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  1. *TwilightNight*
  2. *TwilightNight*
    Profile Post

    Tah, yeah, I'm fine.

    Tah, yeah, I'm fine.
    Profile Post by *TwilightNight* for Asterisk, Jul 6, 2009
  3. *TwilightNight*
    No, not video making.

    Visitor Messaging.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 2, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. *TwilightNight*

    It needs to be brushed up permanently, because people stereotype way too much with the color pink on men, and relate it to being homosexual or effeminate. And while it might be hard to grasp for some that pink was a male color, it's true. Pink being a feminine color is a relatively recent development in the present. So, truly, it was connected to baby boys in the past because it was a lighter form of red, which is a good masculine color. In other cultures and countries, it still is masculine. And one of them, is, yes, Japan.

    Real men wear pink, hell yeah.

    In the end, Marluxia associating with pink doesn't make him any less manly than propositioned. Or have any less testosterone than the rest of the members. For the other problem concerning his petals, they're sakura (cherry blossoms), which in Japan is very symbolic as well. Connected to samurai, who are graceful and honored warriors, and even infamously, death. Which fits into his Grim Reaper motif and how he is a representation of death itself in terms of powers. A lot of people take Marluxia for granted because of the jokes, when he's probably the most badass of them all.

    In America, on the other hand, it seems we are way to prone to making fun of men wearing pink as if it was unheard off and makes them completely gay or some sort of metro. Which isn't the case at all, in reality.


    And he looks nothing like Xaldin o.O.

    It's actually always like that in groups. Even in the Akatsuki as well. The token female among the men. It's not unheard of. However, you will think Nomura could finally stem a great female with admirable strength to be at the forefront because of this, instead of being pushed back. They either die or disappear. And most of them are Kairi clones.

    Originality has its boundaries, it seems.

    But that's another rant.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. *TwilightNight*
    Only if what happened in the manga to Larxene is true. Which I doubt, not because it isn't canon, but I saw it more of a comedic homage to the Wicked Witch of the West in the first place. Not to mention that in gameplay, lightning heals her. There must be some immunity that comes with this, or Axel should be hurt by his fire or someone else's fire.

    But with Larxene or not, I'm certain Marluxia can take care of it himself. He's quite the powerful one when he bothers, commented by both Riku and Sora when they sensed him in the climax, I believe, and Vexen it's not that much of a fighter, I think.


    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. *TwilightNight*
    Manga is not canon.

    Axel's not a side character by this point.

    The whoring made sure of that.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. *TwilightNight*


    R.I.P. Michael Jackson

    This really saddens me. I've heard his passing from the day he died, but at night when I was flickering through MTV, bored. There, the words of "a great tragedy" were said, and there was a mention of Michael Jackson, and I wasn't positive I was hearing correctly. Quite confused. Extremely shocking. Now, it's still hard for me to believe he's's just, I don't know. It's hard. You weren't exactly waiting for this to happen and it seems weird. Not to mention the plethora of celebrity deaths lately in just a week.

    Barely go in this place, but I figured I should pay my respect. Love his music (including the one above) and rightly a fan somewhat, despite not being there in his prime ages ago.

    The pedophile thing again? @_@

    To be honest, I'll take what friends, families, and those who actually knew him say rather than all the media and false allegations for easy money. And that means them saying he was a beautiful soul. It's a shame he died with a bad rep such as this.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jul 1, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  8. *TwilightNight*
  9. *TwilightNight*
    I actually love Axel. I have nothing against his character, minus the unceremonious actions he took in Castle Oblivion. The way he killed them when they were begging for their lives, as nonexisting as they were, should have been done better.

    What is starting to irritate me, and making me bitter about his character, it's that he's overrated. Him always winning polls, people choosing him blindly just because he's, lol, Axel, even when the question doesn't ask what is your favorite member. All while the others are much more fitting to win than he is in reality. On top of that, SE likes to whore him out among other characters that are stuck with no rightful development, and he's moving, while they stay behind. Nomura and his damn staff needs to put their obvious bias and favoritism aside. Personal likes shouldn't be put into work, because then other characters are ignored in the process, and don't get the lime light they deserve.

