I don't mind a card-based system. COM was the first of the games I actually owned, so...it's quite important to me.
how many posts do you need to get premium?
Me neither, and I never want to...*is reminded* My friend told me how she watched it yesterday, even though she dosen't like it, and I was all 'ew, why?'
wow, HSM...I feel your pain...that must have been horrible.
Not to mention, there are a whole lot of extra things in KH2:FM.
lol, it was albino? with fangs? heh...fangy
well...since no one else has said this as a KH moment of theirs... I leveled up Roxas in KH2 to level 21...just because I didn't want to stop playing as him...and I have done that more than once. But I don't think it is that big of a deal...
*shudders* it was white? I don't think I have ever seen a white spider...
there are no words to describe the horror of reading that poll...
*is reminded* Huh...I wonder where that scary spider I saw a couple weeks ago went...it was under my desk too...
every one feels like that at some point or another. I know I have.
wowah...don't cry! How exactly are you messed up?
...aren't we all...
Yeah, that is pretty much exactly how I feel.
Ha, I am the exact opposite of that. I need to save up for a PSP. Anyways, I just want to see the actual trailers!
yep...I am.
ha, yeah. *giggles uncontrollably*
heh, yeah, it was a couple days ago when I was also re-reading HP VII...I am so glad I am not the only one who is doing that.
Saix: Blue, elfish, and twinkle-y
mine's February 14th...