Indeed. Darn message limitation. It's VMs! Who cares how much you write?! >/
You're telling me? High stressing indeed. I have to reply to a bunch of stuff as of the moment. And to Rivals. And yeah, shocking about Nymph. I'm...
Lol. I wonder who said that, huh? Hmm xP. But really, I'm not that good. There are others who can reach the level, and who I am quite highly proud of.
I'm not sure I even remember what it was. I thought it died, cause I haven't seen it.
Just fine. Replying like hell to all the RPs I have yet to reply to.
Liar xD. And I posted.
A slender female figure stirred from her place in the ground, face-first, her closed eyelids flickering as she slowly regained consciousness. Her arms circled her head as she laid there, making her look more like she was sleeping than actually having fainted. Her expression was contorted, however, rosy lips frowning, being encased in a previous, short nightmare that had thankfully ended. There was a lot of darkness. A lot, a lot of darkness, and some of the horrid visions were already fading away slightly as her dazed mind started to wake up and churn. She couldn't recall what she saw that much. And she didn't want to either. It was better left forgotten. Groaning uncomfortably as she shifted her body, she took a breath, and tentatively opened her eyes, alluring aquatic shaded orbs staring at nothing in particular. Except knocked out bodies. She blinked. She remembered now. Vexen had called them in for one of his stupid and useless experiments that would predictably be a failure. Lo and behold, that's what occurred when he threw whatever he had held in his hand somewhere. There was the bright flash of light that had affected her vision. And then everything went black. A complete and utter loser. What a scientist. Regaining her strength and energy now that she was up, she lifted herself from the ground with support of her hands, turning around and sitting down. Glancing at the place, she could see that the power was out, and the only thing keeping them from being blind was Axel's dimly lit flame. It wasn't enough for the whole room, but just right to see what had happened nearby. She eyed the redhead for awhile, before moving to Marluxia, Demyx, and then Zexion. She stretched after a shrug, bringing her arms up as her torso bended. She blocked a yawn. All they had to do was wait for everyone to wake up, wait for the lights to come back on, and then they could go on their boring nonexistent lives. That sounded like a plan. Hearing the slight crack of thunder then, this time a loud roar that vibrated the castle enough to shake, she smirked to herself. Just her type of weather. - ✖ - The vibrant rolls of the waves crashing into the shore resonated in his ears, his skin feeling mighty warm, as he sat in what seemed to be an oddly shaped branch that belong to the infamous Paopu tree. He was gazing deeply into the setting sun, vivid glows of orange, red, yellow, pink, and indigo mixing and striking the sky and its clouds with an incredibly hue and scenery. The sun was nothing but a golden semi-circle sinking into the horizon amongst the sparkling and glittering blue ocean. It was quite amazing, and it reminded him of Twilight Town. He tilted his head, wondering how he had gotten here as the cool, gentle breeze caressed his face. But it was there that something went strange, as he suddenly found himself speaking without his consent and it sent him into slight confusion. "So, Kairi's home is out there somewhere, right?" Kairi...? He blinked, completely startled and shocked as he froze. That wasn't his voice...even when it was coming from him, that was not his voice at all. What...? "Could be. We'll never know by staying here." He snapped his head to the left, stunned, his breathing now becoming uneven as he spotted a silver haired boy, quite muscled, that he had never personally met before. No...he had seen him before, hadn't he? In those dreams...dreams. But...what was going on now? Why...why...the thought was placed to a halt as he began to panic when his body spoke out without his assistance, or him wanting to, again. "But how far could a raft take us?" Stop... Riku replied again. "Who knows? If we have to, we'll think of something else." Stop it... "So, suppose you get to another world. What would you do there?" Exhaling and inhaling rapidly as his eyes burned and blurred, his eyebrows furrowed together in befuddlement when his nerves tensed, tepidly shifting his sight to his other side, noting the difference in the female voice. Another sight of a familiar red haired girl was sitting beside him, looking towards the other boy as if for an answer. It was there a blatant heavy pain gripped his head suddenly, an intense migraine that shook his very system, and he crouched over, teeth gritted. Grasping his skull, he grunted at the immense ache that was just too...strong, his thoughts fully wiping out into white. He felt other hands on him as they grasped his arms, hearing both the two friends exclaim about what was happening, and if he was alright. But the words were coming in and out of focus, as if twirling nonsensically, and not able to be made out. They were just echoes. His eyes brimmed with water from the pounding throe in his brain, getting worse and worse as each second ticked by, and he gasped. Cringing, as he shook from the agony, through the haziness he saw that he was not wearing his Organization uniform. He was wearing some yellow boots, and red, red shorts...his breath hitched in dismay at his revelation, and he couldn't swallow from the horror that it gave him, and he shut his eyes tight, wishing for everything to end as he heard that name that had been haunting him over and over... "Oh no! Sora!" "I'm Roxas!" he rasped out in a low hiss, coming out as nothing but a harsh, sharp whisper, the head ache becoming unbearable as he let out a cry. "Sora!" No... "Sora, what's wrong?" Stop it, everything...stop it... "SORA!" "STOP IT!!" Roxas shouted the loudest he could, needing for it to end, as he snapped his cobalt blue eyes open in fright, his voice cracking in the last few syllables. Wheezing, he raised himself up in a sitting position immediately, his hands slightly shuddering. His irises trembling, not aware he wasn't breathing any longer, he studied his surrounding almost in paranoia, noticing that he was in a dim room, instead of an island. And that other members were loitering around in the ground, unconscious. He had seen Axel, and Larxene, who was eyeing him strangely, being awake, but it was there he noted that he was lacking proper airflow before he could tell who else was up. And it was also there the coughing fit began as his lungs grasped for what it was missing, covering his mouth with his hand as his back quaked. His throat felt like itching, scraped sandpaper as it stung terribly from the convulses in his neck. Regaining back his senses enough, he struggled to control it before it got to a point where it would get worse than he wanted to. But every time he wafted in air to regain balance, it came out backfiring on him.
