33555 :/gasp:
... I so knew that... I love the Elder Scrolls series... That's pretty much the reason I NEED my PS3 back! It's coming back on Monday!
XD Sadly, I don't have Sims 3. I find it kinda pointless as long as my Sims 2 works. 'Sides, I don't have enough space on my PC, between the...
O.o Thank God I have a PSP!
Yes I did. My ears were bleeding... The fire fighters got annoyed with him after the second time...
When I played the Sims 1 my Sim's microwave caught on fire THREE TIMES before he succeeded in making food!
Lol! Once mine died in a hot tub fire...
Axel bought a cheeseburger for
toasted a jelly bean until
and so the Jaws theme started to play until
We have two math teachers... The other one hates me... I think it has something to do with how I said burning sims on the Sims 2 is fun... XD
and so she fell into the pool
namine, and then
Goofy joined in, until
At least our math teacher is nice.
The worst is shapes and the like.
as Sora waited on my pet toaster while
Xemnas dove into the pool and
full of kangaroos and
mowing the lawn