lawl, Nigel Thornberry.
You should've gotten someone to stare you intensely into the eyes while they in a tough voice promised you 1 dollar if you stopped hiccuping. Works like a charm every time.
post. And yeah, have the removal like every two months or get rid of it.
Thank you! so how you been doing lately? (:
Ohhh, that's awesome!! I actually saw them live this summer as well, and from what I remember they were pretty awesome ;) Today is friggin'...
haha, so how're you? :3
I speak English and Norwegian fluently, and Swedish and Danish shouldn't be a problem though I'm not as good in them. I am currently working on mastering Japanese, and I have previously tried French though that is long forgotten x).
D'aww, I got a super long birthday! :'D <33 (and lol, I know latest reply ever, I lost my charger xD)
lol, sorry for the late reply, I lost my computer charger xD The day was totally awesome. I spent it with my family in this beautiful resort...
Haha, that's alright (;
d'aww ;3 ~
Thank you thank you thank you (;
Hey, thank you so much! I appreciate it (:
Mish should be on here :C
Haha, just me being slow as usual with the new room, thanks guys.
Lol, is it just me going online at odd times, or is no one actually using voxli anymore?
The SMASHing Peyton says hi.
Lol, lady-killer. But eh, it couldn't have been me because I haven't played in like a year, and I've never hooked the wii up to the internet....
Fer sure dood. Why do you ask? (:
Hola, yeah we are, though most people seem to think we're trolling or just find us annoying xD Sure, we'll try, though Kitty might fall asleep (;