"You're up to something," Larxene easily stated with an edge once they reached their destination, which was the training room, mood yet to change as she crossed her arms indignantly. She knew that he had something in mind ever since he had questioned her, but that was the last thing she was concerned about at the moment. Her anger was still withheld, and she didn't know just how long she was going to last before she fully snapped at anything that was in the near radius from where she stood. Her body was incredibly heated, and she even felt warm within her outfit from the blood rush, nostrils flaring as she had to do something to take off the aggravation. Somehow. She couldn't take her limbs and nerves so uptight any longer, and if she wasn't going to have the real Axel to throttle, a fake one will do good. She had to release the fury, and this was the only option left. Marluxia was smart to think of this particular place to take her to. It was going to be quite helpful in the long run. The vicinity was rather large, being that they had spars, simulations, as well as other objects to practice with. It was the official dojo for them, so to speak, and the huge space was needed being who they were. Without a word, she made her way to a large computer, machine more preferably, that was thankfully near where they transported, and simply typed certain things on the keyboard before pressing a button. It had been awhile since she had explored the castle. Or this training room. But she remembered how to work each and every one. Her days were spent here when she was utterly bored, and it took away the stress when she was irritated by some member's antics and wasn't allowed to kill them. Soon, there was a sound, consisting of beeps, and a sort of scanning noise, and "Axel" appeared in the center of the arena as the data went solid. That little pretentious smirk on his face. Goodness, if only it was the actual Axel. She will thoroughly enjoy wiping it from his face. And to think, in the past, she thought him handsome. He still was, she can begrudgingly admit, it just now it didn't have the appeal it did when she was a complete fool. Nonetheless, this silhouette will have to do for now, unfortunately. Stepping to the center, she hungrily summoned her kunai between her fingers, sparks of electricity trailing the skin of her gloves. If Marluxia wanted to speak to her, it would have be while she's regaining her bearings. And it was only seconds later of that thought when the timer expired, and "Axel" darted towards her in turn. Smirking deviously, she did the same, and they clashed, having dodged his slash, and aiming her knives to his torso as she ducked. It was an illusion, true, but she could always pretend. |☼| Axel didn't expect for Demyx to have shown up in the exact hall where he was, or rather, where Marluxia and Larxene were as well. They were only a few distances away from where he had walked, but, the company was not predicted. He did give the water wielder a lazy wave after scratching his head, and was about to say something in return, before his green eyes shifted to a thing he spotted behind him. It was quite far, but it was unmistakable that it was a mixture of a blonde set of hair and a familiar white dress that he knew all too well. And that captured his interest. Mostly in a bit of surprise. He truthfully was not aware that Naminé was also staying here in the castle. He had pondered the idea that since Roxas was out of Sora, the girl might be as well. He just didn't know that she resided in the same place as they all were. He smirked to himself in amusement, her actions from what he could tell being slightly sneaky with her careful movements, as she traveled the unknown paths. Did she even know where she was going? It was at that precise moment that Xigbar showed up as well. He was a friendly person, and he was well liked among everyone, so that wasn't a big problem. He shrugged, responding to his addressing him among everyone else present. "No." There was really nothing to report. They barely have even gotten missions, if at all. It was obvious to everyone they had people here that didn't belong, so that wasn't any great news. Still, seeing Naminé keep moving farther, he gave both Xigbar and Demyx a quick nod as some sort of weird farewell on his part, before heading out. It was leaving a bit too hasty, yet, he couldn't lose Naminé now that he had her cornered. Not to mention, she might help as to the whereabouts of Roxas due to their connection. Two birds with one stone. Not losing sight of the female, he pursued her steps, oddly calm as he decided to portal to make things go faster, and less suspicious. More so now that she had disappeared from view.