    Otherwise, he's alright. He's not the big deal that people make him out to be. If as much effort was placed into the other members like they do him, no doubt they will be way more interesting in the long run.

    I do say, however, that he is one handsome and hot pixel. So the eye candy makes it somewhat better for him, luckily.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 30, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. *TwilightNight*
  11. *TwilightNight*
    Sora needs to stop giving birth.

    That's what he needs to do.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. *TwilightNight*
    Hence, what makes her charming to me.

    It's boring to see nice, sweet, kind, soft, cookie-cutter angels every time, who will do the good thing in the end and always remain the sugar coated balls of strawberries they all are.

    Larxene brings the spice. We need someone rough around the edges. Who will say it like it is, and not give a damn.

    Which is why I believe she was completely wasted as a character with her role and dying so quick. Girl had potential.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. *TwilightNight*
    "Are you sure this was a good idea?" Roxas questioned uncertainly with a sigh, obviously concerned at the fact that they were back in Twilight Town instead of the meeting that they were suppose to be in. They weren't eating ice cream or in the clock tower. Or taking a break by walking around and enjoying the stores. No. They were fighting a bunch of Emblem Heartless, in which he had to mock them for the amount to appear. With the Keyblade, that is. He didn't know why he followed what Axel said in the first place. Well, he was more dragged into it, rather. Didn't even step out of the Corridors of Darkness before the man pushed him back in after Marluxia left. Now he was stuck working again, in which his friend justified it by proclaiming that they were still on the job when the gathering was announced and were busy collecting Hearts to be present. And to satisfy the obvious lie for Xemnas, the redhead made him call quite the number of the creatures that they can defeat to give their Kingdom Hearts a good helping that would have otherwise taken a week. Easier said than done. He was getting tired.

    With a groan, he delivered another triple slash to one in particular that was hard to kill. There was another coming at him from behind, but he heard the cling of metal as he turned around to see Axel taking care of it with a swing of fire.

    "Of course it's a good idea...okay, not really. But it will balance the loss of the meeting, I would think. Call it sacrifice," Axel replied back with a fox-like smirk as he straightened up from the recent attack he had given. Truthfully, he was quite irritated that Marluxia had come in his graceful, well-mannered arrogance to deliver the news. And so out of spite of just being informed by the man, he didn't go. He debated it for awhile, of course, yet, with the time passing they would have missed half the meeting anyway. He didn't find it fulfilling to pop in late. He hadn't meant to really bring Roxas into the situation, but it wasn't like the kid was going to get in trouble. He was his guide, his mentor, and tutor, and thus, the responsibility will fall on him the most. And if it didn't, he'll make sure it did. After all, he was the one with the idea. And to maybe play the convincing game to his advantage, it would be better to kill Heartless in more ways than they should be doing. And they were almost finished, now that he noticed. It came at the price that he was now quite parched and weary. Just a few more, however, and they were done.

    He snapped his fingers to implode four in a blaze. They remained there in obvious stressing heat due to the red color and smoke billowing out, and being the partners they were, Roxas took the initiative and bashed them gone with his weapon in one swipe. Axel gave claps of triumph despite that they had few more to execute. "Alriiiight! We work like peanut butter and jelly."

    "...seriously, Axel. That was weird," Roxas remarked, giving him one of those looks, before heading to send another Emblem to its grave with a shot of Blizzard, only to then begin slicing it apart. He gave a chuckle, though, shaking his head. It's not like they weren't use to fighting alongside each other, so coming to know automatically what move to take when one does something was natural. He didn't see the redhead roll his eyes and muttering something about a better simile behind him as he focused on the opponent he was stuck with. With the ice helping, nonetheless, it vanished quickly. Still, that was, he believed, his 20th slay as of now. And with the ones he had killed since the morning, it was really enough to him. But the remaining others, the five, were not that hard. Might as well get rid of them, which Axel was already setting off to work to. He headed towards another. His voice strained with the actions he was doing, he asked, "Anyway, what if we missed something important?"

