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  1. Rinzler
    Profile Post

    Boredom Post

    Boredom Post
    Status Update by Rinzler, Jul 31, 2018
  2. Rinzler
    Profile Post


    Status Update by Rinzler, Jul 30, 2018
  3. Rinzler
    Henllo! I thought I’d update something about Marx real quick, so the current/present version of Marx that is receiving asks will be (hopefully soon) in Kingdom Hearts SOS. I finished a new design specifically for this and am quite proud of it, here’s what it looks like:
    View attachment 49720

    It really shows the struggle of what happened to him before, (SPOILER: SEE KH SOS TO FIND OUT WHEN HE JOINS). Anyway, that’s all I have to say, no big changes... Yet. Happy asking!
    Post by: Rinzler, Jul 29, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  4. Rinzler
    Back from my trip to Costa Rica!
    Status Update by Rinzler, Jul 22, 2018
  5. Rinzler
    Marx: Not quite sure, maybe a Griffindor? Not 100% sure. The things I value in life more then anything are my friends, family and home. My biggest flaw would be sometimes I get a little too selfless, which then also puts others in danger from time to time. In three words I am; Loyal, Wise and Kind.

    Marx: Hmm... Favorite color has to be Crimson, I’m not sure why but it must do with the crimson sun rising from my home world. My best friend has to be Ziz, he’s a little Shadow Heartless runt that I found in my years of training while I was in the Dark Margin. I actually have two Keyblades now, one is “The Fiercest Wolf” while the other is “Lunar Eclipse”, one represents Dawn or sunrise and the other represents Dusk or nightfall. These are what they look like:

    (Note: Lunar Eclipse Keyblade belongs to Zodiark, I thought it would be a good pair to my own The Fiercest Wolf Keyblade.)

    Post by: Rinzler, Jul 1, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  6. Rinzler
    Just a geek hanging out
    Status Update by Rinzler, Jun 29, 2018
  7. Rinzler

    Ello folks! I got inspired by cstars, Arch's, tamale's and many others OC asks that I'd do one myself! I mentioned this back on cstars Ask, so I thought about doing it sooner than later. The slight difference is that this will be growing with my list of many OC's rather then one, kinda like a blog. I strictly ask for the questions to be PG, I'll consider later on about PG-13, but we'll see what happens. Also you can do short questions, but don't make it too frequent, as shown in some other Asks. This will start with my most cherished KH OC; Owain "Marx" Sableheart, then grow with others joining in, it will also help me a better picture about them so fill free to ask them (within PG rules of course)! If by curiosity about what he looks like, this is Marx:

    View attachment 49416

    I'll post his keyblade up later on, but for now, it's time for Marx to be in the spotlight!

    Marx: ....... Oh, is it my turn? Sorry, I space out a lot. Uh, hello people my name is Marx, I'm 18 years old and a Keyblade Master. Fill free to ask me anything.
    Thread by: Rinzler, Jun 29, 2018, 5 replies, in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  8. Rinzler
    Hey there Take! I'm kinda new round these parts, so my OC and I would like to ask you a couple questions. Go on and say hello Marx.

    Marx: Uhh... Hey there...

    He's not really a people person, I'm teaching him a little. (Eventually I'll be posting my own ask with Marx and other OC's sometime soon.) But that's besides the point! Do you have family? If so who are they and what do they like to do??

    Marx: My turn I guess... *clears throat* Take, what would you like to do when you grow up? To add on that, why?
    Post by: Rinzler, Jun 28, 2018 in forum: Workshops & Recreation
  9. Rinzler
  10. Rinzler
    Profile Post Comment

    Will do, night to you as well.

    Will do, night to you as well.
    Profile Post Comment by Rinzler, Jun 18, 2018
  11. Rinzler
  12. Rinzler