"6 minutes to get to school."
"But do you want to date her?"
"Just say if you like Sam or if you don't like Sam. Quit beating around the bush."
"Yeah, come on Danny."
"Just admit you like her."
"Not to mention you stare at Sam when you are anywhere near her."
"Astrology. Study of the stars and planets. One of history's greatest astrologists was Plato."
"What's the subject?"
"If you need any help, just ask."
"Exactly. Now hurry up and finish your homework."
I am torn between yes and no, but I am going with no because all I would do is get onto Youtube and make things on WMM. My grades would slip and I would get my laptop taken away from me.
"Well because of that my gaming skills have increase, so I complain that much."
"The only reason is because of Sam. I was stuck memorizing thing for six hours. Do you know how many nightmares I have had because of that?" OOC: G2G sleep time
Hmm maybe I'll do that. Oh snap. I have to go. Time to go to bed ( I make myself go to bed at this time)
"Whatever" Tucker replied. OOC: When does this take place in the storyline?
I wish I knew. There is nothing in the rulebook that says I am not allowed to wear them but my mom still says no
I wish I could wear these shoes to school ( I can except I am not allowed by my mom)
"Right. Look, you two go out and see a movie. I call if anything ghostly happens, okay?"
Yes, but sadly, they didn't have his KH2 shoes. Thoes would have been awesome
"I just checked your schedule. If you don't have to work tomorrow, then you are free to do anything."