    "Didn't you know? Dusks gossip," was all Axel answered with a knowing grin, as he immersed himself with two Heartless. One that had a huge height compared to the others he fought. Really huge. He charged regardless, having dealt with other forms like this. It was true what he said to Roxas overall. Dusks did gossip. Not the best source of information, and left things out, but he could grab one and see what it has to reveal to piece things together by himself. "Besides, if my hunch is right, they were probably talking about the other Organization considering that's the big thing going around right now."

    He glanced at the boy, a glint appearing in his green eyes. "Just trust me."
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. *TwilightNight*
    Roxas gasped as he kept attempting to breathe throughout the multiple coughs that rocked his body, blinking his watery, blurry eyes as he felt like he was going to be nauseous. It wasn't until Axel thankfully came and began patting his shoulder, that his blank mind realized what can be done to help in a second of clarity. Raising his hand, he pounded on his chest rather hard, the action perhaps able to give him just a chance to inhale. Anything. Three rough, loud coughs erupted from this, but in return, his lungs breezed in what they had needed for so long as it gave a pause to the rapid wheezing. With a few other minor coughs left over that came out, he was breathing correctly soon. Panting fiercely, of course, yet the agony ended, and he bowed his head as he calmed down from what would have been a panic attack. He could feel the perspiration on his forehead from the struggle as he wiped his skin. Shutting his eyelids tiredly as he rested his head on his hand, his mouth curled unpleasantly as the whole thing left his throat completely numb and swollen. All he could feel was the dry, parched, itchy, and scraped surface every time he swallowed. Which in itself was difficult at the moment. He needed water...he really needed water. It was fully dehydrated, and he wouldn't be able to speak that well unless liquid smoothed it out. He barely listened to what Axel was saying even, but he thanked his friend for being there. His best friend. That was right. He smiled to himself. The redheaded man had stood up then, and he reopened his eyes to see him start to speak. His expression was grave, and he wondered for a second what was wrong. The words were ambiguous, though now he did recall what had happened. Some yell, Vexen throwing something, flash of light, and then nothing. He had forgotten about the experiment the scientist was going to show them. Not that Axel had to be concerned about him closing his eyes when he directed the statement at him, as he did so willingly without a problem. A head ache was coming over, and the reminder took him back to that horrible dream. That was the worst he had so far among the rest. Last time, it was more of images, and he was told he was unconscious for a lot of days. Twenty or so. And what he did before that...he couldn't recall at all. That boy in red. Sora. Who was he? Who was Sora? He had been dreaming a lot, and the visions have been increasing just a little. To the point where now it felt real. He had not been able to sleep that much because of them. Sometimes, they stopped, so he wasn't that tired and his body wasn't as heavy. It did weigh on him, nonetheless. About why he was going through this, and why was it happening to him. So many questions...

    He could sense that Axel already raised the flames up, as he could see the light go brighter even in the darkness that his pupils were in. He was curious as to what was it that everyone was looking at it, but heeding his best friend's words, he didn't take a peek, despite the strong curiosity. From what he was hearing, something went wrong with Vexen. Or something was wrong with Vexen. Marluxia mocked him, and it wasn't until Zexion gave in his two cents that he could click them together. An ache shot through his chest. Even if he didn't get to know the elder man well, or knew him at all, it was still rather worrisome. Was Vexen...? Dead? He felt his stomach clench and swirl uncomfortably. He hasn't faded yet either...though, he couldn't imagine what he must look like. Was it that bad? Did he want to?

