...Someone kill this guy along with his god awful avatar.
I lol'd a bit.
I hate FFX, but if there is one thing I will praise in that game it's the music. XD Agreed, "To Zanarkand" is plain awesome.
Sorry that I don't keep up with Her Highness' life and name changes. /:
LOL was that Lucifer in the BBS demo?! XDD Anyway thanks.
^Who is the guy in your sig CreatorOftheUncreatd? Anyway I've always loved Donald best, he's just..hysterical in everyway hahahha
So I guess that officially makes me a noob.
I usually stop my music when I'm reading. I can't concentrate D:
I thought people were over this by now.
Well they're all kinda castrated cardboard cut-outs. Well, except for Leon kinda - he and Aeris actually serve some purpose. UNLIKE CLOUD. HUR.
I think you have to cast the magic Magnega. I believe that's what it's called in english. D:
Yeah and hopefully you'll have it a little longer than a couple of hours. /:
Haha there will be, (they'll be characters from 1-10) they just haven't finished updating the site or the game for that matter. XD It was just to let you know that such a game exists. C:
^I think I knew once but I forgot it now. AND HAI DER ROSEXY! :'D
A...yaoi....coaster....? Rollercoaster? ?? D:???
Yes, that's what the upcoming game Dissidia is all about.
I THINK I KNOW! /i like my caps
Yeah that's good too.
I think you need a hug >: