Oh shush =P. I only need Roxas to do anyway.
I'm one of those "modern girls" that insist on paying. I had a boyfriend who followed the proper etiquette of the guy paying for the date, the dinner, etc. I think it was more the way his mother raised him. One day, I went to the market with the family, and when we were unloading the bags from the car in his house, I wanted to help, and he wouldn't let me. I finally convinced him, and I carried the grocery. And the mom was giving him this look. Either way, though, I believe in equality, and I don't think one person should pay for everything. Just as I don't think the guy should be responsible for all the work and money. We've come so far, women work and can earn money by themselves, and really, times have changed. If anything, I would like the bill to be split in half. Or sometimes, let him pay for certain things, and then I pay for certain things. It's only fair. Some might feel used, or some might get annoyed by it sometimes if they are always depended on for the cost. My best friend and I do that, for example. When one doesn't have enough money, or has money, but will be used for something more important, or no money at all, we take the turn to pay for each other, and take care of everything. This way, I don't feel like I owe her, or she owes me, and we share. We both know that we are going to repay each other back eventually.
I'm torn between The Reason and Listen To Your Heart. Both are personal favorites. I'm going to have to for Listen To Your Heart by Roxette (though I like It Must Have Been Love by them better =P)
I got quite a few from our late Michael Jackson. Kind of grew up with him due to my mom being a fan, and since he was so out there in the world, I inevitably knew who he was. I can't choose a song, but got songs that are main favorites (in random order). The reds are the ones I listen to the most, and particularly fond of them amongst the rest I love: Will You Be There Human Nature You Are Not Alone Beat It Billie Jean The Way You Make Me Feel Smooth Criminal Thriller Don't Stop Til' You Get Enough Rock With You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' P.Y.T (Pretty Young Thing)
Actually, I don't even know if she wanted to be whole. In one of the KH novels, the written ones, it's mentioned from her that she doesn't think a Heart is necessary because it was painful, and that she was fine without it. Let your imaginations run wild on that one. But, on the topic of "kill", you might want to add a few members other than Larxene, considering they were willing to annihilate Sora. Or at least, have him unconscious for a long while. I believe she's nice to those that she considers good companions, and don't irritate her. Both Marluxia and Axel were one of them, flirting with Axel aside, because I still don't know what she was thinking. Don't know for the rest, as she never interacted with any other than Vexen. And we know her opinion on that old man: "Good riddance to that blabbermouth - it feels less dirty up here already." Oh, she's so awesome x3. Word to the wise; get on Larxene's good side, and you're home and safe.
Is it just me, or do I feel that this thread should be merged with What u think about Larxene??? back in the Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories section? It's basically the same thing.
In a sharp swish of his keyblade, Roxas slashed diagonally the last Heartless that felt victim to his weapon with one hand. It had attempted to sneak behind him, but had failed in its course once he turned around quickly. On the other end, as he was finished with his share, he watched Axel give the last blow to an Emblem with a weary gaze. And it ended. Finally, their work was done. A job that they didn't have to do, on top of that. How much had they slain? He didn't keep count. But he was positive it was a great helping to feed Kingdom Hearts at the expense of his aching muscles. Dismissing the Kingdom Key, he sighed, wiping his forehead from the perspiration gathered from the constant, and what seemed to be, unending fighting. Well, rather, annihilation. The creatures didn't stand much of a chance except those of larger caliber. He didn't know how this would please Xemnas. Nevertheless, it was over. And he was parched. He was partly tired, but all he truly needed was some rest, and a bit of water. A break. He eyed his best friend in a knowing stare. "I'm guessing this satisfies?" ╬ "I believe so," Axel responded casually, with slight ragged breathing, letting his chakrams disappear from his hold. He glanced around the vicinity, noting that all the Heartless were properly destroyed, amongst what appeared millions of floating pink Hearts. Yes, that would definitely satisfy. He was exhausted, however, and he gave himself a moment to get his lungs to breathe evenly from his exercise. Stretching his arms backwards, and then forwards, hearing small cracks from tensed spots, he winced at the sound. It did make him feel much better, though, and he inhaled a huge intake of air calmly. They had to face Xemnas, sooner or later, unless their leader didn't particularly care about the fact that they had missed their meeting. He was on the same lines mentally with Roxas, about a good, deserved break, and he was about to suggest going somewhere when he froze. Green eyes narrowing, they shifted tightly over to the path that led to the lower portion of the town. Of course, it was farther than that, but it didn't stop him from sensing a presence lurking near. As he then looked at Roxas, he found the boy heavily staring in the exact direction as well. He must have sensed it too... Silence ruled as both Nobodies thought about what was going on, or he at least thought Roxas was in the same process, before a very vague, little scream echoed over to them. Apparently, that was enough for the blond member to create a portal, the dark void clashing against the orange and yellow scenery, before he disappeared through it. Which shocked Axel with the sudden departure. "Rox-" Grumbling, he shook his head with a roll of his eyes, knowing it was too late. He didn't think that someone screaming will drive to go off like that. Then again...it was rather foreboding. Giving a scratch of his head, he followed after his friend, jogging through the black corridors until he found himself stepping out into daylight once more.