Here are all 60 reports you get at the end of the game each time you finish the trial missions, provided by: Spoiler Day 7 — Significance of Existence A name gives meaning to a living thing, significance to an existence. In order to make this new power certain, we carried out the Replica Plan. Even to the newly-moving doll ‘No.i’, a new name is necessary. Perhaps that name will become the significance of existence for ‘No.i’. Day 8 — Roxas (Axel?) New faces have come in one after the other. #13 is Roxas and #14 is Xion. Today my mission was to teach basic things to Roxas. From the day Roxas first came to the Organization, it feels like I’ve been made to be the one who takes care of him for some reason. It’s been like that since day 1, but, he’s kind of a vague guy. He seems pretty able, so it seems like he’ll be a good partner. Day 9 — As Supposed Now, Xion is still in test period. On the other side, Roxas is in a training period. Until Xion can move reliably, she ought to avoid contact with Roxas as much as possible. Vexen is saying that perhaps even within 10 days Xion will come to be able to display those abilities. I expect that Marluxia is watching the movements of the ‘Keyblade Hero’. Day 14 — Really, This Guy? (Axel?) Had a second mission with Roxas. Like I thought, I’m this guy’s caretaker. Lately, his responses have been a little more lucid. Have his memories started to come back, maybe? Even so, is it really true what they say, that this guy is the Nobody of the ‘Keyblade Hero’? Day 15 — Not Doing It (Larxene, definitely) Seriously! “One person is enough to keep watch over the Hero’s movements”, he says? If teaching that guy magic is boring, I won’t do it! Ah well, this will be over soon too. If I go over there, the plan will take action. I can’t be hanging around with the absent minded Nobody of the Hero. Day 22 — Castle Oblivion (Axel?) It seems like going to Castle Oblivion has been pushed forward. Was it because the Hero has been moving…that Hero’s nobody is still as vague as before, but we’ve been eating ice cream together every day for the past several days. We don’t really talk, but he’s come to change his expression a fair bit. We talked about Castle Oblivion, but he didn’t really seem to get it. Ahh well, that’s how it is. Day 23 — Research Log 326 The plan is going more or less smoothly. Concerning the most superior replica, ‘No.i’, it is going almost too smoothly. The other that we couldn’t acquire a number for was brought to Castle Oblivion, with the plan to do further research with it. Isn’t it okay to call these replicas special nobodies? Day 24 — The Movements of the Upstairs Group The Hero has arrived at the Castle. It seems that Marluxia’s guidance went well. It seems that many plans are progressing at the same time, but it doesn’t mean we get to know the contents of each of those plans. It seems that individuals have their own plans, pretending that they are the plans of the Organization. It’s necessary to pay attention to Marluxia’s movements in particular. Day 25 — Hollow Unity Even though I questioned Zexion closely, I couldn’t obtain much information. I knew it would be like that, but I didn’t get nearly enough information. It’s a fact that those at the lowest levels aren’t let know what is happening upstairs, or what we should do here downstairs. Zexion said ‘the unity of the Organization’, but I don’t expect that ever existed in the first place. However, Zexion is the only one able to trust in it, no mistake. Day 26 — Axel’s Movements (Zexion?) Axel’s movements are suspicious, and I’m guessing that perhaps it’s because of some kind of information obtained from Saïx. Why did he destroy Vexen, who was satisfied with being left to carry out his research? Weren’t Vexen’s annihilation, and the cancellation of that plan, things to have been avoided? We of the downstairs group and the upstairs group each have our own speculations… And then, there are definitely speculations other than that. If we don’t hurry and make sure of it… Day 27 — Key to the plan ( Marluxia?) In a short while, Sora will be delivered into my hands. Sora, who has had his memories re-written by Naminé, is now no more than our doll. If we have the Keyblade Hero in our hands, we will also be able to control the replica plan. It will be easy to take over the Organization. Day 28 — Disposing of Traitors A summary of the contents of the Replica Plan has surfaced. But, I couldn’t obtain information on the one other replica that there should be. Leadership of the Replica Plan must not be handed over to those guys. Vexen being annihilated along the way couldn’t be helped. The bigger problem is that of the traitors. There’s a difference between a clear traitor to us, and someone who’s getting in the way. Day 50 — A Strange Feeling (Xion?) Roxas woke up. I think he was probably dreaming the whole time. When I’m with Roxas, I get this strange feeling. It feels familiar, like listening to the sound of waves at the beach. I wonder why? Day 51 — Amending Assumptions The Replica Plan is satisfactory, but it seems that something unusual is happening in Castle Oblivion. Dusks brought back rumours of the Castle. But, they are nothing more than fragments of information. There’s not enough to judge what is happening. I definitely can’t think that he’s been destroyed, but maybe someone should make another move. First of all, if we don’t find out where the Hero is… Day 52 — One More Mission (Axel) The hero and the invaders’ whereabouts have all been lost track of. Right now there’s no one in this castle but me. Everyone other than me has been destroyed. It was certainly an order to take care of the traitors, but maybe the worst traitor is me. I have to investigate this castle a little longer. Day 71 — The Traitors’ Last Days It seems that Saïx is somehow deeply connected to the elimination of those guys who went to Castle Oblivion. Which means, Axel is probably connected to it too. It is a fact that, through Saïx, Xemnas ordered Axel to take care of the traitors. It seems as if it wasn’t said who the traitors were however, of course Xemnas knew of those guys’ betrayal. Day 72 — Humanlike When you’ve been acquainted for a long time, you come to say nothing but the