even angrier at
maul the shrine but then Riku
started screeching at Sora about
but then realized a few were missing because
and screamed when she noticed
I use Internet Explorer... It's what I've always used, and since I haven't had barely any trouble with it, I will continue to use it. ^^
Those Who Fight (Piano Version) from Final Fantasy VII Advent Children
XD I love Sora and SANTAAAAAAAAA! I also love Demyx in the Underworld, "Run, run away!"
I would get a DS just for 358/2 Days. I got a PSP just for Birth By Sleep... But anyway, you don't even have to get the new DSi, you could always get a used DS lite. And, hey! You may even find more games on the DS to love (such as The World Ends With You)!
33582! Holy shiznips!!!!!
I do! I have an army of PJs. My favorite ones are the silky ones, because I overheat easily... ^^
I'm pretty supersticious. Y'know, knock over salt and all that... I don't believe in the black cat stuff, but I do believe in ghost stuff (like it gets cold when they're around). My friend thinks I'm crazy, but you never knowwwww!
took out a huge butcher knife and
to McDonalds for a
but the bunny meat did not make me happy at all, so
I swear, if I ever meet that woman... How could she say such terrible things?! She has the face of a crazed shark!
it was April and rainbow bunnies were in season for
buy a cat and some stockings for
lovin' and nachos, so he
Which was actually Genie, who