Rivals is a success just like it was in the past. And we got some good RPers there. Only one kind of makes me...:/. Otherwise, they are actually...
Oh, alright then.
You bet it's been long! =P Goodness gracious, it has been long. Missed speaking as well. It's good to hear that things are better now for you,...
Eat my face?
A good topic would be if we will get anything from these two come KH3.
VMing is always good =P.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RedOniBlueOni If you are not enlightened, of course =P.
Nope. This is the last of the Organization. They have filled their roles, plot points, and overall important to the series. And while they didn't get the proper development and depth they deserved due to Nomura's and his staff whoring of certain characters, and the waste on some newb Xion, that's how the wind blows. The only time Axel and Demyx ever interacted was at that one scene in the Novel where they talked about Larxene. And then Demyx is concerned with the whole Axel and Roxas defecting situation, but so is partly Xigbar. And those are the only ones there that are able to give a damn compared to Xaldin, Xemnas, Saïx, and Luxord (but Luxord isn't that bad). Axel had never mentioned Demyx in any other topic in the game or adaptations otherwise. I love RAD, I would have preferred it over RAX any day. Yet, now it's time to sink in the reality that the creators don't know a good thing when they see it, and that means Axel and Demyx not being as close as some wish it to be. On the other hand, the real bond is strictly with Xigbar and Demyx. The Novels started it, hinted it, but in Days, they are like the resident Beavis and Butthead. And seen together the most talking and interacting. A few have pair ups of companions, partners, or friends: Xemnas and Saïx/Saïx and Axel (for the most part, a broken friendship of the past) Axel and Roxas (Axel preferred Roxas over Xion, so I'm not counting her in. Not to mention that I don't believe in their "trio") Xigbar and Demyx Lexeaus and Zexion Marluxia and Larxene I was talking about Axel's screen time in the series overall. It bothers me. This character is getting all this drive, and the rest, 10 more that belong in the same Organization, are just standing there, while he's moving. I really don't like favoritism and bias when it comes to a game, or any type of work (oh, Axel was the staff favorite, so we gave him everything). You ignore all else, and that's what's happening here. SE/Nomura are particularly guilty of this. I just find it bad that they have to use Secret Reports to actually develop characters. It's stupid, in my opinion. If you're going to create 13 characters, then might as well do the job of actually trying. Days was a disappointment on that level in terms of the members. It should seriously be called: Roxas-Axel-Xion 358/2 Days...and those other members or whatever their names are. Lots of people pick on Roxas, truthfully. Larxene puts him down, calling him stupid (then again, in the beginning, he is really absent minded and clueless. Not his fault due to him not having memories, but for the most part, all he answers is with silence sometimes). Lexeaus bitchslaps him. Xigbar and Demyx pick on him (and Xion). Saïx is...Saïx.
Days was basically wasted entirely on Xion, some ill-fated newbie with a tragic destiny instead of already established characters that were asking for development. It's just damn sad that the only depth we get are in the Secret Reports instead of the actual game. Seriously. Just say that Xion was a mixture of Riku Replica's and KH2 Roxas's stories, and be done with it. Nomura is always weird like that. Hell, AXEL gets all the damn screen time, while the rest of the members are statues that never move forward. Days is, really, the RAX DS cart...and some other members here and there, meh. I detest favoritism and bias on a director's part. Or in any work. But that's another aspect for me to rant on. Either way, from what I'm aware of, the cut scenes taken out were: - The Roxas/Genie scene where he's all "D:" in the flying carpet. - The Axel/Saïx scene that started this topic. - The part where Xion jumped in to save Axel and Roxas from Heartless near the clock tower, and they were both glaring at her. Though, don't know if that counts since it's Xion in there anyway. Maybe some other scenes were switched.
Let me reinstate it. I meant that the cut scenes were taken away, and replaced with Xion scenes that reflect her character. Not that she had anything to do with those exact scenes precisely. It's word from even Nomura's own mouth that they definitely scrapped certain animation just so Xion can get her extra screen time. Yay? If he wanted that, and there was a size restriction, the only way to fit it is to take those predetermined scenes out, free the space, and substitute it with Xion galore.
Actually, I don't know where, but recently in a Nomura interview, I believe he admitted that some scenes were cut, and replaced with different scenes that reflect Xion's character like we haven't had enough of that forced sob story >.>. I guess that meant the Genie scene where Roxas is all "D:" met its end on top of the Axel and Saïx scene. And apparently some other worlds that we first thought Nintendo Power messed up in, but might have been taken out, and were not informed.
