You have "The Hoe Moe"(Pronounced "Howay Moway" to avoid insulting the female empowering profession of "Hoe") Symptoms may include... - Murder - Killing people - Kicking dogs - Backstabbing people - LITERALLY backstabbing people - Evil deeds - Stealing from the cookie jar - Pissing on cats - Stealing candy from babies - Thinking the prequels were good - Funding Osama - Funding the rebuilding of Osama - Liking Hitler - Having sex with the opposite gender Known cures are..... 1. Making yourself taller. Best method is to stretch the neck out with a tight rope 2. Bathing in the Virgin Mary's blood. Pretty gross if you ask me but whatever mayn 3. Slaying Dracula. Not an easy task, takes a true Belmont to do **** this hardcore 4. Tell your mom why she had the "Hoe Moe" gene in her in the first place? THIS COMMENT WAS APPROVED BY TUMBLR SOCIAL JUSTICE ANTI-CIS MEDIA CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE CIS SCUM
As a Rockstar employee, I can confirm that these images are indeed legit.
Let's just patch this up before it explodes into something it doesn't need to. Ghetto said "Japanese media" because Kingdom Hearts is a Japanese game hatok thought he was talking about the location of Beast's Castle Mistakes were made Everything is all good
Why don't we just add more options? Like Dislike This **** makes no sense Who thought this was a good idea to post? A god among men 1/10 back in my day trolling meant something It's beautiful
Spoiler It becomes true in the bad end
Spoiler No the world did not end. Or atleast it wasn't as bad as Junko made it out to be
Lightning is Toriyama's waifu What else is new?
Well your career depends on it kid You start mascot duty on Monday, 8:00 AM sharp
So guys We got the equipment needed to make the plushies Which lucky employee is gonna become our new company mascot?
*beep* Hey Kh-vids It's me Nomura Can't quite do that interview next week, my calender just got super filled. See apparently since I showed KH3 at E3 that means that I have to actually WORK on it and stuff Anywho, we'll keep in touch *beep*
Guys our electric bill is through the roof I think we should close down and remove the wiring in the premium employee section, nobody uses it anyway.
You're gonna have to address the higher ups about that. Bunch a lazy *******s if you ask me. They don't even have the decency to come into the meeting room.
Alright fellas What's on the agenda for today? Also it's casual Friday so come in something goofy if ya want. Just don't do anything ******ed like last Friday.
I don't know how to applaud this But great job
Actually since Ansem had gone back in time to give Xehanort super powers and **** things were already set in motion anyway.
I'm 12 years old and what is this?
1. Something being OP is not a legitimate reason NOT to use it. That's a reason you DO use it. The game doesn't FORCE you to use reflega of course but it doesn't STOP you from doing it throughout the whole game. The game doesn't do anything to tell you "Hey, reflega won't work this time around". It will ALWAYS work and THAT'S the problem with it, it's game breaking in that no enemy in the game is legitimately challenging when you get reflega. Saying "Oh, well you can make the game harder if you do this and this" is stupid because you shouldn't have to ignore a feature of the game in order to make it harder. Reflega is a stupid spell that takes all challenge out of the game and that's a BAD thing no matter how you look at it. It's a BAD feature in the game. You can or can't use it but that doesn't make it any less BAD. 2. That's complete bullshit and you know it. In Birth By Sleep I can - Throw my keyblade - Breakdance - Fly towards the enemy - Cast magic spells - Perform crazy acrobatics All with the use of the triangle button. So give me the excuse that "they don't have enough buttons". Hell, Devil May Cry 3 is one of the most complex action games out there and the only melee attack button is the triangle button. First of all, yes it does. There are certain bosses like the cutting skyscrapers and blocking all of Xemnas's bullets that require you to use reaction commands. Second of all, even if it didn't. IT'S A FEATURE IN THE GAME IT'S MEANT TO BE USED IF IT WASN'T MEANT TO BE USED THEN THEY WOULD NOT PUT IT IN THE GAME IGNORING A FEATURE IN A GAME IS LIKE SAYING "This movie is good if you ignore all the bad things about it".