uncertain and noncommittal things out loud, without saying the things that are certain. You think they understand, without it being said. When it comes to those guys who were destroyed in Castle Oblivion, I’m spared by it being okay to leave things vague. But, the Hero, and Roxas, don’t say noncommittal things out loud. It’s unclear whether that’s humanlike, or whether they are special. Day 73 — What’ll I do… (Xion?) I can’t use the Keyblade anymore. I don’t know why. I don’t know what to do, either. It feels like I stopped being able to use it suddenly. If I can’t collect hearts, I’ll be absolutely worthless. What should I do? Day 74 — Xion’s Face (Axel?) To be frank, I didn’t understand why Roxas got so involved with Xion, who always has her hood up and never shows her face. Sure, they’re both newcomers and have many similar points, but she’s a companion who leaves her face hidden. But today, I saw Xion’s face for the first time. Suddenly, Xion took her hood off. That face resembles Naminé. Day 75 — I Have To Do Something (Xion) Roxas has been going with me, who can’t use my Keyblade, on missions. Not just Roxas but Axel has also helped me, and so it looks like it will be okay. But, what will I do if I’ve lost the ability to use the Keyblade for good… Day 94 — The Plan is Satisfactory, But… (Saïx?) Roxas and Xion both collect hearts using their Keyblades, and Kingdom Hearts appears larger before us. Our goal is being achieved. Every conceivable plan is satisfactory. I worry that it’s going too well, but, perhaps I’m just thinking too much. Day 95 — My Memories (Xion) Roxas and I don’t have memories from when we were human. Not only that, but I also don’t have memories of when I’d just become a Nobody either. Roxas said he doesn’t remember too well either, but, I really don’t remember much at all. I don’t really remember the day I met Roxas, or Axel… Day 96 — Friends (Axel) Xion’s become able to use the Keyblade. The cause is unknown. Maybe it’s connected to the secret hidden about ‘the Keyblade Hero’. It feels like lately I’ve been spending more time talking with Roxas and Xion than with my original comrade…Saix. That’s friendship, isn’t it? Day 97 — Listless (Demyx) Working every day is so boring. I want to take a holiday soon. It’s necessary for Nobodies to take a rest. Once I get a holiday, I’ll play my sitar all day long. Day 117 — Roxas and That Guy Roxas’ growth is remarkable. Making faces the spitting image of that guy, swinging the Keyblade in the exact same way. The worlds are scattered, and all are connected as one. The deeds from one’s time as a human follow them even when they become Nobodies. That’s how it is. Day 118 — The One Who’s Changed… (Axel) When I’m talking with Roxas and Xion, I remember my time as a human. Various memories of my childhood come back to me, and I get some kind of weird feeling. You’d think I could talk to Saix in the same way, but, weirdly enough I don’t feel like talking to him like that. It’s only a strangely fond thought. It’s not me who’s changed… it’s you. Day 119 — Hearts and Emotions (Xaldin?) Watching that foolish Beast, I really understand how humans are controlled by trifling things. Because we didn’t wish to be controlled by emotions, we chose to become nobodies. Realizing what a huge loss it is came a long time after. I understand that we cannot be without a heart, but emotions are unpleasant things. Day 149 — Pretending Like a Fake… That guy…that man who wore an Organization coat. I can’t defeat him as I am now. I am not a fake. He’s the one pretending like a fake… Day 150 — Disposing of Xion Is it because soon, the copy will reach its limits? I thought the plan was satisfactory, however, it’s a doll, after all…so of course, a hindrance has come. I absolutely cannot comprehend how this doll can weigh on Axel and Roxas’ minds. From now on, perhaps we should be thinking about how to dispose of Xion. Day 151 — Dreaming… (Xion) The truth is, I still didn’t want to meet Roxas. Because, I can’t help comparing myself to him. We both use the keyblade, but we are too different. Maybe Roxas doesn’t dream…lately, I’ve been dreaming nonstop. This morning I dreamed that I was drowning in the ocean. Day 152 — Like a Human It looks like Roxas and Xion had a fight. I think they had a fight about some trivial thing anyway, but their behaviour is just like a human. It’s out of tune. In the first place, it’s doubtful whether Roxas was able to comprehend the talk about the wrong switches. It’s unthinkable that Roxas comprehends the difference between men and women. Day 153 — A New Song! (lawl, Demyx) I finished a new song! Worrying about bad marks and ‘do your job, do your job’ is so annoying. There’s no way in hell I can beat monsters like that. Everyone has things they’re good at and things they’re bad at; think about that properly when you give missions! Day 171 — The ‘No.i’ Plan Xion failed a mission. If it looks like her condition will continue from now, we should destroy this doll, and make the next replica a more competent copy. We had concerns about “No.i”’s abilities from the beginning, her being from the first batch. In her current condition, it wouldn’t be a strange thing even to catch her broken down. I wonder what on earth Xemnas is thinking. Day 172 — The Words Meaning (Axel?) There should be another side to Saix’s words. Why doesn’t Xion qualify as a member of the Organization? Saix said ‘it’s as it looks’. By that is he talking about how she looks like Naminé? I can’t think there’s no connection between Xion and Naminé. Who’s nobody is Xion, in the first place? What is Saix hiding? Day 173 — Gamble (Luxord?) Sometimes, I get jealous of children. Maybe there’s some kind of fundamental difference between those who have become Nobodies since they became adults, and those who became Nobodies before they became adults. For those who have become adults, there are many things that they have bet and lost in just that part of life they lived. Children, however, can engage in the most daring games. Though, perhaps children don’t think ‘life is a gamble’. Day 174 – Only an Imitation Xion continues to sleep. Although various inspections on her functions were carried out, a special change has still not been felt. Though the copying seems to have been a success, it is a replica after all. Though I reported the content to Xemnas, he only smiled without giving a clear reply. Sometimes Xemnas’s actions cannot be understood. Day 193 — A Familiar Dream (Xion?) I finally opened my eyes, but I fainted again. I wonder why. Is it because I was made wrong? The whole time I was sleeping, I dreamed a familiar dream. I wonder why I can’t remember what the dream was about. But maybe they are important memories from the time I was a human. The one and only thing I remember is the sound of waves. I only remember being able to hear the gentle sound of waves, from far away. Day 194 — Replica (Axel?) I sure didn’t think I’d hear the word ‘replica’ again. Already holding a ‘self’ from the time it operated, the Riku Replica came close to the Original Riku with the fake memories planted by Naminé. Now, those guys from Castle Oblivion have been destroyed, and the only one in the Organization who knows that replicas hold their own ‘self’ should be me. My having not noticed it until now means that Xion is a very brilliant replica. However, questions still remain. Who on earth is Xion a replica of? And, why can she use the Keyblade? Day 224 — Xion (Axel?) Even if Xion is a replica or a doll, Xion is Xion. Even though I try to understand it like that, I don’t know how to deal with it. It was okay to make use of the Riku Replica. But, Xion is different. No, I don’t know if it was okay to have used the Riku Replica. How are Nobodies that don’t exist, and Xion, the created doll, different? Both have vague existences; that won’t change. And, we are best friends. That won’t change. We promised to go to the beach next time we got a break. It would be good to go to the beach together and have a human-like holiday. Watermelon or fried noodles. If we can laugh about little things, that worry will surely disappear. Day 225 – My Secret Every day it’s painful; my body is heavy, and my head hurts. I’ve been dreaming non-stop, as if I’m not sleeping. Axel surely knows something. I think Axel is probably hiding it. Castle Oblivion…surely my secret is there. Because I was born in that castle. Day 255 — The Final Stage I expect Xion’s appearance has come to look different in accordance with each relationship to her. Saix can’t see Xion as anything other than a doll. The plan is approaching the final stage. Through Roxas, Xion will copy the Hero reliably. The evidence is that sometimes I am starting to see him in Xion. Day 256 – Deflecting Appearance (Xigbar?) Xion’s stealing away from the Organization is interesting. If we can’t control her, that means Xion is approaching the hero more. Saix can’t “see” Xion. I’m curious in how the other members see Xion. As for me, I see that guy, but Xemnas probably sees something different. Day 257 – Card Results (Luxord) For some reason or another, the air feels alive. In most cases, you will lose if you make a bet at a time like this. However, it’s also a fact that there is a slight chance of winning big. I am deeply interested in how the results of the cards turn out. Day 276 – The Other Side of the Truth Starting tomorrow, I will look for Xion. Roxas knows nothing yet, but Xion has found out. Therefore I must find Xion. We do not have hearts. Therefore, we recognize that everything is only the facts that we are given. There’s something even more important on the other side of the truth. Saix would probably laugh and say it’s ridiculous that we, who don’t have hearts, could be friends, but there is no mistaking that we are. The nobody of the hero, and that nobody’s replica, Xion. Those two are special in every meaning of the word. Even so, we are best friends. Do you have it memorized? Xion. Day 277 – True Goal Axel and Roxas have begun to move about in a sneaky manner. Regardless of how they move about, the plan has already been branched and we are proceeding to the next step. The “No.i” plan and Replica plan are only the former stages of this project. Our true goal is in something else. Day 296 – Hidden Truth To begin with, no one completely grasps what there is in Castle Oblivion. There are even rooms that Xemnas does not grasp. There are few people who know Xion was born in that place. Will the day ever come when all the hidden truths of that place will be clear? Day 297 – Contact with Riku That man we could call an Organization member impersonator; it’s Riku. It would be no mystery if Roxas recalled that guy’s name from the bottom of his memory. However, it’s still too early to report. It’s not possible to inform until I know why Xion is with Riku. If she joins the heroes’ side, that itself may potentially mean Xion’s annihilation. What does Xion intend to do? Day 298 – Change of Plans (Saix?) Axel did not report the encounter between the Organization member impersonator and Xion. It was Roxas who reported it. Is it easier to deal with Roxas than Axel? Axel captured Xion and brought her back. It’s uncertain what on earth Axel is thinking. A change of plans is possible, but, it puts our goal further off. Day 299 – Consideration of a Lie (Axel) Roxas holds suspicions towards me about Xion. But I can’t tell the truth. I’m lying to Roxas. Nobodies without hearts are good liars. I don’t feel a thing, even when telling a lie. But now, it hurts me a little. All these things connected to Roxas create the illusion that I’m human. Day 300 – The Three’s Sunset (Xion) The three of us watched the sunset. I never thought we’d be able to watch the setting sun like that again. It’s like that dream, in which I watched the setting sun sink into the ocean with Roxas and Axel. I only want to be together with the two of them, but…what should I do? Day 301 – Xion or Roxas? (Axel) Xion is frantically completing missions. There’s no telling what her intentions are. I don’t know what I should have said to Roxas. Like Saix said, I’ll do anything in order to keep Roxas from being destroyed. But, I don’t know if it’s okay if Xion is destroyed. Day 321 — My Place (Xion) Axel is always helping me. That’s why it felt like he’d help me again. How long has Axel known about me? Maybe he already knew about me when we met in Castle Oblivion. Axel said to me to think for myself. I