Well, working as a secretary in a doctor's office is kind of the same thing, so the same outcome will follow. I suppose finding the job is worth...
Ah, so you will kind of evolve into the hours you had wanted. AND you get to sleep in a little. That's actually quite nice. I remember when I was...
So what are your full hours in a day then?
I will be on. You should relax too, though. Work today?
It sounds excellent! *pumps fist* Hahah! Anyway, back to working for me. This should be quite simple hopefully.
http://www.kh-vids.net/showpost.php?p=2705114&postcount=1747 There we go. I think that's the last one. He didn't leave, but just glanced at...
Oh. Well then, I'll just pretend he was there the whole time like Larxene xDD.
*pokes* I thought Marluxia was in Where Nothing Gathers.
>.> Meh. Stupid message is too short crap >/.
That's great! Because I already told him to.
I'm mostly never inspired, but I still do it anyway >.>. Yet, right.
I dare say I have unwittingly tied myself into the arts of blackmailing. And "Ms. hasn't posted in nearly a week", can turn to "Ms. hasn't posted...
Will me not posting in Thirteen be inspiration? xP J/k. Maybe.
Well, I expect you to post there when you finally need to. I told LOTO for Marluxia to break it up and go back to the castle, so that should solve...
But you know...how do you expect me to feel motivated to post in Thirteen, if you can't in War? :lolface:
I'm already working on Thirteen, booger >.>.
A lot of things distract me, and MSN doesn't help when I got people chatting with me when they know I'm there, but appearing offline >.>. So, I...
Roxas won't be kidnapped unless he's knocked out. Or else, head pounding with a metal keyblade will drum on Riku otherwise. And to be honest,...
Yes, it was a long post. Which is why I procrastinated from writing it for a few days xD. I don't know about Roxas. Gate, or Asterisk now, hasn't...
Sorry for replying so late >.<. Been rather busy, and, disconnecting myself from MSN. I get easily distracted that way. You know, procrastination....