._. get new eyes Bueno
ladybird >>;;
let it die - foo Fighters
*twitch* my eyes DX
x3 Awwws you're nce too
*dies* ,
I know rihgt? 8D Not alot been depressed alot
>.> Damn its too strong!
._. xD Im not like that
I'm re-reading the entire Deathnote Manga
<.< go rhydon use takedown!
xD I nuu like blubarryz whut? o.o
>> You sure? XD *shall win one day*
Liberate - Disturbed
FFFFF- no D8 I like plain pizza
Lies Bl ive seen you
Hmmm.......Half of it has sausage?
People Soup. Made with freshly ground black people :lolface: seewhutididthar?
Nuu Soup. Pizza?