was really happy. But since then, my power has gotten much stronger. And so, Roxas’ power is surely getting weaker. Surely I’m not allowed to exist any longer. Who said that Nobodies aren’t allowed to exist? I’m the one who’s really not allowed to exist. But, you know, at the end, I want to be useful to Axel and Roxas, even just a little. The boy I saw today is probably the Sora in my memories. Day 322 – The Plan As long as we have a Keyblade Wielder under our control, it doesn’t matter one bit whether it’s a doll or the Hero’s nobody. If the doll grows so far, then even the “Keyblade Hero” is no longer necessary. If anything, isn’t it the case that we must not allow Sora to awaken? It is impossible to control him in our favour. Surely he’ll become a threat to us. Under this assumption I’ll further the plan. Day 352 — What I Ought To Do (Xion) Riku gave me this time. Axel was the one who told me to think. The Organization is clearly trying to get me to eliminate Roxas. Surely it can’t be excused that Roxas and I exist at the same time. I like Roxas and Axel. I think Saix would laugh at that thought, and say that these are fake emotions made from my memories. But, I liked the time I spent on top of the clock tower with Roxas and Axel. It’d be nice if the three of us could always be together. But, it’s gotta end already. I won’t forget today’s sunset, no matter what. Even if Roxas and Axel forget, I won’t. Day 353 – The Future That Doesn’t Exist I couldn’t say that Xion chose the wrong path. I cannot erase Xion. But, I have to erase Xion so that Roxas won’t be. There’s no longer a future where the three of us can laugh, eat ice cream. I know that Roxas can’t understand that. And I…wish I didn’t understand. Day 354 – The Place I Should Return To I wanted to meet Roxas one last time, but, I didn’t know what I should say to him, and so I couldn’t meet him. I wonder if I really existed properly. It’s all right not to exist. As long as it was real that we watched that setting sun, it’s all right. Surely Naminé will tell me how to return to my original place. I have to get going quickly. Day 355 – Purpose After half the members disappeared in Castle Oblivion, Xemnas’s plan generated disorder little by little. In hindsight, I’d say it was probably a success, though it really doesn’t appear to have been. If the great Kingdom Hearts has a will, it may reject Xemnas…no, Xehanort. Roxas left the Organization today. Day 356 — Happenings Outside What I Assumed (Saix) Things such as Roxas and Xion both pulling out of the Organization wasn’t part of our plan. Why did this happen? Roxas had become strong enough to knock me down. Lea, what did you want to do in the end? The plan we decided when the two of us joined the Organization together…no, that’s also already just a pipe dream. Everything has changed, hasn’t it? You, and me too… Day 357 — To My Best Friend (Axel) Roxas left…all he left behind was a “winner” stick, which was so like him. Anyway, maybe the order to bring him back will come even tomorrow, but for him to leave something like this, it’s really the end, isn’t it? Roxas, will the three of us again…? …No, the two of us. Let’s eat ice cream again. That’s what a best friend is. Day 358 – The Goal (Xemnas) Though it would be good if Roxas could be brought back, because Sora is the ‘Keyblade Hero’, even if he awakens, there’s nothing for him, but to continue releasing hearts like they have been until now. If we aim our forces at him, and capture Sora, it would be satisfactory if we could only utilize that power again. I must become one with Kingdom Hearts, and become a great being. For the sake of the real goal, which lies beyond that point.
Larxene was focused on murderously narrowing her eyes at the retreating Axel, wishing that somehow she could destroy him with the power of her mind. That will solve many a thing, in more ways than one. And she wouldn't lift a finger to do so. The rapid burning inside her made her feel incredibly rigid, an extreme pressure that was tempting her body to move and slam the man to oblivion. As such toys should meet their end. Especially with the act he just pulled. She was finding it difficult to control herself as the fury rushed to her head, making her slightly shake in an inner battle. Her nerves were itching to hit something, needing to. Wanted to tell Axel a lot of words, bad or good. She controlled herself, however, though she found it hard to swallow with her current state of hatred and rage. Even her sight was blurring. Trying to breath in evenly to cool down, she barely heard what Marluxia was saying. Yet, she gave the pink haired man a dirty look, before realizing he wasn't the target of her malice. Still, she was too high strung to just play nice. Perhaps she could ask for a spar from Marluxia to help her growing tension. Take out all the frustration. She ignored the question asked of her, not really caring as to who was here. She had sensed the foul stench of them, though, and being reminded of the dimwit Keyblade Hero and his band of idiots didn't improve her mood. More so when it reminded her of when she faded. How stupid. Stick by your friends. The fool had it too easy. It was like watching a real life version of the ridiculous and misleading children cartoons where they spoke of lies like the power of love and friendship. Hah. How sickeningly pathetic. Apparently, they did not explore the dark side of it all. And as if she didn't want to truthfully kill someone with her bare hands naturally, the merry group of losers that consisted of Xigbar and Demyx were bored enough to complicate things by appearing. When Xigbar spoke, someone had to give her the patience not to create a scene and launch herself at whatever possible tool was willing to make a remark on her. Teeth gritting, she attempted her best not to snap his bones right at the exact second, despite it being grueling, and simply hissed darkly, "The 'thunder witch' is contemplating whether or not to slit your throat. That's what I'm up to." And she would have done something else as well, as her patience had thinned, and she had to have someone as her dummy, very soon. Actually, she should aim for Axel, as that was her main gripe since she had been