'll get my other characters up in a bit. BIC: Ishah... did what now? OOC: I'm sorry. I dont know what to do.
surgery on your skull? Though I don't know if removing your brain is the smartest thing to do .
True true. but still
plastic silverware?
IDK somehow people can always pull **** out of their butt. I just don't understand why practically no one is posting, and some havent posted for a while. It's just getting me really annoyed. If people posted, then maybe things would happen? Plus I'm not talking **** about a specific person am i?
I don't know. I'm not too crazy about the mix between digital and human. It's not that I don't like the mix, but I don't care for how they mixed most of them in this movie trailer. Though i am excited for Anne Hathaway. And the story, though not much is presented, is looking alright
I have a cheesy 70's song stuck in my head
I don't really care for my name, but it doesn't bother me to the extent of changing it. Though my last name is one syllable and that bothers me cause a lot of names don't really fit with one syllable last names. SO I have to be very careful when choosing a name for a baby if I ever have one. My name is gregory by the way. Apparently my dad wanted to initally name me Philip, which is my middle name, but that would be weird cause one of my friends that lives across the street, his name is Philip and our mothers have the same name so that would've been weird. But my mom told me once that my parents considered to call me dimitri. Which I thought would've been cool.
That's Disney for you. The good guys have to win!
I don't want to be as awesome as that guy.
I just knew that the shadows, darkballs, and then the big one.... Name not known cause it never seemed important to me. PLus the guys with the swords. Who I believe are called invisibles... Did anyone notice that those guys have the heart hole on their torso(s) too?
... Yes. And the "Cake is a Lie!" thing is getting really old. I havent even seen whatever it is, but It's getting really old. Um... we can say that Pumpkin is... a... Vegetafruit.
I'd prefer to say it's ManBearPig. OMG people who don't know who Kermit is make me sad.
Well, I need to go to bed... Im tired plus I need to get up kind of early.
You might get over it. Mine don't have people. Which sucks
OOC: Sing- "Brothers and Sisters, and sisters and brothers, Working together to make" muffin but probably more than one. I love cheasy 70's songs. (Youtube it if you dare. Add Jam Party at the end of the search keywords) Full name: Ishah Megan Isuju (IDK) Username: Rexyggor_thenewmember Age: 19 Class: The Blue Moon Organization Bio: Loving life at every turn while she was younger, she never seemed to have a problem with anyone. Except when it came to the Dark Angels. She always seemed to completely change personalities when it came to them. She despises the Dark Angels and would do anything to get rid of them. Personality: Fun and Loving around anyone except the Dark Angels. Tattoo and where is it: On the inside of her fore-arm of some intricute design(post it tomorrow). Weapon(s): A Shoka: A Handle.. (more description after Element) Sexuality: Bi Crush/soulmate: N?A atm Miscellaneous: Her element is Energy. HEr weapon has a shaft in the middle which allows her to use her power and add-on to the handle to make any projectile-like weapon to her liking. She can add an energy strand to form a bow and use her other hand to make an arrow, then shoot. Or she can make her Shoka into a slingshot, or even a hand gun. I need to go bed. (Sing- "Knowing for sure there's a new day dawning, by sharin' our love we can see the light" *clap clap*)