Lego Star Sars O_o Thats not good OK this is weird, I was just gonna post the ELF, but apparently, my Lego Star Wars disc has vanished mysteriously, its not where i had it yesterday, it just VANISHED It vanished EXACTLY like my KH2 disc This is getting weird, first my KH2 Disc vanished, now my Lego SW disc, AND now my whole game case is gone... O_o Edit: Found the game case in my room, and then found LSW stuck in my couch cushions, lol Uploadin the ELF now OK It is labled as a .mp3 but its a hex edited .zip So download the file, right click it, and click "Open With" and choose winzip, or whatever u use
Okay, I'm gonna do something and make some codes off the ELF Code 1 Music Test Raw 202C435C 24A532B1 ARMAX D9XR-3KZK-U2CPB W6QM-JPBQ-EQ2TF //This should do something to the music, or freeze the game entirely *more codes will be posted here as I make them* Code 2 Voice Test Raw 202C0668 24A531C1 ARMAX 17R9-7VY8-MZ06G 4C5E-49M8-D57JC //As indicated by the title, it should do something with the voices, or freeze, so try giving a potion to an ally, and then see if it does anything to Sora's voice "Leave" mod Raw 201C684C 24A5C031 ARMAX HWYT-WPZK-T7QTK CYZJ-TEM5-3C0D5 //I got no clue what this one does, but I figured I'd take a gander at it, this address refered from the label "leave" so, I'm guessing it does something when u try to leave the area pvmodel mod Raw 20203B34 2484E4D1 ARMAX KKCR-77T2-75KJC RGB3-5272-4DCPQ //I'm guessing it has something to do with the 3-D models, hence the title, pvmodel Title Mod Raw 20102D0C 24847E3F ARMAX JEHQ-KFJ0-89WAX GP4G-FZJ8-6RCXY //I guess it has something to do with the title screen Oh, and as for anyone experienced (EvilMan, KHKid, Erkz) who looks at these codes, Don't ask why they probably don't work, I was bored, and I wasn't thinking right, call it "Hacking Amnesia", because I can't think, or remember
Not that I know of
max is 255, which is so you'd put FF Ooops, my bad, It IS a 0 at the start, heheheh
Ya! oh, and the first digit should be a 1 so it would be 1033FECF 00000001
PLZ don't spam, that post will be deleted by a coder Oh and Reply number 1000
I have that too! Screename on Yahoo is JLHack7
There was music? Not a complete freeze? SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! That means I didn't totally F*** it up! oh, and someone AIM me, the screename is JLHack7
Nope sorry Test this plz (someone other than Master_of_Disaster) Jiminy Mod UU4Z-M5E3-8K7FQ 48BR-HB95-U5YMK Should mod SOMETHING in Jiminy's journal
Naw, I'm just not using the codes right Just try the string mod PLZ, that is simple enough (the EXP Mod)
K, last one for today This one will mod a string (text) EXP mod NMQ5-22FY-NCJ82 GQ54-PPJ2-JBPVK load a game, go into a battle, and earn some EXP Look at where it would normally say "EXP" It should say "EXD" Also check the stats in the Pause menu OOPS, in the Gummi Mod code, I said, load a new game, I meant, load a save
Weird, huh, the first one was just a wild guess XD The second one was more of an educated guess Another Code Appearance Mod Q3DV-M3MG-F32RG M89G-U6RX-RTBNJ This should modify what happens when a char appears So start a new game NEXT CODE! Battle Mod ZQG4-EAVW-YRE8E B7QX-7BJB-0DDAK K4Q2-G9BP-AD9X4 This one will DEFINATELY do something Backup a file Then load that file Then go into a battle Next code Death Mod RV3B-FY1K-NDXEA 0542-A0BX-P19V4 Backup a file (if you haven't already) and load that file Then go into a battle and DIE see if something happens Model Mod Test X3C5-KZUB-FF1G0 GJZ2-T35Q-W820N Start a new game This one will either (A) Freeze horribly or (B) Make EVERYTHING glitchy Chroma Mod D8X5-VDW2-5W084 RDT8-RWTY-M1HED This will probably mess up the textures Start a new game and see if the colors on Roxas are glitchy Gummy Mod 2K1E-5RDK-0APW0 T86Q-MET4-5Q5FZ Name of the Code says it all (load a save)
I got a new code comin up, just wait Code Test 90KW-6U10-8J673 X28T-RW6G-BV9RX (it'll probably freeze, but you never know) (Start a new game) Next Code Char Test 1 WXDK-XWAR-JK14U P2K1-0Q7W-V2KF5 ZERW-ANCM-CYBJW (load a game, but first backup the file you load) (Go to the Gummiship menu, and name a ship) (also look at character names in the menu) Next Code Overlay test J4JQ-UUFM-2NTDG Z48M-A6D5-85WC0 7Z7H-Y0ND-7XUVW The lines referred from "Overlay" which could be: 1) the HUD 2) the Pause Menu 3) Save Menu Back up a save, load that save, and see what it does Next Code Sound Mod Test VQGV-5H44-8K9TR 2Y92-REXB-06D1F As the name suggests, this will do something to the sound Start a new game
U sure? Nothing? Nothing at all? Damn
NEW CODE!!! (needs testing) Someone tell me what this does Screen Test TBX5-14MM-4BY5Q AKVH-GNPD-V0D9R
You're welcome! JK But anyway, Xendran sent me the KH2 ELF, so now I can hack some stuff! Yay me! Whoopee! So ya, I'll make somethin (AIM anybody? My screename is JLHack7)
Ya, I think WTTD's UWM digit is 0317
nope, nothin new, not until I find my KH2 Disc do you have any codes that need converting/jokering, because now's the time
*sigh* Wait, arsenic? oh boy, what is this, a cult? anyway, back on topic... Anybody need a code jokered? I have some free time to do it for ya
What vid where? Just AIM me with it! Oh, and Xendran claims he found a code, but he said that he doesn't know what it does, which if you think about it, means absolutely nothing... T_T XD