Why, hullo there, Nymph =P.
I'd say. They're friendship is falling apart though, obviously. Saïx had changed. Things changed. Though I wonder why Axel always follows what he orders like a good boy and his dog, just to further Saïx's own plans. It doesn't sound like something he'd do unless there is something there in return. I find him much more sexier as a man D:. I can rape him. Darn Nomura.
There was always just something that never got old when he watched the sunset. No matter how many times he sat in the clock tower, in the same town, in the same place, it never felt tedious or repetitive. He wondered if Roxas thought it that way too. This particular twilight wasn't that deep into the evening, not enough to bring the more brighter colors out, like pink, or purple. And it didn't sink in the horizon to make it that much more radiant. It still held up, even just a bit. Yet, he preferred it anyway. It was fine for the sky to be a slight navy, the clouds nearer to the excessively bright, yellow ball casting a sort of orange tint to them and anything around it. And if he looked in the right angle, there could be a light flare that was more comparable to a red-orange. And there was also just something in glancing at the whole of Twilight Town from so high, so far that the lush, green forest and slopes were able to be etched and seen. And as he took another bite into his sea salt ice cream, mostly done with the treat, he liked this tradition that it had become. It was quiet for the most part as both of them devoured their dessert, but Axel turned to the blond boy as he looked at the scenery. "Have you heard the rumors?" "Hmm?" Roxas hummed absentmindedly, tearing his gaze away from the backdrop that was the glittering hue of the sunset himself to look at his friend. There was just something that he liked when sitting here. It never got old, no matter how many times they rested in the clock tower, or do the usual things. Even the sight from this height remained renewed. It was refreshing after each mission, and the conversations were interesting to him. He looked forward to every day to hang out and eat ice cream together, as he thought of always going back to this place when his work was over. He also learned new meanings on top of everything else. Axel taught him that friends do things like this. So that meant, he was his friend. He didn't know much, as he had no memories of his days as a human like the rest did, so he had no idea what some words meant. Or what were "friends". He didn't remember much either sometimes, or what he had done a certain day. But he was getting there. At least he thought so. Giving a last nibble to his ice cream, he had finished it in due time. Now, what rumor was Axel talking about? "You know, the one where there is some new organization that are simply carbon copies of us. They even took our ritual of putting 'x's in our names. Then again, don't know if it should be considered a rumor now anymore..." Axel muttered, finally done with his own ice cream as well, and eyeing the stick, before flicking it somewhere. It was actually real, he knew. There was some opposing group building their forces. And he didn't know how to exactly take it. Xemnas would not stand for it, that was certain. Organization XIII was unstable in itself, no unity existed. Each individual had their plans. To deal with another was just putting more strain, and who knows what might happen then. If this turned out to be the case, then they were going to be forced to stick with each other and work as one. Narrowing his sharp green eyes, he let out a breath, knowing that they should head out now. Standing up and coming to his feet, he started to walk along the platform and to the corner, motioning for Roxas to come. The boy was confused for a moment, but nodded, and got up as well. "Is there something wrong?" he asked curiously, seeing as Axel's mood suddenly took a change he didn't quite understand. When he thought back on the topic before it occurred, though, he kind of connected it. Was it honestly that serious? And was this supposed organization that copied them able to be taken as a threat? Dismissing the left over ice cream stick, he walked beside his friend, who had made a portal for them to go in. "I wouldn't say something is wrong. It's just that with the problem at hand, I would think we should be in the castle more for now, in case," he explained more thoroughly, stepping into the dark void before him, and being covered by darkness. He had only gone a few, short trips before he had materialized into a vacant hall, looking around for a moment. Nobody was here. Waiting for Roxas to get through, he pondered over how this was going to go.
Well, just inform me about it then, so we can have the private chat. She wouldn't appear with the rest.
You're actually pretty good than most I've seen, actually. So mediocre isn't that right for you. But yeah, we're a dying breed xDD. I mean, I've...
So, when do you think Antonio will be alone?
I figured it was him xD. And thanks. But as you have also noted, there are people here who can be good. Gate says we're a dying breed, considering...
It should be removed. I see no reason on keeping VMs longer as they are more...I guess like chat.
Well, not exceeding. The opposite. More like it's too short >.>.