Thanks. ^_^ I wish I could claim credit for the text, but I did make sig itself. :P
1. I totally disagree. I thought it was a very bad game. I didn't have any fun playing it. I didn't even enjoy the story. Honestly, I thought it was one of the most tedious games I have ever played. If you have a different opinion, fine. That's your right. That's why it's called an opinion. 2. I also disagree here. No, my intense dislike of Xion doesn't have anything to do with the system. But the developers were severely handicapped by the limitations of the DS. Therefore missions had to be shorter, and the ability to tell stories in the different worlds was limited to tedious text boxes. 3. I actually agree. If they were going to put a game on the DS, I'm glad it was Coded and not Birth by Sleep. Seriously, I'm not trying to insult anyone's honor or tell them that their opinion is wrong. This is just my personal opinion. I did not like 358/2 Days and I'm not looking forward to re:Coded. Sorry if anyone is insulted by this. But really, that's your problem and not mine. *shrug*
I hated it because I thought the mission structure was almost unbearably tedious. And yes, the standard ingame graphics, though good for the DS, were very ugly. They were about on par with the earliest Nintendo 64 games. I also REALLY hated Xion, but that's a whole other can of worms and irrelevant to this thread.
Right, because...y'know...358/2 Days was so fantastic, we really needed another KH title on the DS. *sigh* At least it's just a remake and not a new game. That lessens my annoyance somewhat.
Leonard Nemoy and Mark Hamill in one game? Thanks, Square Enix. You just made the universe implode. :P I actually love Nemoy as Master Xehanort. I think people get too caught up on how the Japanese voices sound and then get antsy when they hear the American voices. Wikipedia is your friend.
If the news about a new world is real, I doubt it would be anything substantial. Maybe just a Hundred Acre Wood portion. I'm also willing to bet that any new content will probably come in the form of new bosses, like in KH1. They might let us fight the other two Titans (Fire and Wind) and/or Sephiroth. I kinda hope they let us fight Chernabog again, but in the setting from Fantasia. That would be epic. :poketoungeb:
I love how having a different opinion is now considered trolling. Absolutely love it. I'm sorry that I think Xion is a Mary Sue. I'm sorry that I think the game had ugly graphics. I'm sorry that that the bland, repetitive missions bored me out of my skull.In general, I'm sorry that I didn't like the game. But you know what? That's my opinion. I'm entitled to it. Get over it.
It wasn't necessarily rigged, but it was definitely skewed. Awards given on the basis of public voting are always going to be skewed. It doesn't matter how good something actually is. It just matters how big of a fanbase it already has. I heard somebody make a good point about these types of awards recently. They said that if the Academy Awards were done that way, Twilight would win in every category.
Yeah, but saying a game has good graphics for the Nintendo DS isn't saying a whole lot, is it? All that's saying is that the DS has crappy graphics, but that 358/2 has slightly less crappy graphics. But honestly, that was my smallest complaint about it. The gameplay was horrible. Go to a world. Kill Heartless for 5-10 minutes. Yay! You win! Now go do it again, while occasionally watching crappy text box cutscenes. The only break from the monotony was the exploration missions. And I still intensely dislike Xion. Apart from her Mary Sueness, there was no valid reason for her to be there. She was just an incredibly angsty Macguffin. Sorry, but I didn't find think there was much to like about 358/2 Days.
Meh... I thought it was a highly mediocre game. The story was okay, but the gameplay was mind-numbingly repetitive and the graphics (apart from the cutscenes) were not attractive at all. And I'm assuming Xion was the winner for "Best New Character," which I also don't get. I thought she was the worst sort of Mary Sue. If I didn't know any better, I would swear she was born of bad fanfiction.
No offense, but how is that for you to say? Nothing is "irrelevant" in the overall story. Important things happened in CoM that connect with events in all the other games. Furthermore, Castle Oblivion keeps popping up outside of CoM. It played a big part in 358/2 Days and we see how it was created in Birth By Sleep. I doubt Square would keep bringing it up if it wasn't going to be at least marginally involved in whatever will happen in the future. At the very least, we know Ven is there and that Sora will probably have to journey there to find him. Whether or not that means Sora will regain his memories from there or not is impossible to say. But regardless, nobody but the good folks at Square Enix know what's going to happen. Therefore, every idea is as credible as the next at this point.
SPOILERZ AHOY!!! *** So many questions raised by this game. We're left with the hint, based on the people who called his name, that somehow Sora is going to "reunite" Namine, Roxas, Xion, Axel, Ven, Terra and Aqua. So are the Nobodies going to become individuals? Will Roxas and Ven be different people, or will Sora just separate the Ven portions of Roxas from himself? Is it significant that both Xion and Vanitas have black hair? I think it's possible, since Xigbar saw Xion as Ven and Vanitas is, from what I've read, an Unversed created from Ven. And how does Axel factor into all this? Is he just Roxas and Xion's friend, or is his connection to them deeper? And how does-oh dear I've gone cross-eyed.
I really wish now that I could speak Japanese. But I gather that the next game will again feature Sora and will finally tie all of the plot points and characters together (hence the possible title it showed, Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts.) Hopefully this new game won't take five years to be released.
They haven't lost the rights to Passion/Sanctuary. They used it for 358/2 Days. And besides, I don't really see how it would have fit any better than Hikari/Simple and Clean. But I agree with Mish. They reserve new songs for numbered sequels. I personally didn't have a problem with the opening.
When I watch this (slightly spoilerish. beware) - - I can practically hear the fangirls screaming.
Lol it said June 1st like 30 minutes ago. Yeah, Wikipedia sucks. XD
Don't know if it's true, but Wikipedia is now saying the US release date is May 15, 2010.
Yeah me too. The guy who voices Xehanort (sadly not Billy Zane any more :nono: ) said that he has a role in the game, but couldn't say what it was, so maybe he's voicing Terra.
I don't know, but I do have a bit of a wild theory. I'm thinking it's possible that Ven and Vanitas might have their hearts or maybe their souls put into Sora and Riku. That would explain why Roxas looks like Ven and why there are such distinct similarities between Vanitas and Riku. I'm also thinking that the same might happen for Master Xehanort and Terra. And possibly even for Aqua and Kairi.
- Ven's connection to Roxas, Xion and Sora - Vanitas' identity - Master Xehanort's connection to Ansem/Xehanort and Xemnas - How Aqua's armor and Keyblade wound up in that room beneath Radiant Garden - How Terra ended up the way he did in KH2: Final Mix (assuming that was Terra based on the armor) and why he thought Sora was Xehanort