well i uncovered them shorty after taking the picture so...
but i dun wanna. im so unpurtyfull
cuz i have a postcard from arizona over them...
but with my mustache and postcard over my eyes i look kinda like a dude in a way http://www.kh-vids.net/album.php?albumid=3155&attachmentid=32729
omg i took and i was covering my eyes with a postcard and i really look kinda like a dude :o
i have become an englishman with a mustache :Awesome:
yeah but i luff my mustache
hey and you can just go by ginta or em or freaky chick. i got a fake mustache a few days ago and im gonna put it on soon and take with an english...
cuz KQ keeps booting from the game :K
can i throw my laptop against the wall?
you're welcome...
well my grandmother passed away about 2 years ago but i think she had it out like.... 30 years ago or something. i never even knew she had to have it done until last year when i started having the gallbladder pains but of course she had been dead for a little over a year at that point. my mom had hers out about 2 1/2 years ago and says it'll get better each day and that the first few days are the worst. but with her she said her pains were in her chest and didnt have shoulder pain from the gas. i had the pain on my side right by where my gallbladder was and keep getting pain in my shoulder from the as that has to come out but it's not like i can make myself burp so i'm stuck waiting for it to happen on it's own which is torture my mom is on her way home from work now cuz i threw up so it's hurting a bit more now then before. i hope throwing up 2 days after a surgery isn't too bad
so i had my gallbladder taken out on tuesday night and went home yesterday afternoon. it was done by laparoscopy. it hurts more recovering then it did from the pain before the surgery. it hurts to sit, stand, or walk and even move sometimes. if i burp/cough like i'm supposed to, it hurts big time. ive had a pillow on my stomach since a little after waking up in the recovery room. putting pressure on it is the only thing helping. the stupid pain pills barely do a thing for me. it even seems like they make the pain worse any advice and what not is much appreciated. and i already know it's supposed to get better each day but so far it's not happening. i also think this might be hereditary because my grandmother and mom both have had to have their gallbladders removed. i just had to have it done at a younger age (i'm 17 btw with an EXTREMELY low pain tolerance)
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One of my best friends is bisexual but honestly, I could care less. She knows I'm not like that and I prefer guys and all and we're still best friends. My grandmother and my mom always told me it didn't matter which gender I grew up to like that they'd still me either way. So I pretty much grew up with it as something that was accepted and learned to be accepting of it. If I had grown up with my dad raising me... I'd prob be a total b*tch. Going around hating people who are a different race, if you're not straight then there's something wrong with you, and all that kinda thinking. So sometimes I think it just depends on how you were raised and all that cuz it can have a major effect on your views of this kinda thing.