No probs. XD Once my friend had such a bad cold, she had to stay home from school for a MONTH! .O. I thought she was dead in a ditch somewhere!
Awww, that sucks. I hate colds! >.< Good thing I have such a great immune system... Get better soon!
yaoi manga which he had cleverly hidden
Kadaj from FFVII:AC~
that he was the most powerful thing in the universe, which explains why
and was actually 0, which shocked
Well, it turns out Sora's power level was
Everyone has a fear, no matter how hard they try to hide it, bury it under other things, the fear is still there.
and chocolate sprinkles for
ran back home to get
Nice to meet'cha as well. I'm good, how about you? I get my braces off tommorrow! YAYZ! Love your page...
One-Winged Angel from FFVII (XD)
and whipped out his sitar and
Final Fantasy 7, baby~ But, of course, I would suggest getting Crisis Core for PSP beforehand!
and then gave riku a swirlie as he cackled maniacally (like vexen) but suddenly
Cheeseburgers pwn. 'Nuff said.
bathroom and
and went to go write emo poetry with
which was actually Zexion
peanut butter jelly and a baseball bat! So