Once again, your choice of words are excellent and you keep a steady pace through the whole thing. Creative and imaginitave. I would not call this "random failing", more like "expressive work" that came out wonderfully. What kind of title would you call this? XD Keep up the writting. ^^
To answer the first question: No. < Spoilers mentioned throughout post > It's fitting that Sora had won the fight, since the game usually gives the idea that the heart is power. Yes, Roxas did let his guard down, but he fought Sora to test, not only his powers, but his heart and find out why he was chosen by the keyblade (Who chose him is left unexplained). Sora winning could prove that his heart is his real power and Roxas, who has no heart but able to sense Sora's, couldn't call the full power of the keyblade. ((Blah, I really can't explain this.))
Your writting style is fine and the detail is wonderful. I can see you put much thought into this and I spotted almost no mistakes. Well done, I enjoyed this.
Took the words right out of my mouth. I mean, America did have an edited version of Kingdom Hearts 2.
I must say, for the second picture of the PSP opening, I'm loving the munipulation done for it; Mickey especially. Too bad the guy who did all this messed up the DS one with getting the titles wrong.
I've been trying to look for an Organization cloak around the net, since I doubt I'll be able to make my own perfectly. But, if I do not find one, the simple witch/vampire look would be ok. Only dressing up for a party on that day, though. I feel so simple. XP
I think it looks completely awesome and neat work for whoever did that. Nice find.
Alright, I love how you began; not many grammar mistakes and the detail was put into thought to keep the reader interested. But then you went into script form somewhat, only dialogue and barely detail for the characters for the reader to really form a picture in their minds. In all, I say that what you're getting at with idea's are good. Keep up, sounds interesting so far.
The word "moment" in the second line. The n is in the wrong place. By the way, if you have more writting, show it off, I'd be happy to read them.
Creative and well written, much thought put into this from what I can see. I spot only one spelling mistake, but the mood protrayed by the use of words make up for it in the readers mind.
Kingdom Hearts 2 came out surprisingly well for a sequel. Usually nowadays, sequels are the same thing the first part was, so it makes the whole thing old and awful. Controls were better in the second compared to the first Kingdom Hearts, especially camera work and the menu located at the bottom left. Not to mention the animations improved for the better.
This looks really cute to do. It wouldn't hurt to try it for fun, so I wish everyone luck with it.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts 2 (( I actually rented Kingdom Hearts before, but never finished it until I finished Chain of Memories some time later. Playing order would be in the original order. ))
How things are so far, it's only a theory to believe that Xehanort was/is a part of Terra at one point or that they are even connected somehow. Only speculation can tell so far at the moment even with the evidence. However, for what I believe, yes, Xehanort has a relation to Terra somehow.
I don't like it when it's really quiet. A feeling of paranoia threatens to overtake me and I hate it. But to be afraid of something... scorpions.
I vote Re: Chain of Memories. It's true I do not have the game, but from what I can see, having the characters in full 3D with GREAT facial features is entirely incredible. Brings the characters personality to life and (Need I mention) I think Xehanorts Heartless was protrayed really nicely here compared to what technology could be done with him back in the first Kingdom Hearts. Same goes for the others characters and being able to experience what the first introduced Organization XIII members were like.
Actually, I believe it's a pretty good chance. I mean, Haley Joel Osment is a real actor, isn't he? Due to the "Dead Man's Chest" and "At World's End" movie still in production back when KH2 was being produced, the three actors didn't have time to do the voices needed for their characters within the game (Or so I've heard). To be honest, the actors playing the "Pirates" characters in KH2 were very well done.
Thank you, guys! I'm sure I'll meet many nice people around and I'll keep you in mind if I have any questions, RoxasvsRiku. Don't worry, La Sofa, I don't assume without knowing first.
Hello, everybody. My name is Soulright, short for an annoyingly long display name I came up with a few years ago. I find it polite to introduce myself and say hello before I get started posting here and I have looked over the rules and some important sticky's among the board so I don't mess up with anything. As a fellow Kingdom Hearts fan, I hope to have a great time here and help myself and others with information, if possible, and keep up to date with the Kingdom Hearts universe. Hope to see you all around and best wishes.