Unfortunately, that's kind of impossible. I'd have to tell my mother about it, and she doesn't know the meaning of "accidents happen". And the nearest place I can think of to get it checked aren't all that reliable anyway. Again, buying something like that would be pretty hard for me to do because of my mother. I have no intentions of telling her, and she'll get suspicious if I come home with rubbing alcohol. Anyway, thanks for your help guys. I've left my laptop off for two days so I'm hoping for the best today. This can be locked now.
I love this one. Caught my eye right away. Anywho, these are pretty nice Andrew. You're doing well for how long you've been using GIMP. Great job! Now, what you can do to build upon this is add some subtle lighting effects. Lighting in the right place can really boost the image quality and draw attention to the focal. Placement wise, you should just observe the image, see where the natural light comes from and whatnot. But yeah, keep it up!
I used to love that movie. Pretty cheesy though.
Plot Twist.
So, last night whilst I as doing some homework, a small dollop of milkshake ended up on my laptop (beside where the built in mouse is) and now I'm worried something will happen. A little bit of the milkshake got under the right mouse button, so I immediately did what I was recommended to do by the almighty gods of the internet, and turned it right off. Now, posting this this morning, it seems fine. There was a small problem when I first booted it up, where it loaded my desktop but refused to load anything else (no Battery Indicator, Volume Indicator, etc) nor would it select desktop options when I hovered over them. The fan was also running quite 'heavily'. That was fixed with a reset, however. Now, I'm not sure if everything's fine. I'm going to assume that the milkshake did NOT get further into the electronics, as my right mouse button is a bit sticky and hard to press, which would make sense if the milkshake dried round about it. What do you guys think? Should I be fine apart from a hindered right mouse button?
Only if you get Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS out of your sig (or that's what I assume it is)
Ass-hole .
School's back B|
Totes .
Let's all impersonate Nova.
The only type of boobs.
When I wanted this thread to be active, I never considered this as a topic. Carry on.
I can't dance, I have two left feet.
Hey, not much, how about you? Yeah, I will go back eventually. I might do that soon while I think of a new theme.
Spoiler I bet you can't guess who I am.
The brony community.
So. I was walking home from school, and all of a sudden some random woman came up to me and told me I looked good in my school uniform. Just proves I get all the cougars.
He certainly was...odd. Aelita's where it's at though. All dat pink.
I came for the ponies. Where are my ponies?