alive, and the one that kept getting under her skin. She didn't care anymore about conduct. If it was not for Marluxia stepping in at the precise moment as she moved forward, what she had in her head would have come to fruition. Her eyes widened for a second when he began to push her toward a portal he made, before it returned to her tight expression, directing the figurative deadly daggers to him now. If it wasn't for the fact that this was Marluxia, the only one who did not stab her in the back, a person would be begging for mercy in this instant if she had her way. Her tone was sharp as it had been when with Xigbar. "What the hell are you doing?" Exhaling roughly, and about to rip away from his grip, she halted her action as he leaned down in her ear, blinking when he gave the explanation as to why he was daring to actually manhandle her. He, more than anyone, was aware that she did not like being done that to. She listened to him disdainfully, though, eyebrows furrowing as she frowned. Easy for him to say. He had never felt the thirst to kill someone this much. Or at least, when she was in the position of being highly short-tempered. Axel was right there for her to clutch. Then again, she also did not enjoy the company of the newcomers, and no doubt they'll be spouting off comments around the fight if it was done. She wasn't sure what to do, and she growled to herself, but didn't protest when Marluxia started to escort her out into the dark void amongst her indecision. She walked through it as the darkness fully covered her, somewhat reluctantly, wondering what was this all about. Stopping her from actually breaking someone... OOC: Axel. Later.
I love your Demyx in the Thirteenth RP. I felt like hugging him :3. I'm actually quite proud of you for a first timer :'D.
Shoop da whoop.
I forgot. TRANSFORMERS, more than meets the eye. =P But YAY!
Axel. And Roxas.
When do we start, you besh. =P
Name: Kiera Job: Black Mage Ability: Darkness. Magic. Psychic, some of its aspects (don't worry, she does have her limitations). Weapon: Staff (the staff is longer than the picture shows, of course) Retort/zSHuyin_Illara.jpg Personality: It could be almost told she has none. Most of her days, and nights, are spent isolated down in the underground in the abandoned, yet luxurious mansion. Always asleep, until once awaken. She is as blank and cold as ice, and is completely apathetic to anything and everything. She's smooth, cool, and has a level-head on her shoulders. Sharp, calculated, smart, as well as diligent, she is very intuitive, and with her psychic prowess, able to recognize who is deceptive and false. Very polite and well-mannered due to her recent upbringing. She doesn't believe in petty things as love, faith, trust, or hope. To her, that never existed. Ever since her traumatic childhood before becoming the embodiment she was now, humanity was lost to her perception. It takes a lot to break down her expressionless walls. More so to get to know what's inside, if there is any. She is like a frozen ghost, unfazed and dauntless...floating. However, when one does shake her, she is easily irritated, short-tempered, and can be seen as a woman of strong personality. And if farther...who else knows. Appearance:
Larxene and Roxas ^^.
Axel thought he'd try a hand driving a random truck. Then he figured out later he never really did get his license.
OOC: NEWSFLASH! No making Larxene have items or do things that she didn't. You're not playing the character. If you want examples as to what those are, that means the whole fried chicken spiel. And this: Because Larxene has no sensible reason to even bother stealing anything when she has her own, in the past or presently. And that goes for all my characters. Moving on... What was there to do? The thought of leaving this place was the most upfront idea that plagued her mind, and she was honestly debating it. She didn't have to listen to Xemnas any longer, or deal with the idiots that lingered around. She could be free and roam, no strings attached. And she doubted she was needed. The Organization was unstable, everyone had plans. Others had other plans. Everyone had individual intentions. If the heroes, as much as she despised them, didn't destroy them, they would have destroyed themselves. That's what happened before. And will no doubt happen again this second time around. No one really liked or respected each other amongst the rest. Bringing them back was a foolish move, as nothing would have changed. And now, she had to deal with stupidity and pointless, trivial tasks. There was just no place for her in any life where she could be satisfied. Everything somehow irritated her. Exhaling a sharp breath, with a shake of her head, she continued walking to no destination in particular. What else was there to do in this place? Nothing. The only event that took a turn to be somewhat interesting was when a cloaked and hooded figure approached her, placing himself in her path. She stopped accordingly. There was a moment of silence, before a bemused smirk spread across her face. With the obvious body build, and the way it had walked, there was only one person she knew well that will do so. At least it wasn't anyone who she would want to rip its head off. Like, a redhead, for example. She almost rolled her eyes when Marluxia revealed himself, the graceful and flourished entrance as always. She stared at him, eyebrows raised, listening to the question he asked for instead of focusing on the flower petals. And he really fell right into that one. She blinked at him innocently, arms behind her back as she gave him a sweet smile. "Why, Marluxia, what ever are you talking about? I feel nothing inside. I have no Heart, silly. Tsk. Shame on you." She could not help herself. It was too tempting. People just made it easy, and even Marluxia very well knew he could be a victim. Directing her hands to her hips as her lips curled delightfully when she eyed him, the expression suddenly changed when her aquatic eyes narrowed dangerously in a second. A deep frown was placed after it. Body still as a rock, heating with soundless anger, her pupils slid to the side, sensing someone that she wasn't looking forward on seeing. The presence was