    Now that he thought about it, it did smell like iron...the room, that is. Like a foul stench.

    He frowned slightly, afraid to actually witness it. Maybe if they described it to him..."Axel?"

    - ✖ -​

    Larxene rolled her eyes at the boy, thinking it was an exaggeration on his part. He had a nightmare; so did everyone else. Not that she ever really hung out with the absent minded Hero's Nobody. Wouldn't be caught dead for it. Maybe not that badly or to that extent, but she wasn't interested unless she had to. Axel, however, went just like a good boy to his side. She ignored it, already bored with the picture and the situation, and merely concentrated on the thunder still roaring outside and the patters of water. Her big, deep aqua eyes shifted from member to member once in a while, getting irritated as the seconds ticked by with nothing, but silence. The only difference was that now Zexion made his presence, and so had Lexeaus. Not surprising. The two stuck together the most from what she had seen. Letting them all chatter with themselves, frown on her face at the pointless talking, she just waited. Which she didn't normally do. In fact, she was thinking of getting up from her sitting position and leaving. If it wasn't for the problem they were in, with lack of light, members knocked out, she could have not been here long ago. It wasn't until Axel took center stage that she halfway bothered to hear what was being said. The vague comments he gave to Roxas piqued her interest...just slightly, hoping this would be a form of entertainment. She breathed in annoyance when the redhead instead started a summary of the events, beating around the bush. Demyx then blabbed something that was unimportant like the rest of him, yet, it somehow had Axel shut up and get to the point. Well, at least that managed to do some good. For once. Watching him expand his fire ball to light up the whole room, she followed the direction of his gaze, and spotted something that made her freeze lawl. The splattered crimson all over the floor, cabinets, and walls near the corpse. Limbs cut off and misplaced. From her spot, she didn't catch his face, but she could see that one eye socket was gushing and filled with blood. Not that it was any different from the amount that had spilled in the ground like a pool, which would be hell to clean up. And was that an eye ball? Her face scrunched together distastefully and in disgust, her nose wriggling. "Ew." The sound got out without her consent, but it described the scene to her perfectly. It kind of made her sick for a second, to the point where she even turned away for awhile. After all, contrary to popular belief of what people thought of her, she wasn't the bloody type who licked and swallowed it like a blood sucker. Pain was a contrast to any actual gruesome sight. She did it for fun, and to watch others cower and be idiots. There's no fun in seeing ripped out muscle tissue except for cannibals. And it wasn't funny if the victims were actually dead. A vile rose in her throat, yet, it went quickly back down as she blinked, suddenly realizing what this meant. Maybe if she had a Heart she would be more affected. But she didn't. And she was fine with it. "The old irritating man is gone? Finally? Where's the damn champagne?"

    She had hated him with every fiber of her being. She had thought of so many things to get rid of him permanently. And now she was free from his ugly face forever. And in the worst way possible too. It felt so much less dirty here now. Covering her mouth as she got up to her feet, fixing her coat with the other hand, she let out a giggle, finding it a somewhat amusing and quite triumphant moment. She gave a few more chuckles before speaking airily. "I guess he does have a googly eye. Literally." Of course, she was referring to the popped eyeball with a cheeky smile on her face. Oh, the tragedy of it all...

    "Seriously. Who wants champagne?"
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. *TwilightNight*
    Not to mention the lack of empowering women and the constant Kairi clones.

    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. *TwilightNight*
    People have reasons to be a bitch. Maybe she's just bored, and that's the way to entertain herself. Maybe she'sbeen through some stuff.

    Point is, we will never know because the game gives crap development.

    Either way, she's a bitch now.
    Post by: *TwilightNight*, Jun 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. *TwilightNight*
  18. *TwilightNight*
  19. *TwilightNight*
  20. *TwilightNight*
    Profile Post

    Ditch as in...?

    Ditch as in...?
    Profile Post by *TwilightNight* for Asterisk, Jun 25, 2009