Right, if given the choice of either revealing something embarassing about yourself or reveal something about a friend, which would you do? However, if you chose to reveal something about a friend, it will have much more serious consequences for him/her other than just embarassment. annnnd, truth. Truth or dare?
Rat wanted me to record a love message for Amaury, but eventually Rat settled for me just writing something cheesy instead. Though, I've yet to do it. Okay, the three other members are Kitty (or Oerba Yun Fang as you know her, however you spell that), What? and Llave. Kitty and What? woke up there because they're part of my search and rescue team. Kitty is part of the team as she's super badass and will kick (spirit) ass, What? is there due to him being very smart and talented and could get us out of a pickle. Llave is there because he wandered into the house due to curiosity, and later we went in to save him. The mansion resembles the one from Stephen King's miniseries Rose Red, if you're familiar with it, but basically what I'm imagining is a large, luxurious mansion that's capable of changing both shape, size and can rearrange and manipulate rooms. As I mentioned earlier we're there to save Llave, however upon further investigation our problem has now become finding a way to get out. Okay, for your truth I ask you: You're at a job interview for a well paid job. The employer somehow knows about your account here on KHV, and finds it inappropriate that you've been debating here and all in all that you have an account. Would you delete your account for the job, and would you defend the right to debate wherever you want, though you most likely wouldn't get the job then ? also, truth or dare?
well okay then. Truth.
Why is it always Amaury that some of you dare others to send love messages to?..
That would be listen to her, not him. And also, LIES.
If you're posting to reach premhood you're in for disappointment.
I'm so glad we finally got something like this for traditional art, great intiative, love the concept. We have to make sure to keep it alive, and I'll def join in on the February one :'D
To be quite frank, I think it sounds ridicilous that people would first consider populating odd places on earth before even considering what can be done to lower the birthrate. Though this might be a very idealistic suggestion, better information about health care and protection (and of course access to such things) would ultimately lower the birthrate. Though this would not solve the problem of over population, it would definitely limit it. Though I don't think I'm bringing great insight here, I did think this would be something rather obvious state over other stuff like starting to kill off people or live on the moon, no offense.
I really hope your school has a virtual tour so we can all witness this xD
This made me laugh so hard. You know, since I can more of less feel your rage/discomfort through the screen becuase I know how much this bothers you. xD
Oh lol, I remember Nauto being such a big inspiration to me when I was like, I dunno 11-13 when I did karate. I still read the manga at times though, just for the sake of looking at the art.
I have no idea how to record one, and I have no idea who he is. But, w/e tell how to record and you're on.
Not really, only after long amounts of time. However, I do know it drives jojo up the wall xD Though, what really annoys me, yet amuses me at the same time, is when you dub bella for 3 friggin' movies xD
And to annoy others :3
Someone give me a dare (;
Kitty singing would've been a miracle, but it'll never happen. Perhaps she'll mieow if forced. However, if she were to sing with you it would've my year because I generally find it extremely amusing when people sing. And in this case especially since you pick great songs and she is just awesome.
mjaaa mjaaa mieow mieow, is all I'm going to say to you :3 Sorry, only good singers get in my pants (;
Oh wow, this would not make my day, this would make my year.
I voulenteer Kitty to do this! :3
Start a noise war. Maybe eventually they'll understand the point you're trying to make.