Hooded man:"Hmm..you look like an odd character.What do want?" *points sword at him* "I dont want any more problems i already have so if i was you i leave right now."
but i kinda miss the thread :(
idk last night i was bored and i suddenly remembered this
my old computer broke down and it took a while to get a new one and i forgot about this place
yea go ahead
me to im tired as sin
Cowboy Bebop is a great show loved the movie
Sep 2 worst spot to land on
shells well actually their rocks i find at the beach...yea i no
thanks for the help
anywhere on a message or my signature
i no i thought i was the only to
oh yea that pokemon movie i remember that i broke down in tears when that happened
so sad it had to happen to someone so young
alot of movies Click, Armageddon, Wall-E, Reign Over Me, and alot more
why did the thread go?
i guess your right
yea but overall she sounds ok..maybe a little odd watching those shows