Valdis angrily breathed a flurry of flames upon Riku, swooping on the shack of wood to try and keep her aerial advantage over the three humans. She flapped her large wings to try and knock them back, slamming her talons in an early victory dance.
Valdis, not just a tiny bird, was as large as three of Riku, and two busses in winglength. She could easily snatch up Valerie like a measly bug. Lighting herself on fire, she swooped towards the lightning bug, king to consume her as she did with countless others on the island, before the one she was attacking burned down of course.
Valdis had noticed the Gummi and where it landed. With narrow eyes, she glanced at Gexln, once again doing her awkward bow. "Master, the keybearers are here. I will go try to overpower them. I shall be back, if things get bad." With two powerful strokes, she was in the air and flying to the play island. Her form was huge, threetimes the size of her beginning self, and she was on fire too, so she looked quite menacing. With a regal swoop, she skimmed the trees of the great island, setting them ablaze.
Valdis took this as a compliment, crooning with glee. "Thank you my Lord. I am pleased by the compliment." To that, she did a "bow". It wasn't much of a bow, as it was her lowering the angle of her body and spreading out the impressively large wingspan.
Valdis nodded, her form growing taller and slimmer, the now thick tail feathers truly resembling fire. The "crown" of the head was more prominent, and the Valkyrie helm had melded within the darkness of the head, a full, sharp beak ready to peck anything. She was complete, but still nibbled on a few more hearts. She soon returned to Gexln, towering over him. "Have I done well to complete myself?"
"Master, you are a Nobody, I do not know how a nobody strengthens, but you will learn how. Eventually." Valdis chirped, swallowing down her 83rd heart, trying to scour the almost desolate islands for more. With another loud scree, she glided to her next prey, 84.
"Only when I am complete. It will take more hearts, but I will be complete." Valdis ran off, going to consume more hearts that would complete it and allow it's full use to it's master.
"It is just my growing form. All Heartless grow by consuming hearts. This is just my growth." Spreading out her wingspan, Valdis was still growing slowly. Soon enough, after heaps of more hearts, she could be able to completely take off and even carry Gexln to destinations as he pleased. For now, she could glide.
Valdis glided onto another human, ripping their heart out with her talons. She was now on the 78th heart. Growing taller, leaner, lighter, the bird qualities more present. Her once black-blue color scheme was replaced with reds, oranges, and yellow hues. Soon enough this heartless would finish it's evolution, becoming like the pheonix the heart set out to be. With another scree, another freshly scoured heart exited it's human cage. Over the course of this massacre, changes were effecting the core of Valdis too. When a heartless evolves, the heart within them slowly grow "shells", like how we humans have skulls protecting our brains. It grew in three pieces, slowly, joining together to make a rock-hard armor that only truly blunt force could crack. Precision could pierce the heart, and possibly bring back it's true owner, but it would take a lot of work.
Valdis enjoyed that her master was happy, mimicking his empty emotion. She continued to slaughter, growing more bird-like with each passing heart. A helm, similar to that of a Valkyrie's of the norse mythology, was forming on the head, protecting the little beak. Now a sound escaped her, it was like a falcon, the loud scree chilling.
Within minutes, Valdis was licking her claws from her tenth heart consumed. She barely cared to notice the slight beak forming on her mouth, or how her feet were becoming sharp with talons while her claws were becoming as feathery as her arms and body. She had already gone through pedestrians, going on to residents homes, ruining all in sight, consuming more.
Valdis gladly went off to attack the small little human, greedily ripping out the heart within and eating it with great vigor. Watching the human's body turn into dark smoke, which she gladly took in as a trophy, she went on searching for more.
"Excellent choice, Master. Let us go then." And sinking them both into the corridors of Darkness, Valdis eagerly guided her Master to Destiny Islands. They walked into the large play island of the Keybearers. The sand was hot, but she didn't feel it, or care. Her sights were set on the large residential island farther out the sea.
"Somewhere with lots of people..." Valdis purred with hunger. "Does Master know of such a place?"
"Of course my Master." Valdis nodded, wondering their next point of action. She was jumpy, ready to do whatever her master chose for her to do.
"As my Master wishes. I am now Valdis." Valdis bowed deeply, clicking with almost glee. "Tis a female name, sire. Would you like me to be identified as a female?"
"I have no opinion as to name. Maybe Master could provide me one?" The NeoShadow clicked, unable to think of names. Names weren't common, and even rarer if a Heartless knew any other name besides their Master's.
"Class, unless Master wishes me a name?" The NeoShadow gave an almost thoughtful expression, quickly hardening. "And I would only grow stronger by eating hearts, evolving as I grow stronger. I already know cannibalism is an option, tis a price to pay for them, but if it can make me a better servant to you, so be it."
The NeoShadow growled, having had enough of the fledgling. She retreated to Gexln, reporting that the Keybearers were heading to Destiny Islands. "But before we follow, I will need to grow stronger in order to be of better use to you."
The NeoShadow almost wished it could tear apart everyone on this ship, save for the fledgling, but Master didn't allow her to feast as of yet. It purred to Chester more. "Little Darkling, I am not your enemy, they are. They are going to kill you if you do anything suspicious, it is only a matter of time. And you are one of my kind, you belong with the dark, feasting on the hearts of the weak."