So here's a question for everyone; Who is planning on looking up the Japanese cutscenes before it's released in English? I still haven't quite decided myself. On one hand, the dialogue won't be spoiled for me, since I don't speak more than elementary Japanese. But on the other hand, I know there's going to be a lot of visual spoilers, such as the identity of Vanitas. Also, does anyone happen to know if younger versions of the Final Fantasy characters are going to appear in Radiant Garden? My guess is that they won't really take part in the story, but that we'll see them walking around the town.
Heh. You made the release date January 9th, 2011. :P Still no word on a US release date though, huh? Why does Square Enix delight in torturing us? :(
I'm thinking Roxas' connection with Ven has to be a lot deeper than that. I'm not even totally convinced that Roxas really was Sora's Nobody, to be honest. He had none of Sora's memories (until Namine started messing around with them), Sora existed just fine without him, he, in all likelihood, had a heart (as speculated by Axel in KHII:FM+) and he looked and sounded exactly like Ven.
Roxas, Xion, Ven and Sora are all deeply connected, obviously. I don't think Xigbar wouldn't have seen Xion as Ven otherwise.
The pictures are great, but I kinda wish the background wasn't so bland.
My guess is that it has something to do with Ven asking to be "erased" in the trailer. He'll probably be forgotten, much like Xion was at the end of 358/2 Days. In fact, I'm betting it will be a lot like that, since we know Xion and Ven are strongly connected in some way.
Interesting. Based on his design, it kinda looks like Zack is actually supposed to be from Olympus Coliseum and that he's not just a visitor from another world. I wonder if the same is true of Auron and if we'll get a cameo from him?
It's not that I want them to age. I just think it's a little silly to even have them in this game when they're children in the later games. But I'm just nitpicking. As has been pointed out, this is Disney. :P And I admit, I'm a little annoyed that all of the future Organization XIII members look exactly like their Nobodies. It seems a bit lazy. Though it is nice to see that they put some effort into Braig's design, removing the eyepatch, scars and grey streaks in his hair. And it could be that there's a story explanation for why Xemnas looked different from Xehanort. We'll just have to wait and see.
Wait...Why do Huey, Dewey Louie appear to be same age as in KH1 & II if this is ten years in the past? Whoops, game designers.
Ooh! The Master is cool! Love his samurai look.
Christopher Lee! And Jesse McCartney! AND CHRISTOPHER FREAKIN' LEE!!!!!!!!! AAAHHH!!!!! :bounce: Wow this trailer made my whole day. I can't wait for September now.
For some reason, Roxas looks about ten years old in that pic...
Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.:sleepy:
Hehe. It's funny to see how unpolished the game was in the really early videos.
I know that was my point. I think it's good too, but people get beat up for it.
I think Storrini was saying that people get beat up for being someone different instead of just following the crowd. And people also get beat up all the time for NOT 'running their mouths' as you put it. I believe that was the whole point of this thread. Anase said that she's quiet and doesn't bother anyone, and that's why people pick on her. I have noticed an unfortunate habit among highschool students of using all the muscles except the one that matters.
Hi...Ummm...I've never posted here, but I saw this and I felt like responding. I know it's hard now, but when you get out of highschool you will understand that it is the biggest crock of dog crap in the whole universe. What you "learn" there is pretty much useless. You've already learned the most valuable lesson of your life. "This above all: to thine own self be true." And the bullies? Forget them. No, it's not guaranteed that their lives are going to suck after highschool. They may become millionaires. The point is you won't care. You'll be out of there forever, free to forge your own path.