unmistakable after being around it for quite awhile. Her fingers flexed in need. |☼| He knew perfectly well what he was doing. And what consequences may or may not happen. It just depended on "cooperation". He had been searching for Roxas in a few places he would deem the blond to be at. And he couldn't sense him, so it still must have been quite the distance compared to where he was. Nevertheless, when he wandered over to a vacant hall...not really vacant, as he was aware that they were two certain people in the midst, he found that he did not care. It wasn't him who had the grudge. And it wasn't like he was intimidated by them to cross paths every once in a while. He wasn't going to hide, and play an avoidance game just because he had...derailed, or ruined, their plans. It was like they didn't expect for their ploy to fail at all, and if that was so, they believed it to be too easy. And that was mostly their downfall. In that castle, everyone had eyes. And if one was making traitorous movements, while it would go unnoticed for awhile, it could not be hidden for long. Maybe if they knew about Saïx's own manipulation...he humphed to himself, a fox-like grin etching itself on his features. But it didn't matter now, did it? Every member had something in mind and something to gain. There were too many things going on at once in the past. Too many secrets. Too many hidden plots. While he was thrown into the dark part of it all, swaying across every wave, and floating. He just didn't know what to predict in this case. No one seemed different from before. And that meant that to even amuse the idea that some betrayal wasn't going to happen once more would be delusional. There were also many new people around in the castle, some he didn't know, or had met yet. Either way, this might provide some entertainment, being that they were their private bubble. Not by Marluxia, as he was cordial enough to keep a facade well. Larxene, on the other hand, was like a untouched firecracker waiting to explode once lit: and he was the one that held the flame to ignite it. She was easy to read that way. So he walked towards them, an unreadable expression on his face as he kept coming nearer and nearer. It was the usual fighter instinct not to let your back be open to possible attacks, yet, he had faith in his skills to dodge anything if it was done. Once he was passing by them unfazed, he gave them a lazy and careless wave with a very good-natured smirk. "Yo." And he continued on, even when he felt a certain someone's glare burning holes into his back. He really began to wonder then, in a fleeting thought...about how long will this go on for. |☼| A young girl with a white, summer dress sat at her assigned bed, scratching a colored pencil into thick paper that was sewn together with other sheets into a sketch pad. The one item that had started a chain of events that could have gone to put the worlds themselves in peril if no one would have stepped up and place it to shame. After all, it was well-known that people who greed for power were never satisfied with just one success, and thirsted for more once they figured that it was not enough. It was never enough. In a moment's pause, she freed one hand to pull on the embroidered hem of her outfit, despite the fact that it reached to her mid-thighs already. Her feet were clad in her usual powder blue sandals, front straps decorated with tiny, yellow flowers at each end, as well as the one passing over the instep of the ankle. She sighed for a second, before continuing her drawing, and given it more shape, more life. She had questioned how come she had been driven out of Kairi many times after days had passed by. She was positive that after they permanently fused with their other selves, that would be the end. Of everything. It seemed it wasn't so, as she woke up in this very bedroom without any absolute explanation as to why or how. It was difficult to comprehend, truthfully. But she was here. And she knew Roxas was too, and that alone made it somewhat better that she wasn't alone in a castle like she once was. And there was that person that she could talk to. Xion was present as well, which was what shocked her out of the rest, yet, she didn't mention anything. Not at all. It would complicate things. Unlike the previous rule when she was in the Organization's possession before, she was able to walk around freely. And she had done so when she could. However, she never visited Destiny Islands. Mostly because she expected for them to come once they hear that the notorious group of Nobodies had returned. And that she and Roxas had disappeared. It was why she was patient, and waited. Quietly. She was enjoying what would be left of being her. Just her. Not Kairi, not seeing through someone else's eyes. She was solid, and present. And she could admit that she missed the feeling. Her soft cornflower eyes gazed at the scenery she had woven, and she smiled to herself. It was different, and she didn't understand why she even made it. She supposed that the Organization, not wiling to take a group photo, would never be able to characterize each of its members in such a carefree setting. The inspiration came, and she just...began. She made certain to add Roxas more in the middle, and Xemnas somehow way in the background, overlooking everyone. Now that she studied it, it wasn't really a photo when the leader was simply a silhouette of his face and hair, his skin, and two vivid, icy orange eyes that stood out among the rest of the shades. Larxene was also a problem for her, but that was because of her eyes. The woman was many things, but she had such unusual irises. Beautiful ones, that kept switching from blue to green, to a mixture of both. It was hard to tell which one it truly was, and it was never just one exact color. They were striking, a gathering of so many hues that would make one study it for hours just figuring it out, and she had to give credit as an artist when it came to her, at least. She never really had her eye color right. Placing the sketch pad down in the mattress, as well her writing utensil, she dusted her hands before resting her sight on the door inquisitively. Should she? Kairi, Sora, and Riku were already here.