That's awesome! :Awesome:
O.O' okay... (i could have sworn I heard SB say 666 >.>...<.<)
Some pics during fall break
I'm mostly a offensive fighter, I usually go running to the enemy and don't heal until I'm about to die XD
It depends on how healthy the school is. If there is about 10-20 (depends on how big the school is)kids overweigh then they should keep it but still offer more health chooses than junk. if there is more than 20 (still depends on how big the school is) kids overweight then they should take it away.
I really love cats! I've always grown up around cats :3
Yeah.... (it takes awhile too..) Fiesta is fun. but leveling is a pain in the butt. >.<
31 x3 xd xp
.... Xiatci, Aixtic (my nickname) laixcint, Ticanlix (with my real name)
I've used "Yushe" as a base username for many websites and for this one, I decided to "KH" it up a bit... so...... choose........ this........ -.-' (i'm changing it when i get the chance)
got the sword, ditched the shield ;D
:O Quick doodle but great resultes = Cookie! *hands over cookie*
ello' ... ... <.< ... >.> ... *sigh* It's been awhile
I know there alwas been a problem on the quality of the vids on youtube, but I have a soultion! after the AMV or something is finshed with you put a black screen on for about 3 to 5 minutes. That's feely how it works! Look:! (sorry if you REALLY hate naruto but I forgot where th other vids were that use this method)
Cool vid but maybe a little to many efects XD
that stinks
hopefully the celling XD
yo. what's up?
I don't have a PSP but it looks like a great game It's SO hard not to sniffle even a bit at the end.