But I posted. Which is more than I can say for others. And Rivals isn't dead unless you let it. The RP Arena has actually been quite empty lately...
After Rivals. And reading some fanfiction =P. Besides, I think I'm not the one who you should say to get there. I've been posting.
It's Saturday, so it doesn't matter to me whether it's 4 o' clock in the morning.
Well, I am to be on MSN today. I finished War too, so there >P.
Free again? >.> Thirteen isn't moving itself, you know. But yeah, I am taking my sweet time. And you still owe me that Axel reply.
Spoiler It's already been stated by a Nomura interview that Roxas did not absorb Xion. He just inherited her Keyblade after she died. I don't know where the component memories went, though.
With the amount of guy to guy talk and friendship, not to mention that it ambiguously reeks of obvious fanservice for the yaoi fans, I think we need a look back on to what KH is actually geared towards to. Because its popularity it's definitely not by male demographic. And I don't know what kind of guy wants male characters that are woobies and pretty boys, at best. You have Roxas and Axel angsting mostly all of the time, giving vague lines, Axel in his death bed sending hot wires, Sora is a brainless dolt, who holds his best guy friend's hand, drops on his knee, and cries. The only good male characters are mature Riku and everyone else in the Organization that don't turn into a wangst fest. And they barely get the screen time they deserve unless they don't have a sob story. Continuing from above, Larxene has more guts than half of them. If not all. Your reply is basically saying that male characters are more fitting because they have more intensity and it's only right that they go up against Sora. I think we need a good helping of examples about powerful female villains in this one if you think that's the case. KH does not do the original girls of the series justice. At all. We only got one female fighter that got offed early, Larxene, and then Aqua. Kairi might be one soon, but the last few games, she was completely deteriorated as a damsel in distress. Not to mention the whole game is littered with Kairi clones that are better than the original, who apparently, are the only ones deemed important enough for a good role. For one thing, I'm glad Nomura is not the only when working on some Final Fantasy titles, and has a whole better group of staff who know how to do it right.
I agree. Even in their personal diaries, they call each other friends, with no romantic tendencies in any possible way. This goes for AkuRoku as well. They even spoke about girls. Roxas is even too unstable to wonder what the hell having a girlfriend means in the game.
Larxene. Like, dur. A weapon is any type of tool that is used to threaten, hurt, apply force, defense, and attack. A weapon can be something as simple as a needle if used in the wrong action. Zexion's Lexicon applies =P. Remember, kids. Books are dangerous. This is serious business.
My name is Jeanna, but I recently found out, after I asked, that if I were a boy, my parents were going to name me Jose Manuel.
I thought this was the perfect thread to put videos and for us to remember Michael by. And that means, good things. The things that no one ever showed, actuall >.>. The first one has to do with the Chandler scandal, since it's always good to have some facts at hand (his name was tainted by this, after all. But it's no reason to bring an argument up or anything if no one does. It's only to kind of connect all the videos), but the rest are all feel good moments. I never saw this side of him :3. I don't know how anyone could think this man to be capable of all the allegations. If you're bored and have nothing to do, here you go: